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Carniolan savings bank and economic development of Carniola : dissertation
Nataša Hönig, 2021, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: The Carniolan Savings Bank was the first financial institution in the Slovenian territory. It was founded in 1820 in Ljubljana, the capital city of Carniola, a province in the Austrian part of the Habsburg Monarchy. This institution collected deposits and managed the credit operations in the country. Even after the basic idea changed due to business development, it continued to play a significant role as a microfinance provider. The thesis covers the period from the establishment of the institution in 1820 to the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1918. Therefore, the study also deals with the main features of the interwar period. It draws attention to some issues faced by the Savings Bank between 1918 and 1945. The dissertation defines the importance and dimensions of innovation in the institutional sense that the Savings Bank acquired. It defines the role that the institution had in an economic, social, political and national context. This has been achieved through in-depth analysis and a classic historical approach. The dissertation provides an original study of the extensive and unexplored historical material. The Carniolan Savings Bank provides an excellent example of the intertwining of politics and nationalism with economic development. It had a significant impact on the changes that were a prerequisite for mobilising the financial resources of social classes that previously had no access to banking services. Therefore, the Savings Bank collected dispersed financial resources on the financial market by allocating capital to various investment opportunities. The most prominent were mortgage loans and the purchase of government securities. However, the rules in place at the state level limited the importance of the Savings Bank to the regional and especially the local level, reflecting its impact on the country’s economic development. Accordingly, it sought ways to get involved, as evidenced by Credit Association that was used by small merchants and craftsmen.
Keywords: Carniolan Savings Bank, deposits, credit activity, microfinance, investments, economic nationalism, Habsburg Monarchy, the Province of Carniola
Published in RUNG: 06.01.2022; Views: 3236; Downloads: 190
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Synthesis of efficient iron phosphide catalyst for electrocatalytic hydrogen generation
Takwa Chouki, D. Lazarević, B. Donkova, Saim Emin, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: A solvothermal synthesis of iron phosphide electrocatalysts using triphenylphosphine (TPP) as phosphorus precursor is presented. The synthetic protocol generates Fe2P/FeP phase at 350°C. After deposition of the catalyst onto graphite substrate heat-treatment at higher temperature was carried out. Annealing at 500°C under reductive atmosphere induced structural changes in the Fe2P/FeP samples which yielded a pure Fe2P phase. The electrocatalytic activity of the Fe2P catalyst was studied for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in 0.5 M H2SO4. The recorded overpotential for HER was about 130 mV vs. a reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE) at 10 mA cm−2
Keywords: solvothermal synthesis, iron phosphide, electrocatalyst, hydrogen evolution
Published in RUNG: 10.05.2021; Views: 2969; Downloads: 0
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Bohinjska železnica skozi čas
Nik Obid, 2019, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V uvodu diplomskega dela opisujem razvoj železniškega omrežja v Habsburški monarhiji, ki je privedel do načrtovanja nove železniške povezave notranjosti dežele z največjim pristaniščem monarhije – Trstom. V nadaljevanju sledi pregled vseh pomembnejših načrtov nove železniške povezave in razlogov za izbor današnje trase. Širše obravnavam vključitev bohinjske železnice v celotno čezalpsko povezavo, ki je zajemala gradnjo Phyrnske, Turske, Karavanške in Bohinjske proge. Natančno opišem razloge za izbor bohinjske trase ter se nato posvetim značilnostim proge in njeni gradnji. Posebna poglavja namenim nekaterim pomembnim objektom, pri katerih se natančneje posvetim predvsem bohinjskemu predoru, solkanskemu viaduktu, prezračevalni napravi predora Bukovo in viaduktu Vintgar. Del diplomskega dela sem namenil tudi opisu stanja v času obeh svetovnih vojn, v katerih je bohinjska železnica odigrala pomembno vlogo. To se je pokazalo tudi ob koncu obeh svetovnih morij, ko je bila zaradi tega močno porušena. Diplomsko delo zaključujem z opisom stanja po 2. svetovni vojni, nujni obnovi, delni modernizaciji in padanju njenega prometnega pomena skozi 2. polovico 20. stoletja. Sklep namenim obetom za prihodnost, ki bi lahko bila, ob ustreznem vlaganju v infrastrukturo in sodelovanju na regionalni in mednarodni ravni, zelo svetla.
Keywords: Bohinjska proga, železnica, bohinjski predor, solkanski viadukt, promet, načrti gradnje
Published in RUNG: 24.04.2019; Views: 6244; Downloads: 244
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Ženska delavka v socializmu - primer podjetja Salonit Anhovo
Neža Maffi, 2015, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomska naloga obravnava žensko kot delavko v času socializma. Posebna pozornost je bila namenjena študiji primera, in sicer ženskemu kolektivu tovarne Salonit Anhovo. Predmet analize so bili odgovori na vprašanja, kot na primer: kako so se ženske počutile kot del ogromnega kolektiva, kako so razumevale in doživljale lastno vlogo delavk, kako so jo vrednotile, kako so obenem usklajevale svoje privatno življenje z javnim, tj. tistim, ki jih je vezalo na službo. Navedena vprašanja so bila vodilo preučevanju, ki je deloma temeljilo na izvedenih intervjujih, opravljenih z ženskami, ki so bile v času socializma zaposlene v Salonitu Anhovo; deloma, predvsem kot protiutež subjektivnosti intervjujev, pa na analizi tovarniškega glasila Naš list in seveda literaturi na obravnavano temo.
Keywords: Ženska delavka, socializem, tovarna, delavske pravice, enakopravnost
Published in RUNG: 17.09.2015; Views: 5672; Downloads: 305
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Prostitucija med preteklostjo in sedanjostjo
Hanca Blažko, 2011, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: diplomske naloge, prostitucija, trgovina z ljudmi, zvodniki, prostitutke, prostituti, stranke, moralisti
Published in RUNG: 15.10.2013; Views: 6273; Downloads: 601
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