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Reprezentacije moškega in moškosti v izbranih romanih Ivana Cankarja
Darko Ilin, 2023, master's thesis

Abstract: Magistrska naloga predstavlja raziskavo reprezentacij moških in moškosti v treh izbranih romanih Ivana Cankarja, ki je osrednji kanonski predstavnik slovenske moderne. Glavni namen raziskave je bil osvetliti različne aspekte moške identitete, ki jih avtor upodablja v svojih delih, ter preučiti, kako se ti odražajo v kontekstu takratnega družbenega in kulturnega okolja. Metodološki okvir raziskave temelji na kritičnih študijah moških in moškosti, ki izhajajo iz feministične epistemologije. To omogoča kritičen pristop k tradicionalnim predstavam o moškosti ter razumevanje družbenih konstrukcij in norm, ki oblikujejo moško spolno identiteto. V uvodnem delu magistrske naloge so predstavljeni temeljni teoretični koncepti kritičnih študij moških in moškosti, stičišča študij spolov in literarne vede ter problem reprezentacije. Sledi kritičen prikaz znanstvenih del, ki pristopajo k Cankarjevemu literarnemu delu z vidika študijev spolov, kar postavlja temelje za to raziskavo. Osrednji del magistrske naloge predstavlja analiza treh Cankarjevih romanov: Tujci (1901), Martin Kačur (1906) in Novo življenje (1908). Romani so izbrani zato, ker v središče zgodbe postavljajo moške like, kar zagotavlja plodovito polje za raziskovanje različnih reprezentacij moškosti. Skozi analizo so preučeni različni vidiki moškosti, vključno z odnosi med moškimi liki, odnosi med moškimi in ženskimi liki, pojmom očetovstva, politično moškostjo ter položajem marginalizirane moškosti v družbenem okolju. V zaključku raziskave so povzete glavne ugotovitve analize, ki nakazujejo, da Cankar v svojih romanih izrisuje kompleksne in raznolike reprezentacije moške identitete. S primerjanjem je bilo ugotovljeno, da vsi trije analizirani romani temeljijo na spopadu med tradicionalno hegemono moškostjo po eni strani in neustrezno, obrobno ali soudeleženo moškostjo po drugi.
Keywords: reprezentacije, moškosti, družbeni spol, Ivan Cankar, roman
Published in RUNG: 27.10.2023; Views: 957; Downloads: 16
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Strong lensing as a tool to study the early universe : written report
Brankica Apostolova, 2023, research project (high school)

Keywords: strong lensing, astrophysics, Roman Space Telescope, galaxy clustersv, galaxies
Published in RUNG: 23.08.2023; Views: 810; Downloads: 0
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Agnes and Dora Bulwer's Photographs of Everyday Italians
Martina Caruso, 2022, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: In the photographs of British sisters Agnes and Dora Bulwer taken at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, I argue for an early humanist vision of the peasants, children and workers that they photographed on their travels around Italy.
Keywords: History of photography, protohumanism, modernity, Italy, Roman Campagna, Abruzzo, archaeology, peasants, workers, Victorian, gender, women
Published in RUNG: 13.01.2023; Views: 1129; Downloads: 0
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Women in Ruins: Agnes and Dora Bulwer's landscape photographs in Post-Risorgimento Italy
Martina Caruso, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: The British photographers Agnes Bulwer (1856– 1940) and her sister Dora Ellinor Bulwer (1864– 1948) left a legacy of circa 1300 photographs and 890 negatives, date from 1890 to 1913, to the British School at Rome. The photographs are principally of landscapes taken in Rome and the surrounding countryside (the Roman Campagna) but also further afield in Italy and abroad. Many include archaeological and natural sites as well as monuments, art works, and homes and gardens in urban or rural scenes. Their landscape photographs offer a perspective that challenged the existing masculine gaze as developed in landscape photography under the colonial project of the British Empire. Unfettered by the archaeologist’s need for ascetic facts, the Bulwers pioneered an unusual vision of landscape, inspired by the progressive international environment of post-Unification Italy. Agnes and Dora Bulwer often photographed women, whether Italian peasants or travelling companions, presenting a social and gendered gaze that helps to reconsider this period in the light of a dawning international humanitarianism. In spite of their photographic legacy, Agnes and Dora Bulwer remain relatively unknown in the growing field of rediscovered early female photographers connected to archaeology or travel photography. This article reveals their work within a cross-cultural, historical and phenomenological analysis, contributing a new chapter to women’s photographic history, to travel and landscape photography and to the history of British photographers working in Italy.
Keywords: history of photography, landscape photography, archive, gender, archaeology, cultural tourism, travel photography, Italy, Rome, Roman Campagna, Post-Unification, Post-Risorgimento, Britain, British Empire, United Kingdom, colonialism, Victorian, Edwardian, humanitarian socialism, nineteenth century, twentieth century
Published in RUNG: 11.01.2023; Views: 1611; Downloads: 0
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Cluster-lensed supernovae with the Roman Space Telescope and Vera Rubin observatory
Mateusz Bronikowski, Tanja Petrushevska, Justin Pierel, 2022, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: I will present our current efforts to enable the use of strongly lensed supernovae behind galaxy clusters as powerful tools to tackle several open questions in astrophysics and cosmology. As a preparatory task, we are collecting all available gravitational telescopes into a database, and estimating the properties of all reported multiply-imaged galaxies behind clusters. We are building a tool that will enable accurate estimates of cluster-lensed supernova yields for a given survey. In addition, we are developing the methods to extract the cosmological parameters from cluster-lensed supernovae in the Rubin and Roman data.
Keywords: supernova, gravitational lensing, Vera Rubin Observatory, Roman Space telescope, LSST, Hubble constant
Published in RUNG: 09.11.2022; Views: 1200; Downloads: 5
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Pogovor s Care Santos in Maite Carranza
Barbara Pregelj, Care Santos, Maite Carranza, 2020, other monographs and other completed works

Abstract: Care Santos in Maite Carranza sta nadvse plodni in vsestranski ustvarjalki. Kaj sta povedali o sodobni mladinski književnosti, svojih besedilih in tabujskih temah? Poslušajte ju v pogovoru, ki ga je z njima imela Barbara Pregelj.
Keywords: mladinska književnost, problemski roman, prevajanje, španščina
Published in RUNG: 05.01.2021; Views: 2367; Downloads: 12
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Jaz sam
Sarival Sosič, 2018, artistic work

Keywords: roman, proza, biografski roman, sinestezija
Published in RUNG: 21.07.2020; Views: 2455; Downloads: 0

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