11. Match my epistolary freak : sexual desire in the electronic collection Pisma/LettersDarko Ilin, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract Abstract: The lecture will focus on the exploration of sexuality as reflected in the letters of Slovene women writers at the turn of the century. This event will delve into the rich correspondences found in the PISMA/LETTERS electronic collection, a project that has brought to light the intimate and personal writings of these authors. The lecture will begin with an introduction to the project, providing an overview of the electronic collection's origins and the subsequent publication that emerged from it. We will then explore the unique characteristics of the letter as a medium, discussing its materiality and drawing parallels with contemporary
modes of communication. The central focus of the lecture will be an in-depth analysis of the erotic elements within these letters. By examining how sexual desire is narrated across different contexts, we will uncover the subtle ways in which these women expressed their desires and navigated the societal
constraints of their time. This exploration promises to offer a fascinating glimpse into the personal lives and inner worlds of Slovene women writers, revealing the complexity and richness of their experiences Keywords: sexual desire, letters, Pisma Published in RUNG: 09.09.2024; Views: 623; Downloads: 2
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12. Decolonizing literary studies : unveiling postcolonial narratives in post-Yugoslav academic curriculaSara Vukotić, Darko Ilin, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: This paper explores the presence and integration of postcolonial studies in literature education within the faculties of philology in the capitals of the former Yugoslav countries. Focusing on the emerging field of critical curriculum studies, the research delves into the nuanced landscape of literature education, particularly at higher levels, specifically emphasizing literary students’ specialized education. The study contextualizes postcolonial studies as a hybrid space for theoretical discourse, tracing its roots to anticolonial critique and contemporary Western theories. Drawing on the anticolonial heritage of socialist Yugoslavia and its involvement in the Non-Aligned Movement, the paper navigates the complexities of (post)colonial dynamics in the Balkans. This paper investigates the presence, or absence, of postcolonial theory in literature curricula within humanities faculties in the former Yugoslav countries’ capital cities. This research is based on the close interconnection of literature and postcolonial theory, whose origins lie within the literary representation of colonization relations. The primary objective is to discern the extent to which postcolonial studies are integrated into literary education and what implications this holds within the national context. Through an examination of course programs and content at various academic levels, the research aims to illuminate the role of postcolonial theory in shaping the narrative of literature education in the context of the former Yugoslavia. Keywords: postcolonial theory, curriculum, literary education, former Yugoslavia, higher education Published in RUNG: 13.08.2024; Views: 1033; Downloads: 14
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13. Analize omrežij v elektronski zbirki Pisma : vidik metapodatkov in semantičnih povezav besediščaKatja Mihurko, Ivana Zajc, Darko Ilin, Mila Marinković, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Članek predstavlja elektronsko zbirko Pisma, procese njenega nastajanja in izzive, s katerimi se je raziskovalna skupina na Raziskovalnem centru za humanistiko Univerze v Novi Gorici soočala pri zbiranju in organiziranju več kot 1.600 pisem iz 19. in 20. stoletja, ki jih zbirka trenutno obsega. Članek izpostavlja vlogo metapodatkov tako za orientiranje po tej zbirki kakor za računalniško podprto oddaljeno branje v literarni vedi nasploh. Sistematična klasifikacija pisem skupaj z obsežnimi metapodatki ponuja številne možnosti raziskovanja. Spletna stran zbirke omogoča iskanje številnih tem pa tudi posameznikov in posameznic ter poljubnih izrazov iz njihovih pisem. Z metodo digitalne analize omrežij, ki je eden od tipov oddaljenega branja zgodovinskih dokumentov, članek prikaže računalniške analize različnih tipov omrežij z vidika povezav med tokovi različnih korespondenc v zbirki. Poleg tega predstavlja tudi z delotokom Clowdflows podprto analizo semantičnih povezav besedišča, povezanega z intimnim čustvom ljubezni v pismih avtoric slovenske moderne. Keywords: slovenski pisatelji, pisemska korespondenca, ljubezen, metapodatki, analiza omrežij, digitalna humanistika Published in RUNG: 24.06.2024; Views: 957; Downloads: 9
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18. Reading masculinity in the South East European literatures : lecture at the Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Ethnology and Central European and Balkan Studies, Prague, 18. 3. 2024Darko Ilin, 2024, invited lecture at foreign university Keywords: Masculinity, gender studies, literature, Slovene literature, Serbian literature Published in RUNG: 16.04.2024; Views: 1161; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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