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Simulations of antenna response for the Radio Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
U. G. Giaccari, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Lukas Zehrer, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: After more than 15 years of successful operation, the Pierre Auger Observatory is currently undergoing a major upgrade called AugerPrime. The aim is to study the mass composition of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. Part of the upgrade program consists in installing a Short Aperiodic Loaded Loop Antenna (SALLA) atop each of the 1660 water-Cherenkov detectors. To obtain an absolute calibration for the SALLA, the frequency and directionally dependent antenna response (or vector effective length) must be known. The characteristics of the SALLA depend on various parameters, most prominent is the considered frequency of reception and the antenna geometry. Moreover, the interaction with the structure elements and the presence of the ground has an impact. The measurement of the characteristics of the SALLA is a complex experimental effort. In this view, investigation by numerical antenna simulations provides an important and useful tool. In this contribution, we describe the method used to calculate the vector equivalent length of the SALLA with an advanced and widely used software for antenna simulations like the Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC).
Keywords: Pierre Auger Observatory, ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, extensive air showers, AugerPrime upgrade
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2024; Views: 92; Downloads: 0
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Absolute calibration and investigation of ageing of the AERA radio detectors
Rogerio M. De Almeida, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Lukas Zehrer, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) is currently the largest facility to measure radio emissions from extensive air showers. Located at the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina, it comprises 153 autonomous radio-detector stations, covering an area of 17 sq. km, and measures radio waves in the frequency range from 30 to 80 MHz. For the correct interpretation of data collected by AERA stations, the detector response has to be carefully calibrated. In the past, this was done by measuring the analogue chain in the laboratory, in addition to simulating and measuring the directional response of the antenna. In this work, we perform an absolute calibration by using the radio emission from the Galaxy. A model of the full radio sky is propagated through the system response, including the antenna, filters and amplifiers, and compared to the average spectra recorded by the stations. The method to determine the calibration constants, as the results, for each antenna will be presented. The behavior of the calibration constants is studied as a function of time from 2014 to 2020. There is no relevant ageing effect over a timescale of 10 years, showing that radio detectors could help to monitor possible ageing effects of other detector systems during long-term operations, stressing their importance in determining an absolute energy scale.
Keywords: Pierre Auger Observatory, ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, extensive air showers, engineering radio array
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2024; Views: 114; Downloads: 0
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Measuring the muon content of inclined air showers using AERA and the particle detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
P. Abreu, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Lukas Zehrer, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: A first measurement of the muon content of air showers using hybrid measurements combining radio and particle detection is presented. For inclined air showers with zenith angles above 60°, the water-Cherenkov detector (WCD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory performs an almost pure measurement of the muonic component, whereas the Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) allows reconstructing the electromagnetic energy independently using the radio emission of the air shower. The analysis of more than six years of AERA data shows a deficit of muons predicted by all current-generation hadronic interaction models for energies between 4 EeV and 20 EeV. This deficit, already observed in previous analyses of Auger, is now confirmed for the first time with radio data. This analysis is limited by low statistics of only 59 high-quality events due to the small area of AERA of 17 km² and the high energy threshold of 4 EeV originating from the WCD reconstruction. With the AugerPrime Radio Detector currently being deployed, this analysis can be extended to the highest energies to allow for in-depth tests of hadronic interaction models with large statistics.
Keywords: Pierre Auger Observatory, ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, extensive air showers, engineering radio array
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2024; Views: 102; Downloads: 0
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Vpeljava in učinki standarda OEKO-TEX v podjetju MEBLO INT : diplomsko delo
Domen Gregorič, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomski nalogi bomo opisali vpeljavo in učinke certifikata OEKO-TEX Standard 100, Razred 1, v podjetju MEBLO INT (polno ime: MEBLO INT, proizvodnja izdelkov za spanje, d.o.o.). OEKO-TEX certifikat je eden izmed najpomembnejših standardov v tekstilni industriji na svetovni ravni in zagotavlja, da je bil izdelek in/ali material testiran proti škodljivim snovem in je za zdravje človeka neškodljiv. OEKO-TEX združenje sta leta 1992 ustanovila nemški mednarodni inštitut za testiranje in raziskave Hohenstein (sedaj Hohenstein Group) in avstrijski inštitut za tekstilne raziskave OETI. Kasneje se je združenju pridružil še švicarski inštitut za testiranje in certificiranje v svetu tekstila TESTEX. Podjetje MEBLO INT d.o.o. je specializirano za proizvodnjo in prodajo izdelkov, kot so vzmetnice, postelje in drugi izdelki. Izdelki za spanje so tretjino časa našega življenja v stiku s kožo, zato morajo biti neškodljivi za zdravje. Zgodovina podjetja MEBLO INT d.o.o. sega v zgodnja šestdeseta leta. Tekom let je podjetje zaradi kakovostnih izdelkov pridobivalo na popularnosti in prepoznavnosti, ime njihove vzmetnice – jogi – pa je postalo univerzalno ime za vzmetnico. Pri delu smo najprej opredelili cilje in metode, nato pa smo sistematično zbrali podatke, analizirali informacije in začeli celoten postopek certifikacije. Vmes smo analizirali tudi vplive standarda pri slovenskih prodajalcih tekstila, ugotovili smo vzroke vpeljave standarda pri drugih podjetjih in tudi korist vpeljave. Splošno gledano je koristno pridobiti standard, sej ima podjetje tako večjo integriteto.
