1. Faceless machines: early recognition media and entangled bodies : lecture at the "Relatifs" lecture series, Kepler Salon, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Österreich, 16. 1. 2024Eszter Polónyi, 2024, invited lecture at foreign university Abstract: Eszter Polonyis Vortrag behandelt frühe Systeme automatisierter Identitätserkennung. Einen Fokus bilden Experimente zur Stimmerkennung, wie sie in der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts von US-amerikanische Telekommunikationsunternehmen unternommen wurden. Sie geht dabei auch den Verbindungen zur Arbeit mit „noise“ von Medienkünstler*innen nach, darunter Tony Conrad, John Cage und Kurt Kren. Keywords: media studies, surveillance studies, art history, critical data studies, avant-garde and experimental art Published in RUNG: 12.02.2024; Views: 1273; Downloads: 8 Link to file This document has many files! More... |
2. Dancing sympathy beyond human failure : artistic research as cosmopolitical defuturingPeter Purg, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: abstract
The article explores the concepts, tools and methods that may be taken on board by artistic researchers when venturing into uncertain futures. The approaching hay-day of Artistic Research calls for a repositioning of this academic and cultural avantgarde that is assuming real power and must thus take clear opposition against dominant politics and corporate capitalism keeping the human and non-human kinds in perpetual crisis. Next to Science and Technology, Art has finally reached a status of an equivalued cornerstone, and within this level playing field a new research-based approach is needed where power relationships, decision-making mechanisms, dominant narratives or prevalent aesthetics are boldly investigated and critically questioned, (re)instituting the importance of artistic disruption and establishing art-thinking as the key to not only question but also design pathways to meaningful change. Deeply intertwined research methodologies ranging from social to natural sciences, from humanities via (critically reflected) technologies to the (technologically emancipated) arts, should be left to safely mingle and mutually inspire. Rather than colonizing it with yet another false supremacy, we should be learning from the Global South, where collective dancing, storytelling or performing still presents a norm of how to generate new knowledge or reach consensus. Artistic Research can contribute to crafting better worlds even once AI entities get accepted as fellow researchers (if not dancers), their agency reflected in an attitude of radical sympathy (re)instituting care, justice and solidarity by ways of sound research activism. Keywords: artistic research, interdisciplinary, posthumanism, art-science-technology, critical Published in RUNG: 15.06.2023; Views: 1493; Downloads: 19 Full text (244,53 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. The ‘Physiognomic Fallacy:’ An Archaeology of the Photographic Identity DocumentPolonyi Eszter, unpublished conference contribution Abstract: In an era of allegedly total surveillance (Goh, Galloway), possession of a biometric identity document can still result in being denied one’s identity or being mistaken for someone else. States have been outsourcing the processes of civic management and local governance to artificial intelligence corporations with increasing intensity since the pandemic despite awareness of systematic errors committed by facial recognition software, a “coded” bias (Kantayya, Buolamwini) that risks the further effacing an already marginalized population of non-white and non-gender conforming subjects. The project this paper is based on returns to the time it first became standard practice to validate state-issued ID documents using facial analysis in Europe of the 1920s and 1930s. While at this time images derived from human heads in photographic albums, personality tests and facial atlases purportedly aimed to record personality and character, they nonetheless often instructed their readers to locate these in parts of images that remain disconnected from the head, such as hands and feet, hair, clothing or in the subject’s immediate environment. Drawing on the concept of conjectural knowledge (Ginzburg), embodiment or tact (Balazs) and the optical unconscious (Benjamin), the project seeks to locate the “physiognomic fallacy” (Gray) in early attempts at humanizing machine vision. Keywords: History of art, critical theory, surveillance studies Published in RUNG: 13.01.2023; Views: 1636; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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9. MAST, master modul in art, science and technology : podMAST - podcasts in Art, Science and TechnologyPeter Purg, Lange TeenaAbstract: podMAST is a series of open conversations among relevant voices from the crossings of Art, Science and Technology. Springing from an apparent need for (archiving and reflecting) in-depth knowledge about this timely crossover, it shall remain publicaly accessible to incite dialog with other interested practitioners and thinkers. Also it is to serve as study material for the newly developed international Master Module in Art, Science and Technology (MAST) of the project www.mastmodule.eu. Keywords: Art, Science, Technology, discussion, conversation, podcast, practitioner, theory, practie, critical Published in RUNG: 20.10.2020; Views: 3140; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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