1. Afforestation of common land in the Classical Karst : relations between the authorities, the local population, and the economic consequences of afforestationNikita Peresin Meden, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: The findings of environmental history are in the service of ecology and represent an important contribution to the understanding of the sustainable management of land. The aim of this article is to shed light on the relations between the local population and the authorities regarding the afforestation of common land in Komen in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, placing them in a broader Mediterranean context. The local population was not opposed to afforestation per se, but to the prohibition of usufruct on afforested land, which had major economic consequences for the local population. Authorities did not always take into consideration the annual agricultural processes, local customs, and natural resource needs in their afforestation decisions. The prohibition of usufruct was followed by a shortage of fodder and firewood, which led to forest violations to satisfy demands. Thus, afforestation has undermined the basis of agriculture. In addition, already afforested land remained under common ownership for a relatively long time. Keywords: common land, Karst, afforestation, Mediterranean, environmental history Published in RUNG: 03.12.2024; Views: 75; Downloads: 0 Full text (3,71 MB) This document has many files! More... |
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3. Taming the forest : embracing the complexity of art-sci research through microhistory, bioeconomics and intermedia artNikita Peresin Meden, Kristina Pranjić, Peter Purg, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: An ongoing collaborative project between art and science, Taming the Forest (2022) was implemented by a team of students, artists and researchers charting an interdisciplinary project among bioeconomics, environmental history, policy and artistic practice. In this article, the project acts as a case study for researching the conflicting narratives of history and economics about biodiversity in general, and specifically about forests. It shows how different blends of methodologies in artistic-cum-scientific research can become relevant for both realms, opening new creative pathways and pedagogical registers while repeatedly returning to a specific forest’s microhistory. Moreover, the article stresses the need for a new sensibility and complex knowledge, moving beyond an objective study and becoming attentive to different dimensions of research and its outputs that emerge through the introduction of artistic thinking and methodologies. This kind of transdisciplinary approach becomes necessary in order to tackle the manifold large-scale problems such as the climate and biodiversity crises, which call for both acting decisively and transforming radically, above all with regard to how humans perceive, relate to and manage nature. Keywords: biodiversity, climate crisis, environmental history, forest management, Karst, transdisciplinary, artistic thinking, artistic research Published in RUNG: 01.07.2024; Views: 795; Downloads: 8 Full text (1,80 MB) This document has many files! More... |
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5. Trg Senožeče: o dejavnikih gospodarskega vzpona, vrhunca in zatonaNikita Peresin Meden, 2022, review article Abstract: Rdečo nit prispevka predstavlja interpretacija dejavnikov, ki so vplivali na
gospodarski razvoj, vrhunec in propad trga. Trg Senožeče se je razvil poleg istoimenske
vasi. Krivulji gospodarske rasti trga in vasi Senožeče se opazno razlikujeta ter sta
v nekaterih časovnih intervalih celo obratno sorazmerni. Ker je skozi trg vodila
pomembna trgovska pot, je to ugodno vplivalo na njegov razvoj. Nastanek trga
postavljamo v obdobje od sredine 14. do sredine 15. st. V drugi polovici 16. in v prvih
desetletjih 17. st. je doživljal gospodarski vrhunec, ki mu je v prvi polovici 18. st. sledilo
postopno ugašanje tržišča. V 18. st. je vodilno mesto v gospodarski sferi prevzela vas,
v katero se je prenesla pomembna prometnica, ki je prej potekala skozi trg Keywords: Kras, Senožeče, trg, trgovina, gospodarstvo, novi vek, pozni srednji vek Published in RUNG: 16.08.2023; Views: 1486; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
6. Symphotree / Taming the Forest : Festival novomedijske umetnosti Speculum ArtiumMiha Godec, Abiral Khadka, Nikita Peresin Meden, Tijana Mijušković, Kristina Pranjić, Peter Purg, other performed works Keywords: Znanost in umetnost, biosonifikacija, raziskovanje v umetnosti, gozd, Kras Published in RUNG: 19.12.2022; Views: 1972; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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