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* old and bologna study programme


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Pragmatic abilities in bilinguals : The case of scalar implicatures
Ludivine Dupuy, Penka Stateva, Sara Andreetta, Anne Cheylus, Viviane Déprez, Jean-Baptiste van der Henst, Jacques Jayez, Arthur Stepanov, Anne Colette Reboul, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: The experimental literature on the pragmatic abilities of bilinguals is rather sparse. The only study investigating adult second language (L2) learners ( Slabakova, 2010 ) found an increase of pragmatic responses in that population relative to monolinguals. The results of studies on early bilingual children are unclear, some finding a significant increase in pragmatic responses in early bilingual children (preschoolers) relative to monolinguals ( Siegal et al., 2007 ), while another ( Antoniou and Katsos, 2017 ), testing school children, does not. We tested adult French L2 learners of English and Spanish (in their two languages) as well as French monolingual controls in Experiment 1 and Italian-Slovenian early bilingual children (in both languages) and Slovenian monolingual controls in Experiment 2. Our results were similar to those of Antoniou and Katsos (2017) in early bilingual children, but different from those of Siegal et al. (2007) . We found no pragmatic bias in adult L2 leaners relative to adult monolinguals.
Keywords: quantifier, scalar implicature, L2 learner, bilingualism
Published in RUNG: 17.01.2018; Views: 4751; Downloads: 0
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Children's early bilingualism and musical training influence prosodic discrimination of sentences in an unknown language
Arthur Stepanov, Matic Pavlič, Penka Stateva, Anne Reboul, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: This study investigated whether early bilingualism and early musical training positively influence the ability to discriminate between prosodic patterns corresponding to different syntactic structures in otherwise phonetically identical sentences in an unknown language. In a same-different discrimination task, participants (N = 108) divided into four groups (monolingual non-musicians, monolingual musicians, bilingual non-musicians, and bilingual musicians) listened to pairs of short sentences in a language unknown to them (French). In discriminating phonetically identical but prosodically different sentences, musicians, bilinguals, and bilingual musicians outperformed the controls. However, there was no interaction between bilingualism and musical training to suggest an additive effect. These results underscore the significant role of both types of experience in enhancing the listeners' sensitivity to prosodic information.
Keywords: prosody, bilingualism, same-different task, French, musical training, acoustics, brain
Published in RUNG: 10.01.2018; Views: 4964; Downloads: 0
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L’impact de l’apprentissage d’une langue seconde sur les capacités pragmatiques : le cas des implicatures scalaires
Ludivine Dupuy, Penka Stateva, Sara Andreetta, Anne Cheylus, Jean-Baptiste van der Henst, Jacques Jayez, Arthur Stepanov, Anne Reboul, 2017, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: There is a vast amount of studies on some forms of implicit communication such as scalar implicatures by monolingual speakers, but few studies have been carried out on the pragmatic capacities of second language learners. The only available data have been collected in Slabakova (2010). This study has shown that L2 learners are more pragmatic than L1 speakers by interpreting a scalar term in their L2. However the replicability of the results has been called into question because of methodological issues and conclusions ignoring empirical data on cognitive processing of scalar implicatures. We therefore used the same experimental material as Slabakova (2010) but improved the methodology and asked two groups of L2 French learners to make a sentence verification task. After a short context, they had to judge an underinformative sentence based on the scalar terms , (). The L2 learners have been tested in their two languages and compared to a sample of French monolinguals. The results of Slabakova (2010) have been replicated since the L2 learners make more inferences in French as monolinguals do. Our results also show that the L2 learners more often derive implicatures in their L1 than monolinguals in the same L1. This suggests that learning a second language has an impact on the way to communicate not only in the L2 but also in the L1.
Keywords: pragmatic abilities, scalar implicatures, L2 bilingualism
Published in RUNG: 07.12.2017; Views: 5296; Downloads: 197
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Two “many”-words in Slovenian : Experimental evidence for pragmatic strengthening
