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7. Prospects for a survey of the galactic plane with the Cherenkov Telescope ArrayK. Abe, Saptashwa Bhattacharyya, Judit Pérez Romero, Samo Stanič, Veronika Vodeb, Serguei Vorobiov, Gabrijela Zaharijas, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Miha Živec, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Approximately one hundred sources of very-high-energy (VHE) gamma rays are known in the Milky Way, detected with a combination of targeted observations and surveys. A survey of the entire Galactic Plane in the energy range from a few tens of GeV to a few hundred TeV has been proposed as a Key Science Project for the upcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). This article presents the status of the studies towards the Galactic Plane Survey (GPS). We build and make publicly available a sky model that combines data from recent observations of known gamma-ray emitters with state-of-the-art physically-driven models of synthetic populations of the three main classes of established Galactic VHE sources (pulsar wind nebulae, young and interacting supernova remnants, and compact binary systems), as well as of interstellar emission from cosmic-ray interactions in the Milky Way. We also perform an optimisation of the observation strategy (pointing pattern and scheduling) based on recent estimations of the instrument performance. We use the improved sky model and observation strategy to simulate GPS data corresponding to a total observation time of 1620 hours spread over ten years. Data are then analysed using the methods and software tools under development for real data. Under our model assumptions and for the realisation considered, we show that the GPS has the potential to increase the number of known Galactic VHE emitters by almost a factor of five. This corresponds to the detection of more than two hundred pulsar wind nebulae and a few tens of supernova remnants at average integral fluxes one order of magnitude lower than in the existing sample above 1 TeV, therefore opening the possibility to perform unprecedented population studies. The GPS also has the potential to provide new VHE detections of binary systems and pulsars, to confirm the existence of a hypothetical population of gamma-ray pulsars with an additional TeV emission component, and to detect bright sources capable of accelerating particles to PeV energies (PeVatrons). Furthermore, the GPS will constitute a pathfinder for deeper follow-up observations of these source classes. Finally, we show that we can extract from GPS data an estimate of the contribution to diffuse emission from unresolved sources, and that there are good prospects of detecting interstellar emission and statistically distinguishing different scenarios. Thus, a survey of the entire Galactic plane carried out from both hemispheres with CTAO will ensure a transformational advance in our knowledge of Galactic VHE source populations and interstellar emission. Keywords: very-high-energy gamma rays, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory, CTAO Galactic Plane Survey, galactic cosmic rays, pulsar wind nebulae, supernova remnants, galactic PeVatrons, binary systems, diffuse emission Published in RUNG: 28.10.2024; Views: 652; Downloads: 3
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8. Prospects for ▫$\gamma-ray$▫ observations of the Perseus galaxy cluster with the Cherenkov Telescope ArrayK. Abe, Saptashwa Bhattacharyya, Judit Pérez Romero, Samo Stanič, Veronika Vodeb, Serguei Vorobiov, Gabrijela Zaharijas, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Miha Živec, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Galaxy clusters are expected to be both dark matter (DM) reservoirs and storage rooms for the cosmic-ray protons (CRp) that accumulate along the cluster’s formation history. Accordingly, they are excellent targets to search for signals of DM annihilation and decay at γ-ray energies and are predicted to be sources of large-scale γ-ray emission due to hadronic interactions in the intracluster medium (ICM). In this paper, we estimate the sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) to detect diffuse γ-ray emission from the Perseus galaxy cluster. We first perform a detailed spatial and spectral modelling of the expected signal for both the DM and the CRp components. For each case, we compute the expected CTA sensitivity accounting for the CTA instrument response functions. The CTA observing strategy of the Perseus cluster is also discussed. In the absence of a diffuse signal (non-detection), CTA should constrain the CRp to thermal energy ratio X500 within the characteristic radius R500 down to about X500 < 0.003, for a spatial CRp distribution that follows the thermal gas and a CRp spectral index αCRp = 2.3. Under the optimistic assumption of a pure hadronic origin of the Perseus radio mini-halo and depending on the assumed magnetic field profile, CTA should measure αCRp down to about ∆αCRp ≃ 0.1 and the CRp spatial distribution with 10% precision, respectively. Regarding DM, CTA should improve the current ground-based γ-ray DM limits from clusters observations on the velocity- averaged annihilation cross-section by a factor of up to ∼ 5, depending on the modelling of DM halo substructure. In the case of decay of DM particles, CTA will explore a new region of the parameter space, reaching models with τχ > 10[sup]27 s for DM masses above 1 TeV. These constraints will provide unprecedented sensitivity to the physics of both CRp acceleration and transport at cluster scale and to TeV DM particle models, especially in the decay scenario. Keywords: cosmic ray experiments, dark matter experiments, galaxy clusters, gamma ray experiments, very-high energy gamma rays, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory, Perseus galaxy cluster Published in RUNG: 09.10.2024; Views: 697; Downloads: 1
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9. Dark matter line searches with the Cherenkov Telescope ArrayS. Abe, Saptashwa Bhattacharyya, Christopher Eckner, Judit Pérez Romero, Samo Stanič, Veronika Vodeb, Serguei Vorobiov, Gabrijela Zaharijas, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Miha Živec, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Monochromatic gamma-ray signals constitute a potential smoking gun signature for annihilating
or decaying dark matter particles that could relatively easily be distinguished from astrophysical
or instrumental backgrounds. We provide an updated assessment of the sensitivity of
the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) to such signals, based on observations of the Galactic
centre region as well as of selected dwarf spheroidal galaxies. We find that current limits
and detection prospects for dark matter masses above 300 GeV will be significantly improved,
by up to an order of magnitude in the multi-TeV range.
This demonstrates that CTA will set a new standard for gamma-ray astronomy also in this respect, as the world's largest and most sensitive high-energy gamma-ray observatory, in particular due to its exquisite energy resolution at TeV energies and the adopted observational strategy focussing
on regions with large dark matter densities.
Throughout our analysis, we use up-to-date instrument response functions, and we thoroughly
model the effect of instrumental systematic uncertainties in our statistical treatment. We further present results for other potential signatures with sharp spectral features, e.g. box-shaped spectra, that would likewise very clearly point to a particle dark matter origin. Keywords: dark matter experiments, dark matter theory, gamma ray experiments, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory Published in RUNG: 24.09.2024; Views: 745; Downloads: 6
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10. Klasična in mladinska dela španske literature pri nas : Prevodni Pranger, on-line, 19. december 2022Veronika Rot, Marjeta Prelesnik Drozg, Barbara Pregelj, 2022, other performed works Abstract: Na tokratnem Prevodnem Prangerju se bomo odpravili proti zahodu Evrope z dvema deloma, nastalima ne le v različnih stoletjih, pač par kar štiri sto let narazen. V osrčju razprave bo literarna klasika izpod peresa Miguela de Cervantesa, Zgledne novele, in mladinski roman Naravnost za nosom! nagrajene avtorice Ruth Tormo, ki ju je v slovenski jezik prinesla cenjena in plodna prevajalka za sladokusce Veronika Rot. O njenih prevajalskih prijemih bosta spregovorili selektorica večera dr. Barbara Pregelj in diskutantka Marjeta Prelesnik Drozg. Med njihovimi vpogledi, primeri iz izvirnika in prevoda ter odzivi občinstva bo vodila pot moderatorka večera Nina Medved. Keywords: prevajanje, recepcija, špansko književnost Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 794; Downloads: 3
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