11. Database of the Western South Slavic Verb HyperVerb -- DerivationStefan Milosavljević, Petra Mišmaš, Marko Simonović, Boban Arsenijević, Katarina Gomboc Čeh, Franc Marušič, Jelena Simić, Rok Žaucer, complete scientific database of research data Keywords: Slavic, verb, Slovenian, BCMS, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, verbal morphology, derivation, prefix, sufix Published in RUNG: 27.07.2023; Views: 2660; Downloads: 21
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12. Dozoreti, dozorevati; izgoreti, izgorevati --- : o sekundarnih nedovršnikih netožilniških glagolov v slovenščiniPetra Mišmaš, Marko Simonović, 2023, published scientific conference contribution Keywords: slovenščina, netožilniški glagoli, sekundarni nedovršniki, morfem, tematski vokal Published in RUNG: 21.03.2023; Views: 1963; Downloads: 9
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14. Licensing deverbal -lac/-lec nominalizations in Western South SlavicBoban Arsenijević, Katarina Gomboc Čeh, Franc Marušič, Stefan Milosavljević, Petra Mišmaš, Marko Simonović, 2022, published scientific conference contribution abstract Keywords: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Slovenian, Slavic, nominalizations, participles, imperfective verbs, perfective verbs Published in RUNG: 26.09.2022; Views: 2179; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
15. Database of the Western South Slavic verb HyperVerb 1.0Franc Marušič, Rok Žaucer, Petra Mišmaš, Boban Arsenijević, Marko Simonović, Stefan Milosavljević, Katarina Gomboc Čeh, Jelena Simić, 2022, complete scientific database of research data Abstract: Slavic, verb, Keywords: Slavic, verb, inflection, theme vowel, Slovenian, BCMS, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, verbal morphology, verbal stress pattern, verbal inflection Published in RUNG: 12.09.2022; Views: 2805; Downloads: 53
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17. Lowest theme vowels or highest roots? : an ‘unaccusative’ theme-vowel class in SlovenianMarko Simonović, Petra Mišmaš, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: This paper focuses on the e/i theme vowel class of verbs in Slovenian to bring together two seemingly unrelated debates: (i) the debate on the correlation between theme-vowel classes and certain argument structures and (ii) the debate on the status of derivational affixes within the framework of Distributed Morphology. Our core data come from a list of 108 unaccusative verbs obtained using adjectival active l-participles as an unaccusativity diagnostic. We show that (i) no unaccusative verbs belong to the two largest theme-vowel classes in Slovenian (a/a and i/i), whereas (ii) the two big theme vowel classes tend to get accusative arguments quite frequently. Most importantly, (iii) the e/i class stands out since more than one half of the unaccusative sample falls into it. The e/i class is furthermore exceptional in that its theme vowel surfaces in adjectival l-participles, it is the theme-vowel class to which inchoatives in inchoative-causative pairs belong and it behaves uniformly with respect to stress. Based on this behavior, which sets the e/i-class apart from other theme-vowel classes, we argue that the morpheme e/i is better analyzed as a derivational affix. We further argue, following Lowenstamm (2014), that derivational affixes are transitive roots rather than categorizers and propose detailed PF and LF instructions for the root under consideration. Keywords: theme vowels, derivational roots, unaccusatives, l-participles, Slovenian Published in RUNG: 18.02.2022; Views: 2998; Downloads: 67
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