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From Minor Literature to Neoliberal Noir: The Detective Novels of Sergej Verc
Primož Mlačnik, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: In this article, we analyze the politics of representation in the detective tetralogy (1991-2009) of the late Slovenian and Triestinian writer Sergej Verč. Addressing several aspects of Verč’s primary literary semiotic device of schizophrenia, we trace a simultaneous literary and chronological shift from minor literature to neoliberal noir. We expose the fundamental representational ambiguity by analyzing the detective triad (murder-victim-criminal), the fetishization of detective clues, the erotization of detection, and the underlying binary oppositions. Verč’s detective novels critique the Slovenian capitalist transition but also reproduce culturally conservative representations of gender, sexuality, and family.
Keywords: Slovenian Literature, Sergej Verč, Minor Literature, Neoliberal Noir, Trieste, De(mythologization), Schizophrenia, Politics of Representation, Detective Novels, Critique of Capitalism, Cultural Conservatism
Published in RUNG: 15.12.2022; Views: 1939; Downloads: 24
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Poetic representations of Trieste in the 20th century
Ana Toroš, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Methodologically, the article comes from geocriticism, the field of comparative literature. The research focus is on poetry about Trieste in the 20th century, on the analysis of the poetic discourse about Trieste which reflects different historical interpretations of the Trieste region through the poetic representation of Trieste. Thus, the article analyzes the literarization of Trieste by poets from the Slovenian Trieste community, poets from the Italian community, and authors from the Istrian Trieste community, taking into account the multifocalization of views on a specific reference space. Based on the corresponding corpus of poems, we have captured the intersection of the poems in the representations and feelings of the decaying and disintegrating Trieste after the Second World War. At the same time, we identified different representations of the city over time: Trieste as a Roman city; Trieste as an Italian city; Trieste as a symbol of pain; Trieste as a symbol of alienation.
Keywords: Slovenian poetry, Italian poetry, Trieste, Istra, geocriticism
Published in RUNG: 29.07.2022; Views: 2232; Downloads: 0
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Minority Literature in the Majority Language: a New Paradigm? The Case of the
Ana Toroš, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The present paper addresses the issue of bilingual literature and studies the relations between the majority language and the minority language within the literature of minority authors. By using the close reading method we examined the contemporary phenomenon of producing literature in the majority (Italian) language by the authors of the Slovenian origin living in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region in Italy. In this regard we found out that the linguistic shift from the minority (Slovenian) language to the majority (Italian) language does not inevitably lead to the breakage of the links with the collective memory of the Slovenian minority community in Italy and thus does not induce a change in the manner of the literalization of the living space of the Slovenian minority in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Keywords: Minority literature, collective memory, Slavia Friulana, Trieste, Elena Cerkvenič, Antonella Bukovaz
Published in RUNG: 04.01.2022; Views: 1969; Downloads: 0
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Marisa Madieri, Jan Morris and Irena Žerjal : English, Istrian Triestine and Slovene literarisation of Trieste and the surrounding area at the end of World War II
Ana Toroš, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper analyses the ways in which the town of Trieste and its surrounding area are portrayed in literary works in the period following World War II. To this end, we have adopted a comparative approach in analysing three novels about the town of Trieste written by Irena Žerjal, Marisa Madieri and Jan Morris, belonging to different cultural and language traditions. Our analysis applied an interdisciplinary approach; geocriticism and literary imagology as well as the concepts of traumatic collective memory and postmemory. From a geocritical perspective, we have interpreted the literarisation of the town of Trieste from three different perspectives: the perspective of a Slovene author (Irena Žerjal); the Western-European perspective (Jan Morris); and the exile’s perspective (Marisa Madieri). All three authors adopt a similar approach in their literary representations of the town of Trieste, namely going back in time, which allows them to shift the action from the present to the past, i.e. to Trieste as they knew it in their youth. In doing so, each author focuses on a different part of town. In those rare occurrences where action is set in the same places, each author ascribes a different meaning to the location. While the authors acknowledge the presence of the Other in Trieste, this has a negligible impact on the novel’s course of action.
Keywords: Marisa Madieri, Irena Žerjal, Jan Morris, Trieste
Published in RUNG: 04.01.2022; Views: 2005; Downloads: 11
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Minority literature and collective trauma : the case of Slovene Triestine literature
Ana Toroš, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The study focuses on the relationship between minority literature and collective trauma. Drawing on the theory of trauma, psychoanalysis, memory studies, and literary representations of memory, we argue that the trauma resulting from the suppression of Slovene identity in Trieste during fascism is transmitted into literary discourse through two channels. Firstly, through the normative model of remembering the trauma in question – namely through literary works that can be described as fictions of memory. Secondly, we paid attention to the manifestations of trauma that (unconsciously) enter the narrative structure, regardless of the time and events, which are not necessarily tied to the period of fascism and to concrete events and places of memory. In this context, we illuminated
Keywords: collective trauma, collective memory, minority literature, Trieste, literary representations
Published in RUNG: 01.07.2021; Views: 2844; Downloads: 0
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Teaching minority literature: the case of Trieste
Ana Toroš, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: The paper presents the guidelines for teaching minority literature in the Trieste area, namely at the Slovenian and Italian high schools in Trieste. The teaching method proposed was created as a result of the need for new approaches in teaching literature due to the increasing heterogeneity of the population of high school students. The method takes into account the specific factors characteristic of the Triestine literary system, which affect the production and reception of literature in the Trieste area, that is the turbulent history of this territory during the 20th century and thus also the presence of various traumatic collective memories and postmemories present in this area. Considering these facts, the new teaching method is based on memory studies and literary imagology. In terms of the selection of literary texts it shifts from the nationally prescribed literature curriculum towards regional comparative literature.
