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Strategy for rural heritage regeneration in China : integrating community and government in governance: a case study of traditional villages in Luoning county :
Wendi Wang, 2024, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: The Chinese countryside has long been associated with cultural continuity, albeit in contradictory ways. It has been marginalized for several decades, while all development efforts have focused on urbanization. However, as the tensions and paradoxes of modern urban life become increasingly obvious, the countryside is once again recognized as an enduring symbol of authentic national values. Chinese traditional cultural heritage is rooted in Chinese traditional villages. In fact, being built before the coming of the Republic of China, those villages nowadays still possess a great deal of very important material and immaterial forms of cultural heritage, as a historical record of the Chinese nation development. Through the examination and study of traditional villages in Luoning, and the perspective of theories of architectural conservation theory, community co-construction, and private-public partnership, the dissertation proposes a hybrid county governance model to maximize the stakeholder's functions roles, and operational procedures in the preservation and development of the traditional villages. Thus, through the integration of three stability perspectives—cultural, economic, and social —the dissertation provides the government's optimization strategy for heritage preservation. In the first case study, the governance of Zhangzhuang's traditional village is examined. The village's residents share responsibility for one another and are frequently connected by strong family ties and regular community organization in decision-making. Unfortunately, this thriving community-led government is insufficiently prepared to deal with the expanding tourism industry, it fails when it comes to overarching development objectives, and it lacks substantial experience in the preservation of historic structures. The Second case study investigates the government-led traditional types of villages. These are characterized by low public and community participation, and underdeveloped commodity economies, but being usually of outstanding importance, they result rich in traditional material and intangible cultural resources and have great potential for developing a tourism sector. Government-led efforts to reactivate the development of these villages have the advantages of credibility and authority, preferential policy formulation, and government short-term funding. However, these villages face severe problems in terms of community involvement, complementary market economies, and insufficient long-term government funding. This condition is investigated in the second case of the government's conception and promotion of the "Hou Shangzhuang Village Traditional Village Restoration" project. Despite some initial success, the project came to a standstill due to the competing interests of businesses, the government, and the community. The third case study looks into traditional villages where the primary development component is driven by businesses, creating conditions for the growth of a market economy. The analysis demonstrates that enterprise investments benefit from complementary capital input, resource integration, and effective management. However, the issue of uneven income and benefit distribution, as well as excessive consumption of public resources, pose a serious threat to both: the authenticity and integrity of cultural heritage, as well as the fair and sustainable development of local communities. This situation is examined in the case study of Qianhe Village, where the tourism industry has grown through multiple investment operations by private enterprises. The dissertation examines diverse hybrid governance models for each of these three different cultural, social, and economic heritage contexts. In specific it points to the role of government to efficiently design, validate, and promote responsive solutions for the resilience of cultural heritage of traditional villages in China.
Keywords: Heritage, Traditional Chinese village preservation, planning and management, Government, Governance, Participation, Community Co-construction
Published in RUNG: 11.03.2024; Views: 1550; Downloads: 27
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A Model-Based Approach and Analysis for Multi-Period Networks
Ahmad Hosseini, 2013, original scientific article

Keywords: Optimization, Process systems engineering, Linear programming, Decomposition methods, Production planning
Published in RUNG: 14.02.2023; Views: 1773; Downloads: 0
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Approaching the urban landscape : is this creative governance?
Marco Acri, Saša Dobričić, 2017, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: urban landscapes, UNESCO recommendations, preservation, urban life, traditional communities, creative planning
Published in RUNG: 02.07.2021; Views: 2901; Downloads: 0

Rethinking Place : Making through corridors of social and environmental connectivity
Saša Dobričić, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: The creation of healthy corridor by using Nature Based Solutions also inspired by the social practice are at the core of the project URBiNAT. They are meant to regenerate deprived urban areas by establishing new halthy and safe connectivity in the urban spece, to transform it into place.
Keywords: Health, corridors, connectivity, space, place, migrations, planning, Nature Based Solutions
Published in RUNG: 22.06.2021; Views: 2994; Downloads: 0
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Radical Optics: the Film-City of the 1919 Hungarian Commune
Eszter Polonyi, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: early studio system, Communist cultural politics, Georg Lukacs, urban planning
Published in RUNG: 14.12.2020; Views: 2878; Downloads: 0
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Urban Conservation System in China and Its Improvement by Using Historic Urban Landscape Approach
Chen Shujie, 2018, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: In the last few decades, the Modern Conservation Movement has developed from European-limited practices into a global movement with universal common views and practical measures for managing heritage resources in different cultural contexts. As an innovative idea of this movement, the Historic Urban Landscape approach aims to protect and manage historic urban environments with respect to both the fundamental principles in the international doctrines and the local social/cultural/historical contexts. It recommends local authorities to use the HUL toolkit to identify, conserve and manage the overall landscape of their historic cities. In the case of China, who is an old civilization, a modern nation and a socialist country at the same time, the conservation practice needs to follow the basic and common conservation principles in the international doctrines, and meanwhile, it shall make its initiatives based on the actual social, cultural and political situations. The establishment of Historically and Culturally Famous City (HCF City in short) system is a positive attempt for such a purpose. The system manages various urban elements relating to the city’s historical and cultural features under a comprehensive notion of HCF City. However, the system is not prefect because it depends excessively on the top-down management of local governments, and also because it overlooks the spatial and spiritual relationships among the protected elements... The thesis provides a big picture of architectural and urban conservation practices in China. It introduces the forming process and the characteristics of historic urban fabric, as well as the history of urban conservation. Then, it takes a deep look at the existing HCF City system, including its basic ideas, structures and mechanism. It analyses the system’s initiatives and deficiencies. Finally, it provides feasible advices to improve the current system by using the HUL toolkit.
Keywords: Urban, History, Heritage, Conservation, Management International Principles, Modern Conservation Movement, Globalization, Localization Historic Urban Area, Historically and Culturally Famous Cities, Conservation System, Historic Urban Landscape Chinese Architecture, Chinese Urban Planning, Conservation History, Policy
Published in RUNG: 11.02.2019; Views: 5127; Downloads: 54
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Nationaal Socialistisch Taalbeleid in Nederland voor en Tijdens de Bezetting 1940 - 1945
Marko Simonović, 2006, original scientific article

