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Progressive pedagogies for innovation among art, science and technology : the case of
Peter Purg, N. Castillo-Rutz, Sergi Bermúdez i Badia, C. Csíkszentmihályi, Jurij V. Krpan, F. Hedeer, D. L. Sousa, Klemen Širok, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Even if aiming at technical innovation, an interdisciplinary curriculum can and should include social values. The Master Module in Art, Science and Technology project attempted to do so by developing the innovation catalyst profile, a graduate who critically reflects on the creation process by combining art thinking and design thinking. Within a pilot of the MAST module students from three universities responded to timely challenges such as ‘The Future of Work’ and ‘Solidarity,’ through which the project staff tested progressive pedagogical solutions like cross-disciplinary mentoring and situated knowledge sharing. Introducing European social values in both artistic and technical education, the article presents models, experiments and inspirations discussed against discursive analysis and course evaluation data. In order to support not only inclusive but also sustainable teaching and learning approaches, novel methods and tools may become daringly innovative as well as critical of both their pedagogical and the wider social setting.
Keywords: art thinking, curriculum design, social values, innovation catalyst, design thinking
Published in RUNG: 27.06.2022; Views: 1877; Downloads: 29
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Cross-sector Innovation Transfer : MAST Business Plan
Andreja Lapuh Maležič, Jurij Krpan, Simon Gmajner, Peter Purg, Nayari Castillo Rutz, Sergi Bermudez di Badia, Dejan Kaligaro, Lea Mohorič, treatise, preliminary study, study

Abstract: The economic analysis showed that the MAST project is justified and represents added value for all users, the financial feasibility of carrying out the MAST project as such was confirmed. The set business model of the MAST project was proved to be sustainable in the long run, as the project from 2022 onwards shows considerable self-sustainability. Not only during its implementation but also at its finish the project may be estimated low-risk also for its possible future developments, as it clearly promotes an innovative idea and features a clear business model based on a professional team in capacity to face all the challenges and risks.
Keywords: business plan, sustainability, financial
Published in RUNG: 10.05.2021; Views: 2433; Downloads: 0
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Interreg projekt Ita-Slo DIVA; Spletna delavnica za promocijo sodelovanja med MSP in KKI
Peter Purg, Jurij Krpan, Lampe Žiga, other monographs and other completed works

Abstract: Spletna delavnica DIVA za promocijo sodelovanja med podjetiji in kulturno-kreativnim sektorjem Posnetek prikazuje celoten potek online delavnice za slovensko programsko območje projekta Interreg DIVA (, ki je potekala 9.11.2020 med 11. in 15. uro ter pritegnila skupno preko 50 udeležencev. V posnetku je po otvoritvi slovenskega dela DVA vozlišč prikazan specifičen razvoj metodologije Art Thinking v kontekstu konvencionalnih inovacijskih metod Design Thinking ter Value Proposition Canvas. Program: • Uvodni pozdrav in otvoritev DIVA vozlišč (hub-ov) • Predstavitev projekta DIVA in napoved razpisa • Art thinking • Design thinking • Review / kritičen pogled – primeri iz industrije, Jurij Krpan • (odmor) • Predstavitev metode Value Proposition Canvas • Delavnica: Value Proposition Canvas • Zaključek Inovativnost, agilnost to so vse bolj pomembne lastnosti podjetij, kar je še posebej pokazala gospodarska kriza, ki jo je prinesla korona-kriza. A inovacij se ni potrebno bati, le lotiti se jih je potrebno na pravi način. Pri tem sta ključna dva faktorja. Prvi je vzpostavitev inovacijske kulture oz. za začetek inovacijske ekipe. In drugo, izbira prave metodologije. Inovacij se je potrebno lotit strukturirano in po korakih, pri tem pa je ključno tudi povezovanje. Izkušnje kažejo, da preko povezovanja s kulturno-kreativnim sektorjem lahko hitreje pridemo do pravih izzivov, ki so vredni reševanja in seveda rešitev, ki prinašajo dodano vrednost.
Keywords: interdisiplinaren, ekosistem, sodelovanje, ustvarjalne, industrije, kulturne, art thinking, MSP, KKI
Published in RUNG: 18.11.2020; Views: 2965; Downloads: 0
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From Art to Innovation: Do they really need us? : Ars Electronica 2020 (Garden Slovenia)
Peter Purg, Uroš Veber, Janez Frelih, other monographs and other completed works