Penka Stateva, Arthur Stepanov, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Slovenian features at least two lexical items that are potential semantic counterparts of the English many, namely "veliko" and "precej", whose meaning appears close to identical. Yet speakers are certain that the two items are not equivalent, although they find intuitively felt differences hard to pinpoint. We argue that "precej" and "veliko" are lexically synonymous, but their meanings are pragmatically strengthened under relevant conditions, which leads to subtle interpretative differences. Specifically, we extend Krifka’s (2007) analysis of double negatives and propose that "veliko" is assigned the stereotypical interpretation of a quantity degree word, whereas "precej" is identified with the non-stereotypical one and consequently relates to moderately big amounts. To support this claim, we report the results of an experiment involving a sentence-picture verification task, which highlight the similarities and contextually determined differences in the use of both determiners. Our results suggest that the interpretation of "precej" is not consistent with relations in the upper part of the proportional scale and is dependent on whether or not it is in direct competition with "veliko" in the appropriate contexts.
Keywords: quantity determiner, Slovenian, pragmatic strengthening, stereotypical interpretation, sentence–picture verification task
Published in RUNG: 25.09.2017; Views: 5807; Downloads: 0
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Arthur Stepanov, Manca Mušič, Penka Stateva, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: In this work, we aim to clarify the empirical paradigm that bears on two aspects of syntactic locality in Slovenian. First, building on previous work, we investigate how robustly Slovenian observes the syntactic locality constraint precluding constituent sub-extraction out of subject noun phrases. Second, we ask whether Slovenian allows Left Branch Extraction in interrogative and non-interrogative sentences. To elucidate both issues, we conducted a magnitude estimation study, the results of which support our previous claim that there is a subject island effect in Slovenian. Furthermore, our results suggest that Slovenian disallows Left Branch Extraction, in contrast with some other Slavic languages. We also discuss theoretical consequences of our empirical findings.
Keywords: syntactic island, Left Branch extraction, magnitude estimation, Slovenian
Published in RUNG: 03.01.2017; Views: 5727; Downloads: 254
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Interrogative Slifting: More syntactic, less parenthetical
Arthur Stepanov, Penka Stateva, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: In this article we re-assess the recent analysis of interrogative Slifting (e.g., "Who is a Martian, do you think?") proposed in Haddican et al. (2014). In this analysis, the two component clauses have an indirect syntactic relation to each other, and the semantic and pragmatic relationship between the “slift” question and the main clause is conceived around the notion of evidentiality. We advance an alternative proposal whereby interrogative Slifting can be construed more on a par with wh-scope marking questions attested in languages like German or Hindi. Placing interrogative Slifting alongside wh-scope marking, a more familiar and better-studied construction type, avoids certain empirical difficulties of the original analysis and paves a way toward a uniform treatment of its syntactic, semantic and interface properties.
Keywords: Slifting, wh-scope marking, adjunction, interrogative, parenthetical
Published in RUNG: 31.08.2016; Views: 5519; Downloads: 228
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Agreement errors and structural distance: A corpus study of Bulgarian
Penka Stateva, Arthur Stepanov, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: In this work we address the phenomenon of substitution of the special “count form” suffix of masculine non-person nouns in Bulgarian numeral phrases for a simple plural morpheme. This substitution phenomenon is observed in everyday speech and writing and is noted by traditional Bulgarian grammarians. We propose to treat this phenomenon on a par with agreement errors previously investigated in the language production literature on English (e.g. “The editor of the books are...”) and on the Romance languages. We conducted a corpus study of agreement substitution errors in Bulgarian, the results of which support the psycholinguistic theories maintaining, in particular, that structural hierarchy is relevant for the computation of agreement in language production.
Keywords: agreement, error, count form, feature, distance, Bulgarian
Published in RUNG: 29.08.2016; Views: 5537; Downloads: 0

The effect of bilingualism on the processing of scalar implicatures
Penka Stateva, Sara Andreetta, Ludivine Dupuy, Anne Cheylus, Viviane Déprez, Jean-Baptiste van der Henst, Jacques Jayez, Arthur Stepanov, Anne Reboul, 2016, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: Scalar implicatures have been extensively investigated in the experimental literature, but almost exclusively in monolingual speakers. Very little research has been conducted on the pragmatic abilities of multilingual populations, including early bilinguals to L2 learners, a gap the current study aims to remedy.
Keywords: L2 learning and early bilingualism, comprehension of scalar implicatures
Published in RUNG: 22.04.2016; Views: 5866; Downloads: 0
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Processing adjunct wh-phrases under the Active Filler Strategy : master's thesis
Calum James Riach, 2014, master's thesis

Published in RUNG: 08.06.2015; Views: 6610; Downloads: 279
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