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SBE-algebras via intuitionistic fuzzy structures
Tahsin Oner, Hashem Bordbar, Neelamegarajan Rajesh, Akbar Rezaei, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The study introduces the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy SBE-subalgebras, ideals, and filters, along with level sets of intuitionistic fuzzy sets within the framework of Sheffer stroke BE-algebras. These concepts are shown to be crucial for understanding the behavior of intuitionistic fuzzy logic in this algebraic structure. The study further establishes a bidirectional relationship between subalgebras, ideals, filters, and their respective level sets on Sheffer stroke BE-algebras, demonstrating that the level set of an intuitionistic fuzzy SBE-subalgebra, ideal, or filter is itself a subalgebra, ideal, or filter on this algebra, and vice versa.
Keywords: BE-algebra, Sheffer stroke BE-algebra, BE-ideal, intuitionistic fuzzy SBE-subalgebra, intuitionistic fuzzy SBE-ideal
Published in RUNG: 06.01.2025; Views: 274; Downloads: 3
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Łukasiewicz anti fuzzy subalgebras of BCK/BCI-algebras
Jeong Gi Kang, Hashem Bordbar, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: The subalgebra of BCK/BCI-algebra using Łukasiewicz anti fuzzy set introduced by Jun is studied in this article. The concept of Łukasiewicz anti fuzzy subalgebra of a BCK/BCI-algebra is introduced, and several properties are investigated. The relationship between anti fuzzy subalgebra and Łukasiewicz anti fuzzy subalgebra is given, and characterization of a Łukasiewicz anti fuzzy subalgebra is discussed. Conditions are found in which a Lukasiewicz anti fuzzy set is a Lukasiewicz anti fuzzy subalgebra Finally, conditions under which ⋖-subset, Υsubset, and anti-subset become subalgebra are explored.
Keywords: anti fuzzy subalgebra, Łukasiewicz anti fuzzy set, Łukasiewicz anti fuzzy, subalgebra, Υ-subset, anti subset
Published in RUNG: 30.10.2024; Views: 611; Downloads: 1
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Jeong Gi Kang, Hashem Bordbar, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: Abstract. The subalgebra of BCK/BCI-algebra using Łukasiewicz anti fuzzy set introduced by Jun is studied in this article. The concept of Łukasiewicz anti fuzzy subalgebra of a BCK/BCI-algebra is introduced, and several properties are investigated. The relationship between anti fuzzy subalgebra and Łukasiewicz anti fuzzy subalgebra is given, and the characterization of a Łukasiewicz anti fuzzy subalgebra is discussed. Conditions are found in which a Lukasiewicz anti fuzzy set is a Lukasiewicz anti fuzzy subalgebra Finally, conditions under which ⋖-subset, Υ- subset, and anti-subset become subalgebra are explored.
Keywords: Anti fuzzy subalgebra, Łukasiewicz anti fuzzy set, Łukasiewicz anti fuzzy subalgebra, ⋖-subset, Υ-subset, anti subset
Published in RUNG: 20.02.2023; Views: 1945; Downloads: 0
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N-subalgebras of BCK=BCI-algebras which are induced from hyperfuzzy structures
Hashem Bordbar, Mohammad Rahim Bordbar, Rajab Ali Borzooei, Young Bae Jun, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: In the paper [J. Ghosh and T.K. Samanta, Hyperfuzzy sets and hyperfuzzy group, Int. J. Advanced Sci Tech. 41 (2012), 27–37], Ghosh and Samanta introduced the concept of hyperfuzzy sets as a generalization of fuzzy sets and interval-valued fuzzy sets and applied it to group theory. The aim of this manuscript is to study N-structures in BCK\BCI-algebras induced from hyperfuzzy structures.
