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Analiza odnosov med filmskimi pari : diplomsko delo
Blaž Štolar, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Moj diplomski kratki igrani film Gostja (2022) temelji na odnosu dveh žensk, ki se srečata po naključju in začneta živeti skupaj v istem stanovanju. Medtem ko ima lastnica stanovanja dobre namene, se druga trudi, kako bi njeno gostoljubje čimbolj izkoristila. V svoji diplomski nalogi preučujem odnose med pari likov v štirih filmih različnih avtorjev. Med obravnavanimi filmi je tudi moj diplomski film. Izpostavim po en par likov iz vsakega dela in raziščem odnose in dinamike med njimi z lastnim raziskovanjem in s pomočjo kritik. V nalogi opišem karakterje posameznih likov in preko dogajanja v filmih raziskujem, kako in zakaj se njihova osebnost izraža preko dejanj, vedenja, videza. Nato raziščem odnose med liki z opisovanjem režiserjevega pristopa – analiziram nekaj ključnih prizorov, ki so za like in razvoj dinamik med njimi najpomembnejši.
Keywords: odnosi, filmski pari, dinamika, analiza, prizori, film, diplomske naloge
Published in RUNG: 08.05.2024; Views: 469; Downloads: 7
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Izražanje duševnih motenj in bolezni pri YouTube ustvarjalcih, animiranih likih in v video igrah
Eva Sara Krivec, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo vsebuje nekatera dognanja o duševnem zdravju, duševnih motnjah, nevrodivergenci in njihovem vplivu na umetnost. Omenjene so različne duševne motnje in raziskanost le-teh v zadnjih dvajsetih letih ter podani nekateri primeri sodobnih animatorjev, ki se z njimi spopadajo. V nalogi so izpostavljeni izbrani sodobni umetniki, ki so o svojih motnjah in boleznih šele nedavno spregovorili za javnost, torej v času, ko je medicinsko področje duševnega zdravja že dodobra raziskano. Primeri omenjenih motenj v sodobnih medijih, kot so video igre in animirani filmi, so še posebej pomemben vzor za mlajšo generacijo, predvsem najstnike, saj so prikazani kot nekaj sprejemljivega, vsakdanjega, ne kot tabu tema, vredna obsojanja. Menim, da se je s tovrstno tematiko potrebno podrobneje seznaniti, saj je vedno pogosteje vkomponirana v sodoben način življenja in tudi medijsko izpostavljena.
Keywords: animacija, duševno zdravje, duševne motnje, video igre, animirani liki, liki iz stripov, sodobni umetniki in animatorji
Published in RUNG: 08.05.2024; Views: 392; Downloads: 9
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Hyperideal-based zero-divisor graph of the general hyperring Z[sub]n
Mohammad Hamidi, Irina Elena Cristea, 2024, original scientific article

Keywords: general hyperring, hyperideal, absorbing element, hyperideal-based zero-divisor graph
Published in RUNG: 08.05.2024; Views: 403; Downloads: 3
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Authenticity and expectations : how much do we need it in museum narratives?
Kaja Širok, 2023, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: Eno najpogostejših vprašanj obiskovalcev muzejev je: ali je pristno, ali je resnično. Muzeji zbirajo »avtentične dokaze« in skušajo pri obravnavi dediščine zagotoviti čim bolj pristno izkušnjo. Letošnja raziskava barometra dediščine je pokazala, da družba zelo visoko ceni zanesljivost muzejev, odgovornost muzejev pri predstavljanju dediščine je zato velika.
Keywords: muzeji, dediščina, izobraževanje, evropski projekti
Published in RUNG: 08.05.2024; Views: 342; Downloads: 1
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Slowenische Museen in Zeiten von Covid-19
Kaja Širok, 2021, polemic, discussion, commentary

Abstract: Durch die Corona-bedingten Schließungen der Museen ist der Bevölkerung in vielen Ländern Europas wieder bewusst geworden, was sie alles an ihren Museen haben. Nicht so in Slowenien, wo ebendiese Schließung teilweise als Ausrede ge- nutzt wird, den Stellenwert des kulturellen Erbes im Land zu schmälern. Doch die Museen nehmen das nicht widerstandslos hin und setzen sich mit aller Kraft dafür ein, dass sie weiterhin relevant bleiben und verantwortungsvoll arbeiten können
Keywords: muzeji, Covid, Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije
Published in RUNG: 08.05.2024; Views: 342; Downloads: 0
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Kako izpeljati kongres v času koronavirusa? : III. mednarodni kongres slovenskih muzealcev, 3.-4. 6. 2021
Kaja Širok, 2022, professional article

Abstract: Uvodnik k predstavitvi izbranih člankov iz kongresa muzealcev, 3 -4. junij 2021
Keywords: muzeji, koronavirus, izobraževanje
Published in RUNG: 08.05.2024; Views: 307; Downloads: 0
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Il potere dei musei per creare una società più inclusiva - educare per un futuro responsabile : predavanje na Direzione generale Musei del Ministero della cultura Musei italiani v okviru dogodka Musei italiani. An international speech, Roma, 5. 5. 2022
Kaja Širok, 2022, invited lecture at foreign university

Abstract: Il webinar affronta tematiche inerenti al ruolo dell’educatore svolto nei musei, di fondamentale importanza per rendere ogni esperienza significativa e rilevante per tutti i pubblici.
Published in RUNG: 08.05.2024; Views: 323; Downloads: 0
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Whose memory? : new museums and (political) narratives in Slovenia
Kaja Širok, 2023, other scientific articles

Abstract: In March 2021, on the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the independent state of Slovenia, Janez Janša’s government established the (national) Museum of Slovenian Independence. The official reason for its creation was due to criticism from a number right-wing politicians who argued that Slovenian museums neglected the topic of national independence and failed to cultivate the values on which the new country was founded. This was strongly opposed by the historical profession, as at least three Slovenian museums were already dealing with the subject of the twentieth century and created several exhibitions on the subject of independence.
Keywords: Museums, Political narratives, Difficult heritage, National Museum for Contemporary History
Published in RUNG: 08.05.2024; Views: 350; Downloads: 1
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Understanding differences, changing perspectives : different perspectives showing complex truths
Kaja Širok, 2020, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: Conference which explored the important role museums play in making complex matters tangible and comprehensible.
Keywords: difficult history, museology, tangible heritage
Published in RUNG: 07.05.2024; Views: 378; Downloads: 1
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Exhaled volatile organic compounds and respiratory disease : recent progress and future outlook
Maria Chiara Magnano, Waqar Ahmed, Ran Wang, Martina Bergant Marušič, Stephen J. Fowler, Iain R. White, 2024, review article

Abstract: The theoretical basis of eVOCs as biomarkers for respiratory disease diagnosis is described, followed by a review of the potential biomarkers that have been proposed as targets from in vitro studies. The utility of these targets is then discussed based on comparison with results from clinical breath studies. The current status of breath research is summarised for various diseases, with emphasis placed on quantitative and targeted studies. Potential for bias highlights several important concepts related to standardization, including practices adopted for compound identification, correction for background inspired VOC levels and computation of mixing ratios. The compiled results underline the need for targeted studies across different analytical platforms to understand how sampling and analytical factors impact eVOC quantification. The impact of environmental VOCs as confounders in breath analysis is discussed alongside the potential that eVOCs have as biomarkers of air pollution exposure and future perspectives on clinical breath sampling are provided.
Keywords: breath analysis, disease diagnosis, exhaled volatile organic compounds, respiratory disease, environmental exposure analysis, breath analysis
Published in RUNG: 06.05.2024; Views: 470; Downloads: 5
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