1. The representations of female sexual desire in the works of Zofka Kveder (1878-1926)Katja Mihurko, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract Abstract: The paper examines Zofka Kveder's letters to discover the ways in which she depicts her own sexual experiences, including orgasm. Mihurko Poniž will also look for representations of sexual desire in Kveder's literary texts written in Slovenian, German, Czech and Croatian language. The latter show that Kveder was obviously not as open and direct when writing literature. Through the analysis of letters to her friends and journal editors, Kveder's struggles against the censorship of her texts by editors will be presented. These findings will be embedded in the broader historical context of bourgeois double standards and their consequences not only for women in general but for women writers in particular. The issue of (self-)censorship will be touched upon and discussed in the context of Kveder's work. Being in a special position of an author between cultures, Kveder was allowed a certain freedom in the representation of female sexual desire, which would probably not have been possible if she had been perceived only as a Slovenian writer. Therefore, the paper will explore the intersection of nationality, literature, and sexuality in the case of Zofka Kveder’s works and ego-documents. Keywords: Zofka Kveder, spolna želja Published in RUNG: 11.03.2024; Views: 1414; Downloads: 3 Link to file This document has many files! More... |
2. Zofka Kveder : Slavic cultural and feminist icon of the early 20th centuryKatja Mihurko, 2021, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Keywords: Zofka Kveder, slovenska književnost, Martha Tausk, Zdenka Haskova, Avgust Cesarec, Elvira Dolinar, Zdenka Marković, Julka Chlapec-Đorđević, Minka Govekar, Vladimir Jelovšek, Josef Svetopluk Machar Published in RUNG: 12.04.2021; Views: 2828; Downloads: 59 Link to full text This document has many files! More... |
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5. Zofka Kveder as a Cultural TransmitterKatja Mihurko, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: The article presents the forms and ways in which the cultural transmission of Zofka Kveder took place. It explains in which cultural spaces she worked and how she established personal contacts with artists. Zofka Kveder worked in a multidirectional way, as she promoted Slovene culture in the new cultural environments she moved into, and acquainted the Slovene cultural space with the achievements of foreign artists. She was also a mediator of ideas: feminism, Yugoslavism, and ideas about coexistence and mutual respect between different cultures. Zofka Kveder's translation oeuvre is very rich and almost unexplored so far, which opens up possibilities for new research. Keywords: Zofka Kveder, cultural transmission, feminism, cultural transfer, multiculturalism Published in RUNG: 22.12.2020; Views: 2958; Downloads: 69 Link to full text |
6. Vezi Zofke Kveder s srbskim kulturnim prostorom / Veze Zofke Kveder sa srpskim kulturnim prostoromKatja Mihurko, 2019, original scientific article Abstract: V članku so predstavljene različne oblike kulturnih stikov Zofke Kveder s srbskimi intelektualci in intelektualkami. V prvem delu članka so raziskane objave njenih literarnih besedil v srbskem prostoru ter kritiški odzivi nanje. V drugem delu članka, izhajajoč iz korespondence Zofke Kveder, rekonstruiramo njen odnos s srbskim socialistom Dimitrijem Tucovićem, ki jo je navdušil za potovanje v Srbijo, kamor se je odpravila tik pred prvo svetovno vojno. To potovanje je v nadaljevanju članka natančno opisano. Pozornost je usmerjena tudi na avtoričina dela, predvsem like Srbov in Srbkinj, ki se pojavljajo že v njenih zgodnjih literarnih besedilih. V romanu Hanka je v liku Kazimirja Staszyńskega upodobila moškega, ki ima veliko lastnosti Dimitrija Tucovića. Kot žena kraljevskega namestnika za Hrvaško in Slavonijo je Beograd po vojni večkrat obiskala in navezala številne stike, ki jih v nadaljevanju članka predstavljamo skozi pisateljičino korespondenco. Večina pisem, napisanih srbskim prijateljicam, je danes izgubljenih, a iz tistih, ki so ohranjena, si lahko ustvarimo podobo pisemskega omrežja Zofke Kveder na Balkanu in tudi razberemo, da so bile na srbskem prostoru z njo povezane predvsem avtorice in feministke. Sledijo še odzivi na delo in lik Zofke Kveder po njeni smrti – tako v nekrologih kot v literarnovednih študijah, ki so ji bile posvečene. Njeno delo je bilo sprejeto kot pomemben del južnoslovanske kulture in literature. Keywords: Zofka Kveder, srbsko-slovenski literarni stiki, Dimitrije Tucović, Milica Đurić Topalović, Julka Chlapec Djordjević, Jelena J. Dimitrijević Published in RUNG: 27.01.2020; Views: 3752; Downloads: 5 Full text (1,23 MB) |
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