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Plasma cortisol concentrations in Holstein Friesian and Belgian Blue newborn calves born by different types of delivery
M. Probo, Tanja Peric, M. Montillo, Geert Opsomer, L. O. Fiems, M. C. Veronesi, 2016, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: Cortisol (C) is a major stimulus for fetal and neonatal lung maturation and for surfactant production. Neonatal calves born by caesarean section (CS), particularly the double-muscled Belgian Blue (BB), are more proned to develop the respiratory distress syndrome (Cambier et al. 2002 Vet Res 33, 283–290; Danlois et al. 2003 Vet J 165, 65–72). The aim of this study was to investigate C plasma levels in 15 Holstein Friesian (HF) newborn calves born by spontaneous vaginal delivery (VD) and in 25 BB newborn calves born by elective CS. Blood samples were taken at 10, 20, 30 min and at 6, 24 h after birth and at 7 and 14 days of age. Plasma C concentrations were analyzed by RIA. Statistical analysis evidenced an influence of both time (p < 0.05) and group (p < 0.0001) on C concentrations. In agreement with previous studies, high C levels at birth were followed by a reduction at 6 h and by a further decrease on day 7 after birth in both groups. Cortisol concentrations were different between BB and HF calves, with significantly higher levels in HF calves. These findings are in agreement with studies in newborn babies, while previous studies on calves mentioned no differences in C levels between calves born without assistance vs. calves born by CS. The present results suggest that both breed and type of delivery are associated with plasma C levels in the newborn calf.
Keywords: Plasma cortisol, Holstein Friesian, Belgian Blue, calf, delivery
Published in RUNG: 15.11.2016; Views: 5623; Downloads: 0
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Plasma T3 and T4 concentrations in newborn calves : influence of type of delivery and breed
Tanja Peric, A. Prandi, M. C. Veronesi, M. Probo, Geert Opsomer, L. O. Fiems, 2013, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: teleta, plazma, T3, T4
Published in RUNG: 10.07.2015; Views: 5925; Downloads: 151
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