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Navodila za vaje Kemija in Biologija tal
Erika Jež, other educational material

Abstract: Učno gradivo je namenjeno študentom Fakultete za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo, ki opravljajo predmet Kemija in biologija tal. V okviru praktičnega dela/ vaj se predvideva izvedba 15 ur praktičnega dela. Navodila za vaje Kemija in biologija tal vsebujejo natančne opise, postopke ter navodila za izdelavo končnega poročila za uspešno opravljeno praktično delo pri predmetu.
Keywords: kemija, biologija, tla, učno gradivo
Published in RUNG: 03.05.2023; Views: 2004; Downloads: 0
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Time-of-flight photoconductivity investigation of high charge carrier mobility in ▫$Ti_3C_2T_x$▫ MXenes thin-film
Jurij Urbančič, Erika Tomsic, Manisha Chhikara, Nadiia Pastukhova, Vadym Tkachuk, Alex Dixon, Andraž Mavrič, Payam Hashemi, Davood Sabaghi, Ali Shaygan Nia, Gvido Bratina, Egon Pavlica, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Charge transport through a randomly oriented multilayered network of two-dimensional (2D) Ti3C2Tx (where Tx is the surface termination and corresponds to O, OH and F) was studied using time-of-flight photoconductivity (TOFP) method, which is highly sensitive to the distribution of charge carrier velocities. We prepared samples comprising Ti3C2Tx with thickness of 12 nm or 6-monolayers. MXene flakes of size up to 16 μm were randomly deposited on the surface by spin-coating from water solution. Using TOFP, we have measured electron mobility that reached values up to 279 cm2/Vs and increase with electric-field in a Poole-Frenkel manner. These values are approximately 50 times higher than previously reported field-effect mobility. Interestingly, our zero-electric-field extrapolate approaches electron mobility measured using terahertz absorption method, which represents intra-flake transport. Our data suggest that macroscopic charge transport is governed by two distinct mechanisms. The high mobility values are characteristic for the intra-flake charge transport via the manifold of delocalized states. On the other hand, the observed Poole-Frenkel dependence of charge carrier mobility on the electric field is typical for the disordered materials and suggest the existence of an important contribution of inter-flake hopping to the overall charge transport.
Keywords: charge transport, multilayered network, flakes, time-of-flight photoconductivity, MXene exfoliation, high-mobility solution-cast thin-film, semiconducting MXene
Published in RUNG: 31.03.2023; Views: 2256; Downloads: 9
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Copper bioavailability and leaching in conventional and organic viticulture under environmental stress
Erika Jež, Elisa Pellegrini, Marco Contin, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The continuous use of Cu-based fungicides in viticulture has caused Cu accumulation in soils, which represents a major environmental and toxicological concern. The purpose of this study was to verify whether the organic management would be more resilient to temperature and moisture stresses in comparison to conventional practices. Two organic and two conventional vineyard soils, contrasting in pH, were exposed for six months to temperature stress (29 °C), moisture stress (10% water holding capacity—WHC), and combined stresses (29 °C—10% WHC). Main soil properties, Cu speciation, bioavailability, and leaching were monitored before and after 6 months’ incubation. Results confirm that the increase of temperature caused a decrease in both total organic carbon (TOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (up to 19% and 49%, respectively), a decrease in available ammonium, and an increase in nitrate. Moisture stress tends to mitigate some of these changes. Despite that, changes of Cu bioavailability and leaching were limited and rarely significant. Moreover, no regular trends between conventional and organic management could be observed. Changes in soil pH and total N (TN) appeared as the most influencing properties to regulate Cu behavior in vineyard soils. Calcareous soils were more resistant to environmental stresses compared to acid soils, regardless of the type of management (conventional or organic).
Keywords: soil copper, climate changes, soil organic matter, organic viticulture, BCR speciation
Published in RUNG: 22.02.2023; Views: 2092; Downloads: 24
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Guillaume Antalick, Marko Lesica, Melita Sternad Lemut, Lorena Butinar, Erika Jež, Branka Mozetič Vodopivec, 2020, other educational material

Keywords: interaktivno učno gradivo, pridelava vina, posamezne faze pridelave, sveže belo vino
Published in RUNG: 23.02.2021; Views: 3218; Downloads: 0
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