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Analysing security checkpoints for an integrated utility-based information system
Sunil K. Muttoo, Rajan Gupta, Saibal K. Pal, 2016, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: With the rising digital medium, the various digital applications are rising too. These applications can work in the private domain or public domain depending upon the environment and features. Of late, the public infrastructure in India is improving and thus digitisation of the services and processes are making it better for the government to function. Lots of new services and applications are planned through desktop-and mobile-based information systems. But any information system requires a good security cover for it to function correctly and efficiently. One such new system was proposed for integrating the various utility systems in Delhi, NCR, for which various security checkpoints are discussed in this paper. These are related to database security, network security, cryptography, and the user authentication process. These checkpoints will be helpful in making the newly proposed information system more secure and will also be helpful in analysing the need and scope of new security features in it. Security concerns are analysed at different levels of the information system and suggestions are made for the system which can be implemented in the currently proposed system. These suggestions can also be used in other similar systems as well as for improving and enhancing security at various levels.
Keywords: information systems, integrated utility system, database security, network security, data security, information system security, e-governance
Published in RUNG: 15.07.2021; Views: 3152; Downloads: 11
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Implementation & analysis of integrated utility system in developing nation like India
Rajan Gupta, Sunil K. Muttoo, Saibal K. Pal, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: Public utility systems are prevalent around the world but are struggling in developing nations like India to work efficiently. Integration of different utilities can be a possible solution on the technology front, so that more requests can be handled with lesser problems. This study provides the implementation design and benefits of an already proposed integration system by the same authors. It is found that Data Storage, Access Time, Transaction Cost, security cost and server’s busy time can become more effective if the implementation of integration system can be put in place. The working prototype is based on three utilities (Gas, Power & Water) of Delhi-NCR, India.
Keywords: information systems, utility system, India, developing nation
Published in RUNG: 01.04.2021; Views: 2898; Downloads: 57
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Industry equilibrium and welfare in monopolistic competition under uncertainty
Alexander Shapoval, V. M. Goncharenko, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper offers a new theory that describes the influence of uncertainty on economic fundamentals. This theory posits that uncertainty can improve social welfare. We argue that in an economy, where spending of the customers for the differentiated good correlates with larger substitutability of its varieties, the equilibrium output decreases and the prices increase when uncertainty appears. Alternatively, if such spending and substitutability anti-correlate, the predictions for the price and output changes are reversed. The arguments are based on general equilibrium modeling with the monopolistic competition of firms which produce varieties of the differentiated good under limited information regarding the consumer demand. The impact of uncertainty on the equilibrium is assessed by using the relationship between the weighted elasticity of substitution between varieties, the elasticity of the consumer utility, and the income share spent on the differentiated good.
Keywords: monopolistic competition, uncertain demand, general utility, consumer welfare
Published in RUNG: 22.03.2021; Views: 3019; Downloads: 0
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