Polymer Nanoparticle Sizes from Dynamic Light Scattering and Size Exclusion Chromatography: The Case Study of Polysilanes.Artem Badasyan,
Andraž Mavrič,
Irena Kralj Cigić,
Tim Bencik,
Matjaž Valant, 2018, original scientific article
Abstract: Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) are among the most popular methods for determining polymer sizes in solution. Taking dendritic and network polysilanes as a group of least soluble polymer substances, we critically compare and discuss the difference between nanoparticle sizes, obtained by DLS and SEC. Polymer nanoparticles are typically in poor solution conditions below the theta point and are in globular conformation therefore. Determination of particle sizes in presence of attractive interactions is not a trivial task. The only possibility to measure aggregation-free, a true molecular size of polymer nanoparticles in such regime of solution, is to operate with the dilute solution of globules (below theta point and above the miscibility line). Basing on results of our polysilane measurements, we come to a conclusion that DLS provides more reliable results than SEC for the dilute solution of globules. General implications for the size measurements of polymer nanoparticles in solutions are discussed.
Keywords: Polymer Nanoparticle, Dynamic Light Scattering, Size Exclusion Chromatography, Polysilanes
Published in RUNG: 16.05.2018; Views: 5369; Downloads: 19
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