31. The role of working memory in children’s ability for prosodic discriminationArthur Stepanov, Karmen Brina Kodrič, Penka Stateva, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Previous research established that young children are sensitive to prosodic cues discriminating between syntactic structures of otherwise similarly sounding sentences in a language unknown to them. In this study, we explore the role of working memory that children might deploy for the purpose of the sentence-level prosodic discrimination. Nine-year old Slovenian monolingual and bilingual children (N = 70) were tested on a same-different prosodic discrimination task in a language unknown to them (French) and on the working memory measures in the form of forward and backward digit span and non-word repetition tasks. The results suggest that both the storage and processing components of the working memory are involved in the prosodic discrimination task. Keywords: multilingualism, working memory, phonology Published in RUNG: 10.03.2020; Views: 3702; Downloads: 98 Full text (1,13 MB) |
32. Dileme pri usvajanju pomožnih glagolov v italijanščini s strani slovenskih govorcevLionella Costantini, 2019, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Tema diplomske naloge so pomožni glagoli v italijanščini in v slovenščini, izvedena je bila eksperimentalna študija. Glavni cilj raziskave je bil pojasniti, ali imajo Slovenci dileme z izbiro pomožnih glagolov v italijanščini glede na to, da sta v italijanščini dva t.j. essere in avere, v slovenščini pa le eden, t.j. glagol biti. Kot izhodišče sem uporabila študijo Antonelle Sorace (1992). Za raziskavo je bila uporabljena metodologija vprašalnika z likertovo lestvico. S c-testom pa sem ugotovila nivo znanja italijanskih in slovenskih učencev iz srednjih šol. Analiza pridobljenih rezultatov je pokazala, da drži, kar smo predvidevali. Govorci slovenščine raje izberejo stavke s pomožnim glagolom essere, ker ga v slovenščini poznajo. Glagol avere pa uporabljajo manj, ker ga slovenščina nima. Keywords: Pomožni glagoli v italijanščini, pomožni glagoli v slovenščini, jezikovni prenos, c-test, Likertova lestvica, usvajanje drugega jezika Published in RUNG: 05.12.2019; Views: 5501; Downloads: 151 Full text (1,49 MB) |
33. LE IN SAMO KOT SPROŽILCA POMENSKIH PREDPOSTAVK: EKSPERIMENTALNA ŠTUDIJA V SLOVENŠČINIZala Zbičajnik, 2019, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V svojem diplomskem delu se ukvarjam s posebno vrsto pomenskih predpostavk in njihovimi sprožilci. Uvod se osredotoča na pragmatične in semantične značilnosti predpostavk. Pregledane so teoretične in eksperimentalne raziskave o pomenskih predpostavkah in njihovem sprožilcu only (samo/le) ter med nekaterimi njenimi tujimi ustreznicami. V svojem delu predstavim rezultate eksperimentalne študije, posvečene slovenskima ustreznicama angleške besede only, le in samo. Preučujem, kako materni govorci slovenščine sodijo o obeh sprožilcih pomenske predpostavke s pragmatičnega vidika. Študija odgovarja na vprašanje, ali sta besedi sinonimni, katera beseda je rabljena pogosteje ter kako sta uporabljeni v določenih slovenskih dialektih. Bolj nazorno, študija predlaga, da slovenski ustreznici besede only v prevodu pripadata skupini trdih sprožilcev, ki jih določi Abusch (2009), ti pa so opredeljeni kot sprožilci v pomenskih predpostavkah, ki ne morejo biti preklicane. Keywords: Pomenska predpostavka, sprožilec, only, le, samo, pragmatično procesiranje Published in RUNG: 04.09.2019; Views: 5494; Downloads: 167 Full text (1,08 MB) |
34. Structuring linguistic noise : The children's remarkable capacity for syntactic segmentationArthur Stepanov, invited lecture at foreign university Abstract: How do young children acquiring their native language master complex abstract properties of adult sentences, more specifically, their syntactic structure? A good portion of recent research in child language acquisition is devoted to the nature of 'segmentation' strategies allowing children to deduce some of these abstract structural properties from the linguistic input they are exposed to, and the role of linguistic (e.g. prosodic), cognitive (e.g. working memory, probabilistic) and experience (e.g. bilingualism, music training) factors that affect the segmentation task. In this talk I give a broad outline of this research agenda including our own work and reflect on promising new directions that emerge in this domain. Keywords: segmentation, prosody, child language Published in RUNG: 28.06.2019; Views: 4293; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
35. Cross-Linguistic Variation in the Meaning of Quantifiers : Implications for Pragmatic EnrichmentPenka Stateva, Arthur Stepanov, Viviane Déprez, Ludivine Dupuy, Anne Reboul, 2019, original scientific article Abstract: One of the most studied scales in the literature on scalar implicatures is the quantifier scale. While the truth of some is entailed by the truth of all, some is felicitous only when