Keywords: diplomske naloge, OEKO-TEX, standardi, certifikati, testiranja, vzmetnice
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2024; Views: 62; Downloads: 0
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Analiza zagotavljanja kakovosti v proizvodnem procesu : diplomsko delo
Alma Memišević, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V današnjem dinamičnem poslovnem okolju se podjetja soočajo s stalnimi izzivi v smislu izboljšanja kakovosti svojih proizvodnih procesov. Temeljni cilj vsakega podjetja je zagotoviti, da so njihovi proizvodi ali storitve izdelani ali opravljeni s stalno visoko kakovostjo. Analiza zagotavljanja kakovosti v proizvodnem procesu prikazuje ključno orodje, ki omogoča podjetjem sistematično proučevanje, nadzorovanje in izboljševanje ključnih vidikov proizvodnih postopkov. Ta pristop ne pomaga le preprečevati morebitne napake v proizvodnem ciklu, ampak hkrati omogoča prilagajanje spremembam na trgu, upoštevanje najnovejše tehnologije in učinkovite odgovore na spreminjajoče se zahteve potrošnikov. Središče pozornosti pri analizi za zagotavljanje kakovosti zajema natančno spremljanje vsake faze proizvodnje od začetnih surovin do končnega izdelka. Vključuje elemente, kot so kontrola surovin, stalno spremljanje ključnih obratovalnih parametrov, redne laboratorijske analize, skladnost z uveljavljenimi standardi kakovosti in zakonodajo, vzpostavitev sistema sledljivosti ter nenehno izboljševanje procesov in pristopov, ki pomagajo podjetju izboljšati kakovost na tej stopnji. Ključni elementi, ki zagotavljajo doslednost in varnost proizvodnje, so tudi certifikati kakovosti in usposabljanje zaposlenih. Analiza zagotavljanja kakovosti ni le ukrep za izpolnjevanje standardov, temveč tudi nujen korak za zadovoljevanje pričakovanih kupcev, izgradnjo zaupanja v blagovno znamko in preprečevanje morebitnih težav v proizvodnem procesu. S poudarkom za preprečevanje napak in stalnih izboljšav je ta analiza ključna za doseganje visokokakovostnih izdelkov in ohranjanje konkurenčnosti na trgu ter ohranjanje tržne konkurenčnosti.
Keywords: diplomske naloge, proizvodni procesi, izboljšanje kakovosti, FMEA analiza, serijska proizvodnja, SWOT analiza
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2024; Views: 54; Downloads: 1
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Komedija in nasilje v animaciji : diplomsko delo
Karin Likar, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov. V prvem je opisano nasilje, komedija in povezava med njima, v drugem pa je predstavljen diplomski animirani film (NE)Srečen dan, njegov razvoj in nastanek. V poglavju o nasilju so predstavljene različne oblike in prepoznava nasilja, prikazovanje nasilja v različnih medijih, kot so film, animacija, literatura in druge veje umetnosti, kjer je izpostavljena tudi percepcija nasilja, ki se je čez zgodovino spreminjala. Ljudje smo postali bolj nedovzetni za nasilje in ga večkrat spregledamo. Drugo poglavje se posveča animaciji, različnim oblikam humorja in povezavi med humorjem in nasiljem. V različnih medijih se nasilje zamaskira s humorjem in ni tako prepoznavno, kot če bi bila enaka vsebina predstavljena brez humornih izvlečkov. Opisani so primeri animacije in animiranih filmov, ki vsebuje uporabo humorja za opravičevanje različnih oblik nasilja. V drugem delu diplomske naloge, kjer je predstavljen diplomski animirani filmski projekt (NE)Srečen dan, je opisan proces nastanka animacije od ideje do končnega produkta ter problemi, ki so se pojavili čez ves proces nastajanja.
Keywords: animacija, komedija, nasilje, nasilje v medijih, humor, animirani film, diplomske naloge
Published in RUNG: 02.10.2024; Views: 121; Downloads: 0
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Detection of urea in artificial urine using capacitive field-effect biosensors modified with a stacked polyelectrolyte-enzyme bilayer
A. Tsokolakyan, Artem Badasyan, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: Capacitive field-effect biosensors modified with a stacked polyelectrolyte/enzyme urease bilayer were applied for the detection of the urinary biomarker urea in phosphate buffer and artificial urine. A theoretical kinetic model of the biosensor was developed and compared with the experimentally observed results.