Abstract: Ars Electronica Garden Slovenia konS ≡ TALKS - From Art to Innovation: Do they really need us? Kersnikova Institute [Kapelica Gallery + Rampa + BioTehna + Vivarium] (SI), Projekt Atol Institute (SI), Ljudmila Society (SI), Aksioma Institute (SI), Cona Institute (SI), University of Nova Gorica – School of Arts (SI), Youth Cultural Centre Maribor (SI), Youth Centre Velenje (SI), LokalPatriot Novo mesto (SI) Credits Partners: Kersnikova Institute (Kapelica Gallery + Rampa + BioTehna + Vivarium), Projekt Atol Institute, Ljudmila Society, Aksioma Institute, Cona Institute (all from Ljubljana), University of Nova Gorica – School of Arts, Youth Cultural Centre Maribor, Youth Centre Velenje, LokalPatriot Novo mesto – SI konS ≡ Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art is a project chosen on the public call for the selection of the operations “Network of Investigative Art and Culture Centres”. The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union.
Keywords: interdisiplinary, intermedia, arts, innovation, labs, kons, platform
Published in RUNG: 09.11.2020; Views: 3146; Downloads: 0
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Peter Purg, Jurij Krpan, Maša Jazbec, Saša Spačal, Robertina Šebjanič, radio or television broadcast, podcast, interview, press conference

Abstract: Okrogla Miza na Radiu Študent Ljubljana; 22. 7. 2020 - 11.00 - 13.00 prof. dr. Peter Purg, raziskovalec in profesor na področju novomedijske umetnosti Jurij Krpan, kurator, umetniški vodja, producent Saša Spačal, slovenska intermedijska umetnica, grafična oblikovalka, raziskovalka živih sistemov in bioumetnica dr. Maša Jazbec, intermedijska umetnica in raziskovalka Javljanje iz umetniške rezidence v Kopru pri društvu PiNA: Robertina Šebjanič, intermedijska umetnica in raziskovalka Moderira: Nika Sajovic * Okrogla miza je nastala v sklopu projekta ŠIPK, ki ga Radio Študent izvaja s Fakulteto za medije. Študentske inovativne projekte za družbeno korist (ŠIPK) sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada.
Keywords: novi mediji, intermedijska, umetnost, kritika, interdisiplinarnost
Published in RUNG: 15.10.2020; Views: 3070; Downloads: 0
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Jurij V. Krpan, Peter Purg, Sergi Badia, di, Simon Mokorel, other performed works

Abstract: The Challenge Lab discussion delved into the concept of the Situation Room – a setting within which an interdisciplinary group, interested in taking part in an innovation process is put in front of a challenge – to provide a technological innovation, an application of a technological innovation in the society, or a social innovation. Such process is to be facilitated by an “innovation catalyst”, a professional profile which is being built through AST study modules, such as MAST. The discussion gives a deeper insight of the terms such as: challenge lab, innovation catalyst, and art thinking. SPEAKERS Simon Mokorel – Project Designer and Design Engineer Jurij Krpan – Art Director at Kersnikova Institute Sergi Bermudez i Badia – Professor at Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute Peter Purg – Assoc. Prof. PhD, University of Nova Gorica School of Arts, MAST project lead
Keywords: challenge, laboratory, lab, innovation, experiment, industry
Published in RUNG: 08.10.2020; Views: 2753; Downloads: 0
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