all is false. This opens the possibility that some would be felicitous if, e.g., almost all of the objects in the restriction of the quantifier have the property ascribed by the nuclear scope. This prediction from the standard theory of quantifier interpretation clashes with native speakers’ intuitions. In Experiment 1 we report a questionnaire study on the perception of quantifier meanings in English, French, Slovenian, and German which points to a cross-linguistic variation with respect to the perception of numerical bounds
of the existential quantifier. In Experiment 2, using a picture choice task, we further examine whether the numerical bound differences correlate with differences in pragmatic
interpretations of the quantifier some in English and quelques in French and interpret the results as supporting our hypothesis that some and its cross-linguistic counterparts are
subjected to different processes of pragmatic enrichment. Keywords: quantifier, numerical bound, scalar implicature, R/I-implicature, M-implicature Published in RUNG: 15.05.2019; Views: 4253; Downloads: 174 Full text (3,30 MB) |
36. Anomaly detection in processing of complex syntax by early L2 learnersArthur Stepanov, Sara Andreetta, Penka Stateva, Adam Zawiszewski, Itziar Laka, 2019, original scientific article Abstract: This study investigates the processing of long-distance syntactic dependencies by native speakers of Slovenian (L1) who are advanced learners of Italian as a second language (L2), compared with monolingual Italian speakers. Using a self-paced reading task, we compare sensitivity of the early-acquired L2 learners to syntactic anomalies in their L2 in two empirical domains: (1) syntactic islands, for which the learners’ L1 and L2 grammars provide a converging characterization, and (2) verb–clitic constructions, for which the respective L1 and L2 grammatical descriptions diverge. We find that although our L2 learners show native-like processing patterns in the former, converging, grammatical domain, they may nevertheless perform non-native-like with respect to syntactic phenomena in which the L1 and L2 grammars do not align, despite the early age of L2 acquisition. Implications for theories of L2 acquisition and endstate are discussed. Keywords: bilingualism, clitic, Italian, sentence processing, Slovenian, syntactic island Published in RUNG: 21.02.2019; Views: 4813; Downloads: 114 Full text (597,08 KB) |
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38. ТЕОРЕТИЧНИ И ПСИХОЛИНГВИСТИЧНИ АСПЕКТИ НА БРОЙНАТА ФОРМА В БЪЛГАРСКИЯ ЕЗИКPetya Barkalova, Penka Stateva, Arthur Stepanov, 2018, original scientific article Abstract: Статията съдържа преглед на произхода и употребата на бройната форма на съществителните в българския език. Представят се резултатите от експериментално проучване, включващо 49 участници, за които българският език е роден. То изследва ролята
на структурната дистанция между съгласуващите се категории в
рамките на именните конституенти, съдържащи числително. Разработката е продължение на изследователската програма
на Статева и Степанов (Stateva, Stepanov 2016), включваща корпусно изследване, в което се твърди, че структурното, а
не линейното разстояние влияе върху съотношението на грешките
при употребата на бройната форма. Въпреки че корпусното изследване установи като ясна отличителна черта ролята на структурното разстояние, текущият психолингвистичен експеримент не повтаря тези резултати. Предлагаме обяснение на резултатите, което взема предвид изчислителна сложност, натоварването на
работната памет и образователния статус на участниците. Keywords: бройна форма, грешки в съгласуването, предписваща и описваща
граматика Published in RUNG: 03.01.2019; Views: 3936; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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40. Usvajanje načela maksimiziranja predpostavke v kontekstu slovenskih glagolov 'misliti' in 'vedeti'Manca Mušič, 2018, master's thesis Abstract: Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na pragmatično načelo maksimiziranja predpostavke (Maximize Presupposition). Uporabljeni so bili rezultati eksperimentalne študije, ki je vključevala slovenska glagola misliti in vedeti. Glavni cilj raziskave je bil preveriti, pri kateri starosti je možno pri otrocih zaslediti poznavanje načela maksimiziranja predpostavke, njihovo zmožnost izračuna sklepov, ki jih načelo sproži, in izbire optimalne alternative. V eksperimentu sta sodelovali skupini otrok v starosti 5 in 7 let. Uporabljena metodologija in gradivo sta temeljila na referenčni študiji Stateve in drugih (2017), ki je proučevala vlogo dvojezičnosti na usvajanje načela. Rezultati magistrskega dela napeljujejo na obstoj razvojne osi usvajanja načela pred sedmim letom ter odpirajo vprašanja glede usvajanja faktivnega glagola vedeti pri petih letih. Keywords: pragmatika, jezikoslovje, usvajanje jezika, psiholingvistika, slovenščina Published in RUNG: 27.09.2018; Views: 6073; Downloads: 168 Full text (1,25 MB) |