Keywords: field-effect sensors, urea biosensors, polyelectrolyte, urease, artificial urine
Published in RUNG: 02.10.2024; Views: 127; Downloads: 1
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Gibanja za politično povezovanje Slovanov od sredine 19. stoletja do začetka 20. stoletja : diplomsko delo
Ivan Stojchev, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomski nalogi se poglobimo v zgodovinski in sodobni pomen ideje politične in kulturne povezave med slovanskimi narodi. Raziskava se osredotoča na gibanja političnega povezovanja slovanskih skupnosti. V nalogi evolucijo panslavizma predstavimo od zgodnjih konceptualnih faz do prvega panslovanskega kongresa v Pragi leta 1848, pri čemer prikažemo različne vizije enotnosti in različne ideje o povezovanju, kot sta avstroslavizem in neoslavizem. V nadaljevanju naloge preiskujemo perspektive političnega združevanja posameznih slovanskih narodov, poseben poudarek pa namenimo južnim Slovanom in končni ustanovitvi Jugoslavije. Osredotočimo se tudi na posledice prve svetovne vojne, ki so vplivale na ustanovitev Češkoslovaške in Jugoslavije – dveh uspešnih idej slovanskega političnega povezovanja – nato pa v 20. stol. vplivale na zaton panslavističnih aspiracij. V nalogi poudarimo vlogo gibanja in solidarnosti, ki sta pri oblikovanju nacionalnih identitet med slovanskimi narodi vplivala na oblikovanje slovanskih držav in zavezništev. Čeprav so politične aspiracije panslavizma usahnile, njegova kulturna in ideološka dediščina (kot na primer gibanje evroslavizma in jezik medslovanščina) še vedno vztraja, spodbuja slovansko sodelovanje na različnih področjih in ohranja simbol enotnosti ter kulturne dediščine v sodobnih geopolitičnih izzivih.
Keywords: diplomske naloge, panslavizem, praški kongres 1848, slovanska zgodovina, slovanska enotnost, avstroslavizem, neoslavizem, Jugoslavija
Published in RUNG: 02.10.2024; Views: 127; Downloads: 0
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Genre rules as the framework for preservation and study of new media literature : predavanje na Festivalu novomedijske kulture Speculum Artium, lecture series New technologies, new perspectives
Aleš Vaupotič, 2024, unpublished invited conference lecture

Abstract: At its core, human epistemology is based on two pillars: sense experience (consider the Humean empiricism, or phenomenology) and set-theory based logic. Quine in “Epistemology Naturalized” understands a human as a natural transformer of a meager input from senses into a torrential output of descriptions. For him also Carnap’s rational reconstruction (a logical reconstruction of the world from sense data) can be construed as creative and imaginative mechanical simulations, of the transformations from the world of experiential implications into various languages. Such a detached and rule-governed idea of games as playful alternative worlds, possibly in a reduced state as argued by Huizinga, can provide an important perspective on algorithms of new media literature, as well as its other features. Rules for particular works are summarized in genre-constructs, which will be considered for the domain where new media and literature intersect. The genres can be derived form literary traditions, and from the basic aspects of new media art that encompass the algorithmic building of communication artifacts from (more or less vast) archives of utterances in various media, and of other data. Espen Aarseth’s theory considered cybertext a perspective for the study of literature, and not a particular genre (Cybertext, 5). Finally, there is an important problem that needs to be addressed: today, several generations of work by digital media artists are firmly in the past, while media art remains synonymous with “new” and “emergent,” and the growing vastness of the loss consequently goes unacknowledged. The genre-rules based approach attempts to tackle the preservation issue by identifying the key elements of individual works that need to be recorded and preserved. The descriptions are already interpretations with an intrinsic goal of making the works re-enactable and accessible to the audiences of the future. The pilot project of preserving the Nation – Culture project by Vuk Ćosić (2000) will be outlined in the conclusion. (ARIS J7-3158, Sustainable Digital Preservation of the Slovenian New Media Art) / Aleš Vaupotič is a literary comparatist, media theorist, and new-media artist. He works at the Research Centre for Humanities at the University of Nova Gorica. Between 2021 and 2023 he was the director of the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana, and in 2022 the commissioner for the Slovenian Pavilion at the Venice Biennial. He is currently the project leader in an interdisciplinary research project Sustainable Digital Preservation of the Slovenian New Media Art. Among his research foci are the theory of discourse, semiotics, comparative art studies, new-media theory, methodology of digital humanities and realism in the arts. His monograph Vprašanje realizma (The Question of Realism, 2019) explores the continuities and shifts between traditional and new media.
Keywords: genres, new media art, cultural heritage preservation
Published in RUNG: 30.09.2024; Views: 153; Downloads: 0
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