1. Chemical characterization of cider produced in hardanger : from juice to finished ciderIngunn Ovsthus, Mitja Martelanc, Alen Albreht, Tatjana Radovanović Vukajlović, Urban Česnik, Branka Mozetič Vodopivec, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Our investigation delves into the previously uncharted territory of cider composition from Norway. This study aimed to obtain an overview of the qualitative and quantitative compositions of general chemical parameters, polyphenols (individual and total expressed as gallic acids equivalents), selected esters, and selected C6-alcohols in ciders with the PDO label Cider from Hardanger. In total, 45 juice and cider samples from the fermentation process were collected from 10 cider producers in Hardanger in 2019, 2020, and 2021. Individual sugars, acids, ethanol, and 13 individual phenols were quantified using HPLC-UV/RI. Seven ethyl esters of fatty acids, four ethyl esters of branched fatty acids, ten acetate esters, two ethyl esters of hydroxycinnamic acids, and four C6-alcohols were quantified using HS-SPME-GC-MS. For samples of single cultivars (‘Aroma’, ‘Discovery’, ‘Gravenstein’, and ‘Summerred’), the sum of the measured individual polyphenols in the samples ranges, on average, from 79 to 289 mg L−1 (the lowest for ‘Summerred’ and highest for ‘Discovery’ and ‘Gravenstein’). Chlorogenic acid was the most abundant polyphenol in all samples. Ethyl butyrate, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl octanoate, ethyl decanoate, ethyl isobutyrate, ethyl 2-methylbutyrate, isoamyl acetate, and hexanol were present at concentrations above the odour threshold and contributed to the fruity flavour of the Cider from Hardanger. Keywords: cider, volatile aroma, esters, higher alcohols, polyphenols Published in RUNG: 14.08.2024; Views: 1112; Downloads: 6
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2. Chemical composition of apple cider : a comparative study of Norwegian and French cidersIngunn Ovsthus, Mitja Martelanc, Tatjana Radovanović Vukajlović, Marko Lesica, Lorena Butinar, Branka Mozetič Vodopivec, Guillaume Antalick, 2024, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: Norwegian apple ciders have recently gained attention at the levels of international competitiveness. Accordingly, a comparative study on the chemical composition of selected Norwegian and French apple ciders was conducted to gain knowledge on what ubiquitous chemical parameters make the Norwegian ciders different from ciders from well-established producing regions. A total of 43 ciders, 24 Norwegian and 19 French, in the category of acidic dominant ciders, were included in the study. Ethanol, individual sugars and organic acids, pH, total phenols, aroma compounds including esters, C6-alcohols, volatile phenols and terpenoids, were analysed. Norwegian ciders showed higher contents in ethanol, malic and citric acids, whereas total phenols, pH, glucose, and fructose were higher in French counterparts. Regarding the aromatic profile, no significant differences were observed for C6-alcohols. In contrast, differences were more expressed in the case of esters and volatile phenols. Norwegian ciders were characterised by higher average concentration for all the groups of esters, with the most important differences measured for higher alcohol acetates. Norwegian ciders also displayed higher contents of 4-vinylphenol and 4-vinylguaiacol while French ciders contained substantially higher levels of 4-ethylphenol and 4-ethylguaiacol. These results are in mutual correlation with the empirical observation reporting Norwegian apple ciders as more acidic, alcoholic and with lighter body but fruitier profile. Whereas French ciders are often perceived with more structure and animalistic profile. Keywords: alcohol, acidity, total phenols, aroma-compounds, apple cider Published in RUNG: 25.03.2024; Views: 2225; Downloads: 6
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5. PRIPRAVA IN SENZORIČNA OCENA AROMATIZIRANEGA VINJAKATina Žorž, 2018, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali vpliv dodane naravne arome karamela na senzorične lastnosti vinjaka. V staran vinjak smo dodali 3 različne koncentracije naravne arome karamela, ki smo jo dobili na trgu v prosti prodaji. Aroma je namenjena tako živilskim kot tudi farmacevtskim izdelkom in vsebuje naravne komponente arome karamela. Senzorično oceno smo izvedli s pomočjo uradnega panela Kmetijsko gozdarskega zavoda Nova Gorica in ocenjevalnega lista, ki smo ga povzeli iz literature. V okviru senzorične ocene je ocenjevalna komisija pripravljene vzorce ocenjevala z opisno analizo in kvalifikacijsko analizo. Med potrošniki pa smo izvedli tudi test všečnosti. Rezultati diplomske naloge nakazujejo, da dodatek izbrane naravne arome karamela vinjaku v najnižji koncentraciji (5 ml/l), ki smo ga uporabili v diplomski nalogi, najbolje pripomore k boljši aromatiki in zaokroženemu okusu. Opazili smo, da dodatek arome v vinjak navkljub odsotnosti sladkorja pripomore k večji zaznavi sladkosti v okusu in k zakrivanju zaznavanja alkohola, kar je najverjetneje botrovalo preferenčnim razlikam med moškim in ženskim okusom do izbranih alkoholnih pijač. Ženske in mlajše generacije so se na splošno odločale za bolj aromatizirane vzorce, moške pa sta bolj prepričala osnovni vzorec in vzorec z majhnim dodatkom karamele. Keywords: vinjak, aroma karamele, senzorična ocena, analiza potrošnikov Published in RUNG: 30.07.2018; Views: 8597; Downloads: 269
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