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Usvajanje načela maksimiziranja predpostavke v kontekstu slovenskih glagolov 'misliti' in 'vedeti'
Manca Mušič, 2018, master's thesis

Abstract: Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na pragmatično načelo maksimiziranja predpostavke (Maximize Presupposition). Uporabljeni so bili rezultati eksperimentalne študije, ki je vključevala slovenska glagola misliti in vedeti. Glavni cilj raziskave je bil preveriti, pri kateri starosti je možno pri otrocih zaslediti poznavanje načela maksimiziranja predpostavke, njihovo zmožnost izračuna sklepov, ki jih načelo sproži, in izbire optimalne alternative. V eksperimentu sta sodelovali skupini otrok v starosti 5 in 7 let. Uporabljena metodologija in gradivo sta temeljila na referenčni študiji Stateve in drugih (2017), ki je proučevala vlogo dvojezičnosti na usvajanje načela. Rezultati magistrskega dela napeljujejo na obstoj razvojne osi usvajanja načela pred sedmim letom ter odpirajo vprašanja glede usvajanja faktivnega glagola vedeti pri petih letih.
Keywords: pragmatika, jezikoslovje, usvajanje jezika, psiholingvistika, slovenščina
Published in RUNG: 27.09.2018; Views: 6058; Downloads: 168
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Two (non-)islands in Slovenian : A study in experimental syntax
Arthur Stepanov, Manca Mušič, Penka Stateva, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: There exists a controversy in the literature and among the speakers of Slovenian concerning the grammaticality of wh-island and subject island constructions in this language. We conducted an acceptability rating study of wh-islands and subject islands in Slovenian, using the factorial definition of island. This definition provides for a possibility to isolate a true island effect while controlling for two complexity factors that potentially interfere in speakers’ evaluation of the relevant sentences: the length of the respective movement dependency and the presence of an island structure itself. We found that (i) Slovenian speakers do judge the wh-island sentences worse than the respective controls, but the observed degradation cannot be attributed to a true island effect; (ii) subject extraction out of a wh-island leads to a so called reverse island effect whereby the acceptability is higher than expected even if the above two complexity factors are taken into consideration; and (iii) speakers are sensitive to the subject island effect, as predicted by the mainstream theories of syntactic locality. The results of our study contribute to establishing a solid empirical base for further theoretical investigations of the island effects and raise new questions about the role of processing factors in speakers’ evaluations of island constructions.
Keywords: syntactic island, experimental syntax, Subjacency, Empty Category Principle, Slovenian
Published in RUNG: 11.06.2018; Views: 5334; Downloads: 0
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Arthur Stepanov, Manca Mušič, Penka Stateva, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: In this work, we aim to clarify the empirical paradigm that bears on two aspects of syntactic locality in Slovenian. First, building on previous work, we investigate how robustly Slovenian observes the syntactic locality constraint precluding constituent sub-extraction out of subject noun phrases. Second, we ask whether Slovenian allows Left Branch Extraction in interrogative and non-interrogative sentences. To elucidate both issues, we conducted a magnitude estimation study, the results of which support our previous claim that there is a subject island effect in Slovenian. Furthermore, our results suggest that Slovenian disallows Left Branch Extraction, in contrast with some other Slavic languages. We also discuss theoretical consequences of our empirical findings.
Keywords: syntactic island, Left Branch extraction, magnitude estimation, Slovenian
Published in RUNG: 03.01.2017; Views: 5704; Downloads: 254
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K-premik iz vprašalnih in osebkovih zvez v slovenščini ter njihove omejitve: Eksperimentalna študija skladenjskih otokov
Manca Mušič, 2015, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Tema diplomske naloge so skladenjski otoki vprašalnih in osebkovih stavčnih zvez v slovenščini, izvedena je bila eksperimentalna študija. Glavni cilj raziskave je bil razjasniti empirično paradigmo skladenjskih otokov vprašalnih in osebkovih stavčnih zvez v slovenskem jeziku z uporabo modela iz eksperimentalne skladnje, t. i. faktorske opredelitve učinka skladenjskih otokov Sprousa in drugih (2012 in 2015). Za raziskavo je bila uporabljena novejša metodologija, t. i. metoda ocene magnitude (Magnitude Estimation), s katero smo preprečili preskriptivne bralce. Analiza pridobljenih rezultatov je pokazala zanimiv vpogled v stanje slovenščine glede na obstoječe teorije skladenjskih otokov, kot so načelo stičnosti, načelo neizraženih prvin in prepoved premeščanja iz nedopolnil. Raziskava odpira tudi nova vprašanja na področju skladenjskih otokov.
Keywords: skladenjski otoki, k-premik, omejitve, eksperimentalna skladnja, slovenščina, metoda ocene magnitude
Published in RUNG: 23.09.2015; Views: 6265; Downloads: 301
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