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In-situ XAS study of catalytic N[sub]2O decomposition over CuO/CeO[sub]2 catalysts
Maxim Zabilsky, Iztok Arčon, Petar Djinović, Elena Tchernychova, Albin Pintar, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: We performed in‐situ XAS study of N 2 O decomposition over CuO/CeO 2 catalysts. The Cu K‐edge and Ce L 3 ‐edge XANES and EXAFS analyses revealed the dynamic and crucial role of Cu 2+ /Cu + and Ce 4+ /Ce 3+ ionic pairs during the catalytic reaction. We observed the initial formation of reduced Cu + and Ce 3+ species during activation in helium atmosphere at 400 °C, while concentration of these species decreased significantly during steady‐state nitrous oxide degradation reaction (2500 ppm N 2 O in He at 400 °C). In‐situ EXAFS analysis further revealed a crucial role of copper‐ceria interface in this catalytic reaction. We observed dynamic changes in average number of Cu‐Ce scatters under reaction conditions, indicating an enlarging the interface between both copper and ceria phases, where electron and oxygen transfer occurs.
Keywords: in-situ XAS, Cu EXAFS, CuO/CeO2 nanorod catalys, N2O decomposition
Published in RUNG: 29.01.2021; Views: 4172; Downloads: 0
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