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Museums in Slovenia show culture is positive and meaningful in the time of COVID-19 : Interview with Kaja Širok;
2020, interview

Abstract: UNESCO Intervju o tem kako je COVID prizadel kulturo in kako se kultura odziva.
Keywords: Culture, Museum, Sharing humanity
Published in RUNG: 16.05.2024; Views: 750; Downloads: 2
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A practical guide for the quality evaluation of fluobodies/chromobodies
Urša Štrancar, Claudia D'Ercole, Lucia Cikatricisová, Mirna Nakić, Matteo De March, Ario De Marco, 2024, original scientific article

Keywords: fluorescent proteins, protein stability, protein degradation
Published in RUNG: 16.05.2024; Views: 703; Downloads: 4
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Nadzor kakovosti pri izdelavi delilnikov testa : magistrsko delo
Primož Saksida, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: Magistrsko delo obravnava stroj za deljenje testa iz stališča natančnosti deljenja testa. Shematsko so prikazani ključni elementi delilnega stroja, ki vplivajo na natančnost deljenja testa. Opisana je njihova primarna naloga v stroju. Shematsko je prikazano tudi delovanje samega stroja. Opravljene so bile dimenzijske meritve ključnih elementov na populaciji 15 strojev ter izvedena je bila analiza meritev. Dimenzijske meritve posameznih elementov smo izvedli na 3D koordinatnem merilnem sistemu z mikronsko natančnostjo. Analizirali smo tudi elemente, ki so bili že v uporabi v delilnih strojih, pri katerih so bila ugotovljena odstopanja od pričakovanih zahtev za natančnost delitev testa. Z namenom ugotovitve, kako določen element vpliva na natančnost delitve testa, je bil narejen preizkus delovanja stroja z novim, dimenzijsko dobrim elementom in za primerjavo z dimenzijsko slabim elementom. Kot rezultat teh analiz je sledila nadgradnja kontrolnih postopkov ključnih elementov stroja. V ta namen smo določene kontrolne postopke definirali na novo.
Keywords: kontrola kakovosti, delilniki testa, kontrolni postopki, dimenzijske meritve, strojni elementi, magistrske naloge
Published in RUNG: 15.05.2024; Views: 952; Downloads: 7
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Political pressure and museums in times of change : lecture at the seminar Managing values: values in management, 6 April 2022, online
Kaja Širok, 2022, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: What are the values ​​of each cultural organisation? Why should they be defined and publicly acknowledged? How are they expressed? And, most of all, how do cultural organisations identify, cultivate and transmit important values ​​to the communities in which they operate?
Keywords: Museum management, Museums, Politics
Published in RUNG: 14.05.2024; Views: 609; Downloads: 0
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Stvaranje pesme i prirode kao (srpska) poetska kosmogonija u pesničkoj zbirci Tako ona hoće Milutina Petrovića
Darko Ilin, Sara Vukotić, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: kosmogonija, stvaranje, pesma, mitsko, Tako ona hoće, Milutin Petrović
Published in RUNG: 13.05.2024; Views: 727; Downloads: 0
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On-flight intercomparison of three miniature aerosol absorption sensors using unmanned aerial systems (UASs)
Michael Pikridas, Spiros Bezantakos, Griša Močnik, Christos Keleshis, Fred Brechtel, Iasonas Stavroulas, Gregoris Demetriades, Panayiota Antoniou, Panagiotis Vouterakos, Marios Argyrides, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: The present study investigates and compares the ground and in-flight performance of three miniaturized aerosol absorption sensors integrated on board small-sized Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs). These sensors were evaluated during two contrasted field campaigns performed at an urban site, impacted mainly by local traffic and domestic wood burning sources (Athens, Greece), and at a remote regional background site, impacted by long-range transported sources including dust (Cyprus Atmospheric Observatory, Agia Marina Xyliatou, Cyprus). The miniaturized sensors were first intercompared at the ground-level against two commercially available instruments used as a reference. The measured signal of the miniaturized sensors was converted into the absorption coefficient and equivalent black carbon concentration (eBC). When applicable, signal saturation corrections were applied, following the suggestions of the manufacturers. The aerosol absorption sensors exhibited similar behavior against the reference instruments during the two campaigns, despite the diversity of the aerosol origin, chemical composition, sources, and concentration levels. The deviation from the reference during both campaigns concerning (eBC) mass was less than 8 %, while for the absorption coefficient it was at least 15 %. This indicates that those sensors that report black carbon mass are tuned and corrected to measure eBC more accurately than the absorption coefficient. The overall potential use of miniature aerosol absorption sensors on board small UASs is also illustrated. UAS-based absorption measurements were used to investigate the vertical distribution of eBC over Athens up to 1 km above sea level during January 2016, exceeding the top of the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Our results reveal a heterogeneous boundary layer concentration of absorbing aerosol within the PBL intensified in the early morning hours due to the concurrent peak traffic emissions at ground-level and the fast development of the boundary layer. After the full development of the PBL, homogenous concentrations are observed from 100 m a.g.l. to the PBL top.
