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Initial ZEB benchmarks based on cost-optimal study
Marjana Šijanec-Zavrl, Henrik Gjerkeš, Luka Zupančič, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Revised EPBD (EU/2024/1275) has introduced zero energy buildings (ZEB) and foreseen operational carbon and whole life cycle carbon (GWP) as benchmarks supporting setting minimum requirements in future building codes, building renovation plan and a national roadmap for progressive reducing GWP values for decarbonization of buildings by 2050. Starting from 2023 cost-optimal analysis this study proposed the method for assessment of initial ZEB benchmarks (in operational carbon) and emphasised the urgent need for the national database of GWP (operational and embodied carbon emissions).
Keywords: zero energy buildings, global warming potential, cost-optimal analysis, life cycle assesment
Published in RUNG: 11.12.2024; Views: 426; Downloads: 3
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Mnenje o energetski učinkovitosti stavbe B srednje šole SVŠGUG Ljubljana
Henrik Gjerkeš, Luka Zupančič, Marjana Šijanec-Zavrl, 2024, expertise, arbitration decision

Keywords: energetska učinkovitost, obnovljivi viri energije, kakovost bivanja v prostorih
Published in RUNG: 11.03.2024; Views: 1473; Downloads: 0
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