Abstract: Het centrale doel van dit onderzoek is de maatregelen op het gebied van de taalpolitiek, die de overheid tijdens de Duitse bezetting heeft genomen, in kaart te brengen. Aangezien de kiemen van een nieuw, bewust gepland taalgebruik al vanaf 1931 in de NSB-kringen te bespeuren zijn, wordt er ook aan de “interne” nationaal-socialistische taalpolitiek voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog aandacht besteed. Klaarblijkelijk moet men er rekening mee houden dat de ingrepen op de taal in beide fasen een verschillende status hadden. Toch hebben we hier ervoor gekozen de feiten uit de periode voor en tijdens de bezetting samen te presenteren en het nationaal-socialistische taalbeleid in Nederland als één verschijnsel te bekijken, aangezien de procédés, de doeleinden maar ook de ijveraars van het nationaal-socialistische taalbeleid na de intocht van het Duitse leger vrijwel dezelfde bleven. Er lijken twee aspecten te zijn waar men zou kunnen bepleiten dat het om twee wezenlijk verschillende perioden gaat – de doelgroep en de “doordringendheid” van de standaardisatie. Het lijkt toch moeilijk bewijsbaar dat een invloed op de taalgemeenschap als geheel na de intocht als een hoofddoeleinde van de nationaal-socialisten gold (terwijl het vóór de intocht niet het geval was). Wel zijn er aanwijzingen dat sommige aspecten van de standaardisatie tijdens de bezetting juist elitistisch waren (bv. het jargon van de Germaanse SS). Ook de “doordringendheid” van de nationaal-socialistische taalpolitiek lijkt tijdens de bezetting niet groter te zijn geworden. Aangezien de nationaal-socialistische ingrepen op dit gebied niet bepaald opvallend waren en er onder de bevolking geen bereidheid was om deze ingrepen te accepteren/implementeren, is het moeilijk aan te tonen dat de Nederlandse taalgemeenschap zich van deze taalpolitiek bewust was en, als dat wel het geval was, dat ze na mei 1940 meer bekend en invloedrijk was. Dat het om een gerechtvaardigde aanpak gaat, laat ook de enige beschikbare studie over het taalgebruik van de Nederlandse nationaal-socialisten - Toorn, 1991 – zien. Toorn maakt duidelijk dat de nieuwe omstandigheden weinig aan het taalgebruik, maar ook de perceptie van de taal, veranderden. Doorgaans staat de invloed op de Nederlandse taalgemeenschap centraal terwijl het beleid i.v.m. de Duitse taalgemeenschap in Nederland buiten beschouwing is gelaten. Wel komt Duits als tweede taal aan de orde.
Keywords: taalbeleid, tweede wereldoorlog, language planning, bezetting, Duits, Nederlands
Published in RUNG: 22.06.2018; Views: 4616; Downloads: (1 vote)
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Time restrictions in forest operations planning
Boštjan Kepic, 2016, master's thesis

Abstract: This master’s thesis deals with annual harvest operations (AHO) planning with consideration of time restrictions. We developed five models of binary integer linear programming (BILP) that schedule working groups to harvest unit areas (HUAs) according to the lowest cost possible. Total AHO costs include felling and skidding costs, transportation costs, and machine relocation costs. The first model is based on the presumption that harvesting can be planned and executed freely throughout the year. In other four, scheduling was subject to time restrictions in HUAs and differed according to the extent of time restrictions. The second model takes into account time restrictions due to unfavourable natural conditions, the third model due to disturbance-free areas of animal species, the fourth and fifth model concurrently include the impact of time restrictions due to natural conditions and disturbance-free areas. The annual workplace time in Model 2 is reduced by 14.2 %, in Model 3 by 16.9 %, in Model 4 by 29.3 % and in Model 5 by 42.3 %. The model tool used to test all the models was designed in Microsoft Excel. All five models were tested with OpenSolver 2.7.1 software. Increasing the extent of time restrictions in forest operations reduces the utilization of the annual workplace time. In testing the second model, we demonstrated that with proper organisation of an AHO plan the planner can influence the working days fallout. In the other three models, we were able to ensure the implementation of AHO plan by introducing extra working groups. Further, we confirmed that time restrictions affect the scheduling of the working groups and the sequencing of tasks. The increases in total AHO costs were explained as an increase in working groups’ costs due to lower utilization rate, an increase in depreciation costs of machines and costs due to unrealized allowable annual cut and timber sales planned for the current year. We tested each model on two examples.
Keywords: time restrictions, binary integer programming, forestry, annual harvest operations planning, harvesting, scheduling working teams
Published in RUNG: 20.09.2016; Views: 7437; Downloads: 265
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