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La SISSA studia la metrica di Dante : prispevek v oddaji Edizione delle 14:00, na RAI, TGR, Friuli Venezia Giulia, 25. 3. 2021
2021, radio or television event

Keywords: meter, memory, Italian poetry, Dante, Ariosto
Published in RUNG: 08.11.2021; Views: 2046; Downloads: 0
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I versi di Dante vengono ricordati anche senza metrica. Quelli di Ariosto no.
Sara Andreetta, 2021, interview

Keywords: meter, memory, Italian poetry, Dante, Ariosto
Published in RUNG: 08.11.2021; Views: 1964; Downloads: 0
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TV show "Trieste in diretta"
Sara Andreetta, radio or television event

Keywords: tv interview, meter, memory, Dante, Ariosto, Italian poetry
Published in RUNG: 05.11.2021; Views: 1961; Downloads: 0
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Meter as a mnemonic device
Sara Andreetta, Yair Lakretz, Alessandro Treves, 2019, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: meter, memory, Italian poetry, Dante
Published in RUNG: 05.11.2021; Views: 1958; Downloads: 39
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In poetry, if meter has to help memory, it takes its time
Sara Andreetta, Oleksandra Soldatkina, Vezha Boboeva, Alessandro Treves, 2021, original scientific article

Keywords: memory, poetry, meter, Italian poetry
Published in RUNG: 04.11.2021; Views: 1817; Downloads: 40
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Pseudopartitives, measures and agreement: an experimental study
Greta Mazzaggio, Maria Rita Manzini, invited lecture at foreign university

Keywords: pseudopartitives, agreement, agreement attraction, italian, psycholinguistics
Published in RUNG: 22.09.2021; Views: 2031; Downloads: 0
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L'uso dell'inglese L2 e la correzione degli errori in due lezioni alla scuola media : laurea in lingue e letterature straniere
Greta Mazzaggio, 2012, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: In our globalized and multi-cultural society, communicating between different nationalities becomes more and more important. Language remains a paramount aspect of cultural dialogue and English as lingua franca is the undisputed medium of communication, taught everywhere at an early age. In Italy English is taught since elementary school, sometimes even in kindergarten, when children’s linguistic abilities are stronger; however, teachers usually fail to make the most out of such abilities, as their lessons are primarily in Italian and the use of English is limited to some words or expressions targeted by exercises. With such an input, the children’s progress is likely to be limited. My experiment attempts to assess the interaction student-teacher in terms of use of L2 in class by means of a comparative analysis of two middle-school lessons taught by the same teacher to different age groups. Moreover, teacher’s correction techniques will be assessed in the light of frameworks established by scholars in this field, where the positive value of errors in the development of children interlanguage emerges with clarity. Since feedback is an essential part of education, special attention was paid to the teacher’s behavior in dealing with student’s mistakes. Two entire lessons were recorded and transcribed, counting the numbers of words and turns uttered respectively by students and the teacher. When collected and analyzed, such data exhibited both similarities and differences between classes. On the teacher’s side, both lessons revealed that she adopts a rather conservative style of teaching, with limited interaction. As a result, the lessons are to be considered teacher-oriented, for the distribution of turns and the amount of words exchanged; conducted along the textbook’s lines, they offer very limited room for creative language production. Moreover, the teacher’s tendency to steadily correct the students, with the only exception of pronunciation errors, impairs student’s communicative fluency at large. However, a certain progress may be observed between the 1st and 3rd class in both the increased command of English and the number of errors, decreased by almost 50%. In both cases, though, the production of English sentences is creative only for a minimal part, as English is often read and lessons are mostly based on the correction of homework and written exercises. In conclusion, the experiment offers data that confirm several assumptions of contemporary linguistics, particularly in the field of Second Language Acquisition and Error Analysis.
Keywords: Second Language Acquisition, Error Analysis, Italian, English as L2
Published in RUNG: 22.09.2021; Views: 2238; Downloads: 0
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Problemi di traduzione della metafora lessicalizzata : analisi contrastiva del romanzo La sombra del viento di Carlos Ruiz Zafón e della sua traduzione in italiano
Greta Mazzaggio, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: La metafora lessicalizzata è insita nel nostro colloquiare quotidiano, tanto che viene sempre più utilizzata senza prestarci attenzione alcuna. Gli studi su questa figura così radicata nel linguaggio sono numerosi poiché tali metafore si riscontrano in tutte le lingue e, mentre a volte esiste una traduzione che possiamo definire perfetta, altre volte si incappa in variazioni semantiche, morfosintattiche o di immagine. A partire dalla letteratura di riferimento, questo lavoro mira alla realizzazione di un corpus di unità fraseologiche presenti nella novella spagnola “La sombra del viento”, dell’autore Carlos Ruiz Zafón (2001), che sarà confrontato con la rispettiva traduzione in italiano, operata dalla traduttrice Lia Sezzi (2006).
Keywords: lexicalized metaphor, metaphor, translation, linguistics, italian, spanish
Published in RUNG: 20.09.2021; Views: 2085; Downloads: 0
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La citazione meccanica : una rassegna sul fenomeno dell'ecolalia
Greta Mazzaggio, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: For some people quoting is the only way to communicate. In some pathologies, the difficulty in creating declarative clauses can be partially overcome through alternative strategies such as the mechanical and stereotyped repetition of words or sentences spoken by another person. In the past, this phenomenon – known as echolalia – was considered as a deficiency to be corrected. This article explores the debate over the communicative value of echolalia, drawing upon some studies which have demonstrated how imitation can play an essential role in the communication of children with language disorders.
Keywords: echolalia, immediate echolalia, delayed echolalia, citation, italian
Published in RUNG: 17.09.2021; Views: 2086; Downloads: 61
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Tanto per intenderci. Breve introduzione alla pragmatica sperimentale.
Greta Mazzaggio, 2021, scientific monograph

Abstract: Ogni giorno, a volte senza nemmeno rendercene conto, comunichiamo alle persone attorno a noi molto più di quello che diciamo. Non veicoliamo messaggi solo attraverso le parole, ma, sorprendentemente, anche con ciò che “non diciamo”, e il contesto condiziona profondamente il messaggio. In che modo linguaggio e contesto si relazionano per risolvere le ambiguità, comprendere ciò che gli altri ci dicono implicitamente, apprezzare la metafora o l’ironia? Tutto questo sembra avvenire senza sforzo alcuno, ma è veramente così? A queste domande prova a rispondere una nuova disciplina di ricerca, la pragmatica sperimentale, la quale adotta metodologie scientifiche per studiare quanto la relazione fra parlanti e contesto sia alla base della comunicazione umana. In questo libro passeremo in rassegna molti fenomeni linguistici e pragmatici, cercando di analizzare come la ricerca possa essere d’aiuto nel capire i meccanismi che ci permettono di comunicare e cosa succede quando questi si inceppano.
Keywords: experimental pragmatics, italian, pragmatics, implicatures, presuppositions, pronouns, speech acts, gricean maxims, irony
Published in RUNG: 14.09.2021; Views: 2435; Downloads: 0
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