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Whole-life carbon emissions benchmarks for buildings in Slovenia
Marjana Šijanec-Zavrl, Henrik Gjerkeš, 2021, other scientific articles

Abstract: According to the European Green Deal decarbonisation of EU building stock is needed on the way to turning EU into the first climate neutral continent by 2050. Directive (2010/31/EU) EPBD led to significant reduction of operational energy in new buildings and renovation. By energy efficiency first principle and by increasing renewable energy sources it contributed to reduction of primary energy and operational CO2 emissions. But the orientation towards lifecycle thinking and circularity in the building sector revealed the need to tackle the whole-life carbon emissions, where the operational and embodied carbon contribute significantly. In the absence of benchmarks for embodied carbon emissions in this contribution the operational and embodied carbon indicators from recent studies are compared with the available corresponding data in Slovenian energy performance certificates.
Keywords: carbon emissions, life cycle assessment, buildings
Published in RUNG: 29.10.2021; Views: 2220; Downloads: 0
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Uncovering the life of a transgender person in Pakistan : diploma thesis
Reeba Sufyan, 2021, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Documentary photography is the narrative based on facts and records of events in a report format. Although racial injustice and biased differences were common initially, the underlying objectivity of this thesis involves the main aim to display the utmost reality. It is a way to report stark realities that come into perspective with images of persons, places, or events. On the other hand, it is a form of representation from the photographer’s point of view. Although, there is no denying that a picture represents a thousand words and displays several perspectives. As a source of revealing the importance of documentary photography in the Indian subcontinent, this thesis will help to expose the sore point of a country that belittles a community of transgender persons. This photography documentary is showing the cruelty that is confronted by transgender persons in Pakistan. Based upon the timeline of nine months, the comparative study of two transgender persons reflects the complexity of their survival. My photography documentary has captured and frozen the instances from the daily existence of transgender persons, focusing on their lifestyle, living conditions, community environment, and personal life. Transgender identity, by birth or by choice, is a chilling fact marginalizing a person to a community where existence is difficult.
Keywords: Photography, Story, Documentary, Transgender, Pakistan, Narrative, Picture, Life, Documentary photography
Published in RUNG: 09.09.2021; Views: 2893; Downloads: 143
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The Unmanned Systems Research Laboratory (USRL) : a new facility for UAV-based atmospheric observations
Maria Kezoudi, Christos Keleshis, Panayiota Antoniou, George Biskos, Murat Bronz, Christos Constantinides, Maximillien Desservettaz, Ru-Shan Gao, Joe Girdwood, Griša Močnik, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The Unmanned Systems Research Laboratory (USRL) of the Cyprus Institute is a new mobile exploratory platform of the EU Research Infrastructure Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research InfraStructure (ACTRIS). USRL offers exclusive Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-sensor solutions that can be deployed anywhere in Europe and beyond, e.g., during intensive field campaigns through a transnational access scheme in compliance with the drone regulation set by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) for the research, innovation, and training. UAV sensor systems play a growing role in the portfolio of Earth observation systems. They can provide cost-effective, spatial in-situ atmospheric observations which are complementary to stationary observation networks. They also have strong potential for calibrating and validating remote-sensing sensors and retrieval algorithms, mapping close-to-the-ground emission point sources and dispersion plumes, and evaluating the performance of atmospheric models. They can provide unique information relevant to the short- and long-range transport of gas and aerosol pollutants, radiative forcing, cloud properties, emission factors and a variety of atmospheric parameters. Since its establishment in 2015, USRL is participating in major international research projects dedicated to (1) the better understanding of aerosol-cloud interactions, (2) the profiling of aerosol optical properties in different atmospheric environments, (3) the vertical distribution of air pollutants in and above the planetary boundary layer, (4) the validation of Aeolus satellite dust products by utilizing novel UAV-balloon-sensor systems, and (5) the chemical characterization of ship and stack emissions. A comprehensive overview of the new UAV-sensor systems developed by USRL and their field deployments is presented here. This paper aims to illustrate the strong scientific potential of UAV-borne measurements in the atmospheric sciences and the need for their integration in Earth observation networks.
Keywords: landscape, proximity, still life, COVID-19, domesticity
Published in RUNG: 16.08.2021; Views: 1988; Downloads: 151
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Still Life - natura morta : the landscapes of proximity
Saša Dobričić, Marco Acri, 2021, original scientific article

Keywords: landscape, proximity, Still Life, COVID-19, domesticity
Published in RUNG: 10.08.2021; Views: 2070; Downloads: 55
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Approaching the urban landscape : is this creative governance?
Marco Acri, Saša Dobričić, 2017, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: urban landscapes, UNESCO recommendations, preservation, urban life, traditional communities, creative planning
Published in RUNG: 02.07.2021; Views: 2402; Downloads: 0

Izboljšave metod za raziskave vpliva zaposlenih na njihovo življenjsko okolje : MAGISTRSKO DELO
Peter Ferfoglia, 2020, master's thesis

Abstract: Z dobro organizacijsko klimo se povečujeta učinkovitost zaposlenih in uspešnost organizacije. Namen magistrske naloge je bil preveriti zadovoljstvo zaposlenih v izbranem podjetju, z uporabo novo zasnovanega kratkega anketiranja za pogosto preverjanje s hitrim odzivanjem pri težavah, s pomočjo metod Design Thinking in Life Design. V empiričnem delu raziskave smo uporabili kvantitativno znanstvenoraziskovalno metodo. Podatke smo pridobivali s pomočjo dvakratnega anketiranja 32 zaposlenih v srednje velikem izbranem podjetju. Ugotovili smo, da se je vpliv na zasebno življenje in delo-podjetje v preteklih treh mesecih nenehno izboljševal od 30,43 % do 3,13 %. Iz prostodostopnih podatkov smo s podatkovnim rudarjenjem ugotovili tudi stanje v življenjskem okolju, to pa primerjali s stanjem v podjetju ter razbrali matematične soodvisnosti. Zasnovali smo predloge za izboljšanje stanja na področju delovnega in posledično življenjskega okolja ter podali možnosti za nadaljnje raziskovanje. Ugotovitve naše raziskave bodo koristne za menedžerje in strokovne sodelavce, ki se ukvarjajo s proučevanjem organizacijske klime in njenim vitkim razvojem človeških zmožnosti v podjetjih in drugih ustanovah. Uporabljeni pripomoček 'kompas' s hitrim preverjanjem in odzivanjem je koristen za vitki management človeških virov in je prilagodljiv za vsako podjetje. S tem se neposredno spremlja medsebojni vpliv delovnega in življenjskega okolja in omogoča hiter odziv v primeru negativnih kazalnikov. Namenjanje potrebne pozornosti zaposlenim in njihovim najbližjim pa bo izboljšalo uspešnost posameznikov in organizacij.
Keywords: Človeški viri, kakovost dela in življenja, Life Design, menedžment, organizacijska klima
Published in RUNG: 02.12.2020; Views: 3040; Downloads: 100
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Awakening in films after October
Gal Kirn, invited lecture at foreign university

Keywords: Medvedkin, Vertov, early Soviet cinema, between politics, art and life, last Bolsheviks
Published in RUNG: 20.08.2020; Views: 2713; Downloads: 0
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On Yugoslav Market Socialism Through Živojin Pavlović’s When I Am Dead and Pale (1967)
Gal Kirn, 2017, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: market reform, black wave, Pavlovic, neorealism, tragic (anti)hero, everyday life, unemployment, youth
Published in RUNG: 20.08.2020; Views: 2797; Downloads: 0
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