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Drought and temperature interaction on leaf hydraulic traits in grapevine
Elena Farolfi, Jan Reščič, Jacobs Spencer Harrison, Astrid Forneck, Jose Carlos Herrera, 2022, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: Global warming and increased frequency and/or severity of drought events are among the most threatening consequences of climate change for agricultural crops. Understanding the mechanisms of plant responses to both stressors is pivotal to successfully implement management strategies. Here we explored the effect of temperature on the development of grapevine leaves with particular focus on hydraulic traits under well-watered and water deficit conditions. We grew grafted grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot noir) in two different greenhouse chambers (20/15°C vs 25/20°C day/night) and monitored their gas exchange, leaf size, stomatal density, chlorophyll fluorescence, pressure-volume (PV) curves, osmotic potential and petiole xylem anatomy. PV curves provided clear evidence that both, temperature and water availability, strongly affected the turgor loss point (TLP) as well as the connected physiological traits. Leaves developing at higher temperature exhibited a more conservative behaviour characterised by a lower gs max and a tighter stomatal closure in response to drought. The study further discusses the results considering the coordination of traits changing in tandem and implications in the face of climate change. Key message: The ambient temperature at which leaves develop impacts on its hydraulic traits and therefore on their successive response to drought
Keywords: drought, temperature, grapevine, xylem
Published in RUNG: 05.07.2024; Views: 538; Downloads: 3
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Semiotics of visualisation in comparative literature : the case of the NEWW women writers database
Aleš Vaupotič, Narvika Bovcon, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: digital humanities, semiotics, visualization, literary scholarship
Published in RUNG: 05.07.2024; Views: 581; Downloads: 3
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Modeling of a time-dependent nuclear reactor with point kinetics : written report
Max Sablatnik, 2024, research project (high school)

Keywords: modeling, time-dependent nuclear reactor, kinetics
Published in RUNG: 02.07.2024; Views: 558; Downloads: 0
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Investigation of the electronic properties of MXene thin films : written report
Lea Gelo, 2024, research project (high school)

Keywords: MXene thin films, electronic properties
Published in RUNG: 02.07.2024; Views: 541; Downloads: 0
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Star-disk collisions as the source of quasi-periodic eruptions : written report
Aleksej Jurca, 2024, research project (high school)

Keywords: star-disk collisions, eruptions
Published in RUNG: 02.07.2024; Views: 628; Downloads: 0
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Generation of light with orbital angular momentum : written report
Ivana Sulaver, 2024, research project (high school)

Keywords: light, generation, orbital angular momentum
Published in RUNG: 02.07.2024; Views: 504; Downloads: 0
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Raziskovalni podatki korpusa slovenskih kriminalk Sergeja Verča, Toneta Freliha, Avgusta Demšarja, Tadeja Goloba, Mojce Širok in Irene Svetek s perspektivi spola, etničnosti in razreda
Primož Mlačnik, 2024, complete scientific database of research data

Abstract: Dani raziskovalni podatki so del večletne sistematične raziskave, v kateri je avtor analiziral serijske in sodobne slovenske kriminalke s perspektiv kulturnih študij. Raziskava je izhajala iz študij reprezentacij, ki prek analize ponavljajočih se reprezentacij (seksualnosti, spola, etničnosti in razreda) reflektirajo prevladujoče reprezentacijske režime (konservativne, liberalne ali kritične) in njihovo politiko reprezentacij. Avtor raziskave je v svojem preteklem raziskovalnem delu ugotovil, da so v omenjenih romanih identitete likov morilcev in žrtev prevladujoče zaznamovane s seksualnimi konotacijami (samskost, prešuštvo, homoseksualnost, promiskuiteta, ločenost, vdovstvo), ki se ne umeščajo v simbolni imaginarij heteronormativne monogamne partnerske zveze. Eden od ciljev raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako se v analiziranem korpusu petintridesetih romanih šestih sodobnih slovenskih pisateljev in pisateljic serijskih kriminalnih romanov (Tone Frelih, Sergej Verč, Avgust Demšar, Tadej Golob, Irena Svetek in Mojca Širok) seksualno neheteronormativne/ali družbeno nesprejemljive seksualne konotacije likov detektivov, morilcev, žrtev in lažnih osumljencev povezujejo z drugimi identitetnimi označevalci – s spolom, razredom in etničnostjo. Raziskovalni podatki obsegajo petintrideset dekonstrukcijskih tabel v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Raziskava ni bila financirana
Keywords: Sodobni slovenski serijski kriminalni romani, reprezentacije spola, reprezentacije etničnosti, reprezentacije razreda
Published in RUNG: 02.07.2024; Views: 650; Downloads: 20
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Back to the future with emerging iron technologies
Andreea Oarga-Mulec, Uroš Luin, Matjaž Valant, 2024, review article

Abstract: Here is a comprehensive overview of iron's potential in low-carbon energy technologies, exploring applications like metal fuel combustion, iron-based batteries, and energy-carrier cycles, as well as sustainable approaches for production and recycling with a focus on reducing environmental impact. Iron, with its abundance, safety, and electrochemical characteristics, is a promising material to contribute to a decarbonized future. This paper discusses the advancements and challenges in iron-based energy storage technologies and sustainable iron production methods. Various innovative approaches are explored as energy storage solutions based on iron, like advancements in thermochemical Fe–Cl cycles highlight the potential of iron chloride electrochemical cycles for long-term high-capacity energy storage technology. Additionally, the utilization of iron as a circular fuel in industrial processes demonstrates its potential in large-scale thermal energy generation. Sustainable iron production methods, such as electrolysis of iron chloride or oxide and deep eutectic solvent extraction, are investigated to reduce the carbon footprint in the iron and steel industry. These findings also show the importance of policy and technology improvements that are vital for the widespread use and recycling of iron-based tech, stressing the need for collaboration toward a sustainable future.
Keywords: iron's potential, low-carbon energy technologies
Published in RUNG: 02.07.2024; Views: 577; Downloads: 6
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Disruptive avant-garde art of today : shaping post-growth imaginaries for symbiotic futures
Kristina Pranjić, Magdalena Germek, Peter Purg, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: imaginary, conviviality, symbiosis, cosmopolitics, defuturing, posthumanities, intermedia art
Published in RUNG: 02.07.2024; Views: 557; Downloads: 0
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To know a tree : symbiotic mutualism and artistic exploration against anthropocentric science
Peter Purg, Kristina Pranjić, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: In order to develop new symbiotic relationships and different imaginaries, it is first necessary to critically restructure the representations of forms of cooperation, which in their positive, desired version usually represent a certain romantic idea of nature and human, and the possibilities for a harmonious model and holistic structure of reality. This can be seen in both eco art and activist ecological agendas, which often play on feelings of harmony and mutual reciprocity, and actually further contribute to a distorted and extremely one-dimensional image of reality. Using the concepts of conviviality and cosmpolitics, the article aims to offer new concepts of symbiosis and symbiotic futures that face today's process of defuturing. The second point of the article is to develop a convincing and solid alternative to the neoliberal view of market-driven models based on competencies and the logic of growth. Therefore, the actual task for disruptive avant-garde art of today should be understood as the decolonization of our imaginaries that perceive nature through the logic of growth and the harmonious model in the direction of shaping post-growth imaginaries for symbiotic futures.
Keywords: imaginary, conviviality, symbiosis, cosmopolitics, defuturing, posthumanities, intermedia art
Published in RUNG: 02.07.2024; Views: 595; Downloads: 4
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