Keywords: Trieste, Istria, minority literature, collective trauma, postmemory, literary imagology
Published in RUNG: 06.01.2020; Views: 3343; Downloads: 0
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José Manuel Carita Gonçalves, 2018, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: The available classical diagnostic methods, due to many disadvantages, do not allow effective detection of pathogenic enteric viruses in environmental samples. Due to low concentrations of pathogenic viruses in the sea, it is important to develop an effective concentration procedure for their successful detection. In the first part of the doctoral thesis, we focused primarily on the development of a protocol for an effective concentration of pathogenic enteric viruses in coastal water samples. Monolithic chromatographic columns (BIAseparations) were used for the concentration of rotaviruses and noroviruses, prior to the detection with reverse transcription quantitative PCR in real time (RT-qPCR). We tested the efficiency of concentration using columns of various chemical properties and selected pathogenic enteric viruses (rotavirus and norovirus). Among them, hydrophobic interaction monolithic column (CIM® C4) was the most effective. CIM C4 was used to optimize the concentration step and tested in waters with different salinities. The presence of concentrated viruses was confirmed by RT-qPCR and transmission electron microscope. We have developed a protocol that enables rapid concentration of viruses in coastal waters of various salinities and can be used on-site. The presence of RoV and NoV was surveyed, using the developed concentration protocol, prior to one-step RT-qPCR molecular detection, in the inner part of the Bay of Koper, in mussel farming areas and a swimming area. Rotaviruses, noroviruses and fecal indicator bacteria were frequently detected in the inner part of the Bay of Koper. Rotaviruses and noroviruses were detected in the studied area, with higher rates close to the outfall of the wastewater treatment plant in the estuary of river Rižana and were also detected in the middle of the Bay of Koper and in areas used for recreation and mussel farming. The results show that water bodies, which are otherwise defined as suitable for bathing or mussel farming, based on the results of fecal indicator bacteria, still contain low concentrations of pathogenic enteric viruses. In addition to human pathogenic enteric viruses and faecal coliforms, changes in abundance of bacteria and virus particles were studied in relation to temperature, salinity, inorganic and organic nutrient concentrations in the organically polluted Rižana estuary. Preliminary results showed spatially and seasonally changes in bacterial and viral particles abundance, and bacterial composition spatially and seasonally. However, seasonality plays a greater role in bacterial dynamics.
Keywords: Concentration of viruses, Enteric viruses, Rotavirus, Norovirus, Feacal coliforms, Feacal contamination, qPCR, RT-qPCR, Monolithic columns, Sewage, Seasonal dynamics, Concentration, Coastal environment, Gulf of Trieste
Published in RUNG: 02.07.2018; Views: 5623; Downloads: 213
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Dokumentarnost v avtorski poetiki Nede Rusjan Bric
Maja Orel, 2017, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomski nalogi so najprej povzete značilnosti dokumentarnega gledališča, sledi predstavitev najbolj odmevnih uprizoritev dokumentarnih dram na svetovnih in slovenskih odrih. V nadaljevanju je pozornost usmerjena v dokumentarno v poetiki Nede Rusjan Bric, ki je s svojimi dramami in njihovimi uprizoritvami v slovenskem gledališkem prostoru začrtala nove smernice dokumentarnega gledališča z elementi fiktivnega. Diplomska naloga predstavlja in analizira vseh pet avtoričinih dram, ki na odru zvesto in kronološko sledijo zgodbam posameznikov, o katerih govorijo. Zgodbe, ki so prikazane na platnu so fiktivne, a dopolnjujejo odrsko dogajanje. Dokument je avtoričino izhodišče, ki ohranja svojo faktografsko podlago, a v drami zaživi na nov način in z novo osvetlitvijo omogoča premislek o že znanih (življenjskih) zgodbah.
Keywords: Neda Rusjan Bric, dokumentarno gledališče, dokumentarna fikcija, gledališče, drama, SNG Nova Gorica, Trieste - Alessandria EMBARKED, Eda - Zgodba bratov Rusjan, Kdor sam do večera potuje skoz svet, Nora Gregor – Skiti kontinent spomina, Fabiani – Umetnost bivanja.
Published in RUNG: 19.09.2017; Views: 6521; Downloads: 397
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