Keywords: Unmanned Aerial Systems, Cyprus Atmospheric Observatory, eBC, vertical profiling, microaethalometer
Published in RUNG: 13.05.2024; Views: 645; Downloads: 3
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Anarchism and the history of social movements in Slovenia
Daša Tepina, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The article is a compilation of fragments of revolutionary movements in the Slovenian region, which in one way or another were connected to or derived from the tradition of anarchist ideas and practises. It is an overview of an omnipresent phenomenon that never had or has never had a broader social visibility, but was always present in the shadows and on the margins, continuously shaping social movements and communities in revolt and offering refuge to many marginalised and oppressed people, thus amplifying their voice, which gradually changed the general social conditions. A modest overview, supplemented by archival sources from the Slovenian archives and newspaper articles from different periods. It covers a wide area of the fragmented 20th century, touchi ng at the end on the transition to the 21st century. So even it is difficult to argue that there is a history of the anarchist movement in this region, that can be described as a rooted, consistent anarchist history, and it takes a certain spirit of enquir y to discover and bring to the surface anarchist ideas and practises, we, however, can talk about fragments of historical events and groups that were connected and intertwined with anarchist ideas in various practices connected with anarchist principles. A nd all of them were inherent for an organized anarchist movement, which was established in the last three decades that we can speak today of an overtly coherent set of ideas and practises.
Keywords: anarchism, Slovenia, history of social movements, anarchist ideas, anarchist practices
Published in RUNG: 13.05.2024; Views: 847; Downloads: 8
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Nocturnal boundary layer turbulence regimes analysis during the BLLAST campaign
Jesús Yus-Díez, Mireia Udina, Maria Rosa Soler, Marie Lothon, Erik Nilsson, Joan Bech, Jielun Sun, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: A night-time turbulence regime classification, the so-called “HOckey-Stick Transition ” (HOST) theory, proposed by Sun et al. (2012) from the Cooperative Atmosphere–Surface Exchange Study-1999 (CASES-99) is explored using data from the Boundary-Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) field campaign which took place during summer 2011 in the central French Pyrenean foothills. Results show that the HOST turbulence relationships for the BLLAST field campaign data are strongly dependent on both the meteorological and orographic features. The HOST pattern only appears for nights when a stably stratified boundary layer can be developed, corresponding to fair-weather and clear-sky nights, when the flow is generated by the nearby orography, from the south and the south-east. Those flows strongly influenced by the orography may generate intermittent or enhanced turbulence. When considering the whole nocturnal dataset for these flow directions, several enhanced turbulence points are found to be associated with sudden wind speed and directional shear transitions. In contrast, flows from other directions do not reproduce the HOST relationships and the turbulence relationship is almost linear, independent of vertical temperature gradients, corresponding to flows driven by synoptic scales. In addition we identify examples of gravity waves and top-down turbulent events that lead to transitions between the turbulence regimes.
Keywords: air turbulence, BLLAST campaign
Published in RUNG: 13.05.2024; Views: 670; Downloads: 8
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Emission of volatile organic compounds from residential biomass burning and their rapid chemical transformations
Maximillien Desservettaz, Michael Pikridas, Iasonas Stavroulas, Aikaterini Bougiatioti, Eleni Liakakou, Nikolaos Hatzianastassiou, Jean Sciare, Nikolaos Mihalopoulos, Efstratios Bourtsoukidis, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Biomass combustion releases a complex array of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that pose significant challenges to air quality and human health. Although biomass burning has been extensively studied at ecosystem levels, understanding the atmospheric transformation and impact on air quality of emissions in urban environments remains challenging due to complex sources and burning materials. In this study, we investigate the VOC emission rates and atmospheric chemical processing of predominantly wood burning emissions in a small urban centre in Greece. Ioannina is situated in a valley within the Dinaric Alps and experiences intense atmospheric pollution accumulation during winter due to its topography and high wood burning activity. During pollution event days, the ambient mixing ratios of key VOC species were found to be similar to those reported for major urban centres worldwide. Positive matrix factorisation (PMF) analysis revealed that biomass burning was the dominant emission source (>50 %), representing two thirds of OH reactivity, which indicates a highly reactive atmospheric mixture. Calculated OH reactivity ranges from 5 s−1 to an unprecedented 278 s−1, and averages at 93 ± 66 s−1 at 9 PM, indicating the presence of exceptionally reactive VOCs. The highly pronounced photochemical formation of organic acids coincided with the formation of ozone, highlighting the significance of secondary formation of pollutants in poorly ventilated urban areas. Our findings underscore the pressing need to transition from wood burning to environmentally friendly sources of energy in poorly ventilated urban areas, in order to improve air quality and safeguard public health.
Keywords: biomass burning, urban air quality, VOCs, emission factors, source apportionment
Published in RUNG: 13.05.2024; Views: 671; Downloads: 5
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