1. Surviving sluicingFranc Marušič, Petra Mišmaš, Vesna Plesničar, Tina Šuligoj, 2018, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: In this paper, we discuss examples of sluicing in Slovenian in which, in addition to a wh-phrase (or wh-phrases in instances of multiple sluicing) discourse particles appear. This is unexpected given Merchant’s (2001) Sluicing-COMP generalization, as already observed in Marušič et al. (2015), even though there are several languages in which similar cases exist, e.g. German. In this paper we focus on discourse particles pa and že in (multiple) wh-questions and sluicing. These examples are not only important for our understanding of sluicing but are also crucial for analyzing discourse particles in Slovenian. Based on examples with sluicing and discourse particles in Slovenian, we argue against positioning these particles within the whphrase, clitic cluster or the IP. Keywords: Slovenian, sluicing, particles, sluicing-COMP generalization Published in RUNG: 01.02.2019; Views: 4377; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
2. When linearity prevails over hierarchy in syntaxFranc Marušič, Tina Šuligoj, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: Hierarchical structure has been cherished as a grammatical universal. We use experimental methods to show where linear order is also a relevant syntactic relation. An identical methodology and design were used across six research sites on South Slavic languages. Experimental results show that in certain configurations, grammatical production can in fact favor linear order over hierarchical structure. However, these findings are limited to coordinate structures and distinct from the kind of production errors found with comparable configurations such as “attraction” errors. The results demonstrate that agreement morphology may be computed in a series of steps, one of which is partly independent from syntactic hierarchy. Keywords: experimental syntax, syntactic agreement, elicited language production, coordinated, noun phrases, South Slavic languages Published in RUNG: 15.01.2018; Views: 5118; Downloads: 189 Full text (1,75 MB) |
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4. Slovnična kategorija števila pri stavčnem ujemanju: dvojina v koordinaciji : Magistrsko deloTina Šuligoj, 2017, master's thesis Abstract: Magistrsko delo obravnava ujemalne vzorce v primerih koordinacije z veznikom in. Raziskava je bila izvedena med 50-imi govorci tistih slovenskih narečij, kjer je dvojina prisotna v vsakodnevni komunikaciji, in sicer so anketiranci preko spletnega vprašalnika podali sprejemljivostne sodbe za omenjene primere priredij. Ugotovitve, vezane na raziskavo, potrjujejo obstoj različnih ujemalnih strategij, ki pa se pojavljajo različno pogosto. Nadalje so ugotovljene povezave med slovničnimi oznakami za število ter slovničnimi oznakami za spol, pri čemer velja, da imajo oznake za število večji vpliv na izbiro govorcem sprejemljive ujemalne strategije kakor pa oznake za spol. Na osnovi uporabljenih primerov, ki temeljijo na dvojinskih (samostalniških) oblikah v različnih kombinacijah oznak za število in spol, ugotavljamo, da so pojavitve dvojinskih oblik torej vezane tudi na relativno zaznamovanost dvojine v primerjavi z ednino ter množino. Keywords: stavčno ujemanje, slovenščina, koordinacija, priredje, slovnične oznake, slovnično število, dvojina, tvorbeni eksperiment, sprejemljivostne sodbe Published in RUNG: 25.05.2017; Views: 8163; Downloads: 235 Full text (966,37 KB) |
5. Surviving sluicingFranc Marušič, Petra Mišmaš, Vesna Plesničar, Tina Šuligoj, 2016, published scientific conference contribution abstract Keywords: sluicing, discourse particles, multiple wh-fronting, wh-phrase, left periphery, syntax, Slovenian Published in RUNG: 14.12.2016; Views: 5605; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
6. Conjunct Agreement and Gender in South Slavic: From Theory to Experiments to TheoryJana Willer Gold, Franc Marušič, Tina Šuligoj, 2016, original scientific article Abstract: Agreement with coordinated subjects in Slavic languages has recently seen a rapid increase in theoretical and experimental approaches, contributing to a wider theoretical discussion on the locus of agreement in grammar (cf. Marušič, Nevins, and Saksida 2007; Bošković 2009; Marušič, Nevins, and Badecker 2015). This paper revisits the theoretical predictions proposed for conjunction agreement in a group of South Slavic languages, with a special focus on gender agreement. The paper is based on two experiments involving speakers of Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS) and Slovenian (Sln). Experiment 1 is an elicited production experiment investigating preverbal-conjunct agreement, while Experiment 2 investigates postverbal-conjunct agreement. The data provide experimental evidence discriminating between syntax proper and distributed-agreement models in terms of their ability to account for preverbal highest-conjunct agreement and present a theoretical mechanism for the distinction between default agreement (which has a fixed number and gender, independent of the value of each conjunct) and resolved agreement (which computes number and gender based on the values of each conjunct and must resolve potential conflicts). Focusing on the variability in the gender-agreement ratio across nine combinations, the experimental results for BCS and Sln morphosyntax challenge the notion of gender markedness that is generally posited for South Slavic languages. Keywords: skladnja, slovenščina, srbohrvaščina, eksperimentalna skladnja, ujemanje, sestavljeni osebek, priderno vezan osebek, ujemanje sestavljenega osebka Published in RUNG: 06.07.2016; Views: 6877; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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