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From Minor Literature to Neoliberal Noir: The Detective Novels of Sergej Verc
Primož Mlačnik, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: In this article, we analyze the politics of representation in the detective tetralogy (1991-2009) of the late Slovenian and Triestinian writer Sergej Verč. Addressing several aspects of Verč’s primary literary semiotic device of schizophrenia, we trace a simultaneous literary and chronological shift from minor literature to neoliberal noir. We expose the fundamental representational ambiguity by analyzing the detective triad (murder-victim-criminal), the fetishization of detective clues, the erotization of detection, and the underlying binary oppositions. Verč’s detective novels critique the Slovenian capitalist transition but also reproduce culturally conservative representations of gender, sexuality, and family.
Keywords: Slovenian Literature, Sergej Verč, Minor Literature, Neoliberal Noir, Trieste, De(mythologization), Schizophrenia, Politics of Representation, Detective Novels, Critique of Capitalism, Cultural Conservatism
Published in RUNG: 15.12.2022; Views: 2219; Downloads: 24
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Fenomen slovenske kriminalke : sodelovanje na Okrogli mizi na Festivalu slovenske kriminalke Alibi 2.1, Maribor, 25. sep. 2021
Petra Vidali, Mirt Komel, Aljoša Harlamov, Primož Mlačnik, 2021, other performed works

Abstract: Primož Mlačnik je na okrogli mizi predstavil svoja razmišljanja o uspehu sodobnih slovenskih kriminalk, o tujih vplivov na slovensko kriminalko, o možni tipologiji slovenskih kriminalk in o kubanski socialistični kriminalki. Predstavil je nekatera izvirna raziskovalna opažanja glede slovenskih detektivov, morilcev in žrtev.
Keywords: Sodobna slovenska kriminalka, Sergej Verč, Avgust Demšar, Tadej Golob, detektivska triada, družbeni kontekst
Published in RUNG: 03.11.2021; Views: 2493; Downloads: 0
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