Keywords: hyperfuzzy set, hyperfuzzy structure, hyperfuzzy subalgebra, N-subalgebra, induced N-function
Published in RUNG: 03.11.2021; Views: 2626; Downloads: 43
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Soft subalgebras and ideals of BCK/BCI-algebras based on N -structures
Elhan Hassani Sadrabadi, Hashem Bordbar, Rajab Ali Borzooei, Arsham Borumand Saeid, Young Bae Jun, 2021, original scientific article

Keywords: N-ideal of types, soft N-subalgebra, soft N-ideal
Published in RUNG: 23.08.2021; Views: 2724; Downloads: 0
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Internal and external cubic subalgebras of BCK/BCI-algebras
Hashem Bordbar, Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi, Young Bae Jun, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: A characterization of cubic subalgebra is established. The notion of internal and external cubic subalgebra in BCK\BCI-algebra, and several properties are investigated. The R-union, R-intersection, P-union, and P-intersection of internal and external cubic subalgebras in BCK=BCI-algebra are discussed.
Keywords: subalgebra, internal cubic subalgebra, external cubic subalgebra
Published in RUNG: 07.04.2021; Views: 2963; Downloads: 0
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Hashem Bordbar, 2018, original scientific article

Keywords: hyperfuzzy set, hyperfuzzy subalgebra, length of hyperfuzzy set, length fuzzy subalgebra.
Published in RUNG: 06.01.2021; Views: 3195; Downloads: 0
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BMBJ-neutrosophic subalgebra in BCI/BCK-algebras
Hashem Bordbar, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: For the first time, Smarandache introduced neutrosophic sets which can be used as a mathematical tool for dealing with indeterminate and inconsistent information. the notion of BMBJ-neutrosophic set and subalgebra, as a generalization of a neutrosophic set, is introduced, and it’s an application to BCI/BCK-algebras is investigated. The concept of BMBJ-neutrosophic subalgebras in BCI/BCK-algebras is introduced, and related properties are investigated. New BMBJ-neutrosophic subalgebra is established by using a BMBJ-neutrosophic subalgebra of a BCI/BCK-algebra. Also, a homomorphic (inverse) image of BMBJ-neutrosophic subalgebra and translation of BMBJ-neutrosophic subalgebra is investigated. In the end, we provided conditions for a BMBJ-neutrosophic set to be a BMBJ-neutrosophic subalgebra.
Keywords: BMBJ-neutrosophic set, BMBJ-neutrosophic subalgebra, BMBJ-neutrosophic S-extension.
Published in RUNG: 24.02.2020; Views: 3772; Downloads: 0
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Neutrosophic Permeable Values and Energetic Subsets with Applications in BCK/BCI-Algebras
Hashem Bordbar, Young Bae Jun, Florentin Smarandache, Seok Zun Song, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: The concept of a (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal is introduced, and its characterizations are established. The notions of neutrosophic permeable values are introduced, and related properties are investigated. Conditions for the neutrosophic level sets to be energetic, right stable, and right vanished are discussed. Relations between neutrosophic permeable S- and I-values are considered.
Keywords: (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic subalgebra, (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal, neutrosophic (anti-)permeable S-value, neutrosophic (anti-)permeable I-value, S-energetic set, I-energetic set
Published in RUNG: 02.12.2019; Views: 3751; Downloads: 0
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Neutrosophic falling shadows applied to subalgebras and ideals in BCK/BCI-algebras
Hashem Bordbar, Florentin Smarandache, Young Bae Jun, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: As a combination of neutrosophic set and falling shadow, neutrosophic falling shadow is introduced, and applied to BCK/BCI- algebras. Falling neutrosophic subalgebra and falling neutrosophic ideal in BCK/BCI-algebras are introduced, and related properties are investi- gated. Relations between falling neutrosophic subalgebra and falling neu- trosophic ideal are discussed. A characterization of falling neutrosophic ideal is established.
Keywords: (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic subalgebra, (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal, Neutro- sophic random set, Neutrosophic falling shadow, Falling neutrosophic subalgebra, Falling neutrosophic ideal.
Published in RUNG: 02.12.2019; Views: 3766; Downloads: 0
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