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22. Unlearnig PiecePeter Purg, 2022, artistic work Abstract: The performative intervention is articulated both through spoken
word as well as in physical (re)presentation of the body in situ.
Along the ELO 2022 programme we select and remix fragments in a way
that corresponds to the principles of Bertolt Brecht's " Lehrstücke,“ the so
called learning or teaching pieces that deconstruct and expose the
mechanisms of (power) relationships inherent to the
(media/art educational ) system in question.
The participants and audiences are invited to comment upon the
intervention, opening a space of (self)reflexive interaction among all the
involved people, and perhaps machines as well. The focus is on eLit /ELO
production and dissemination conditions as related to (if not limited by)
the presented aesthetics and mechanics, the narratives and poetics
Provoking both rational and emotional perspectives of the ELO 2022
community, possibilities of (un)learning through acting, playing roles,
adopting postures etc. are explored, dissolving (or at least questioning) the
divide between authors and audiences, both invited (in Brechtian terms) to
acquire attitudes rather than to consume an entertainment.
The challenge at ELO 2022 would also consist of surpassing Brecht's
principles as e.g. derived by the Brasilian director Zé Celso and his Theatre
of Discovery, or Augusto Boal's Forum Theatre that abolished the division
between actors and audiences who were invited to actively intervene in the
discourse presented, a collective experiment and search for solutions to
social (and in this case aesthetical and poetical) issues at hand.
With no actor audience separation, the emphasis on performance shifts
upon the process, rather than the final product be it the artwork itself, or
theoretical discourse about and around it. Keywords: unlearning, perfromance, participative, Brecht, e-literature Published in RUNG: 03.06.2022; Views: 2256; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
23. Minority Literature in the Majority Language: a New Paradigm? The Case of theAna Toroš, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: The present paper addresses the issue of bilingual literature and studies the relations between the majority language and the minority language within the literature of minority authors. By using the close reading method we examined the contemporary phenomenon of producing literature in the majority (Italian) language by the authors of the Slovenian origin living in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region in Italy. In this regard we found out that the linguistic shift from the minority (Slovenian) language to the majority (Italian) language does not inevitably lead to the breakage of the links with the collective memory of the Slovenian minority community in Italy and thus does not induce a change in the manner of the literalization of the living space of the Slovenian minority in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Keywords: Minority literature, collective memory, Slavia Friulana, Trieste, Elena Cerkvenič, Antonella Bukovaz Published in RUNG: 04.01.2022; Views: 2478; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
24. Minority literature and collective trauma : the case of Slovene Triestine literatureAna Toroš, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: The study focuses on the relationship between minority literature and collective trauma.
Drawing on the theory of trauma, psychoanalysis, memory studies, and literary representations
of memory, we argue that the trauma resulting from the suppression of Slovene
identity in Trieste during fascism is transmitted into literary discourse through two
channels. Firstly, through the normative model of remembering the trauma in question –
namely through literary works that can be described as fictions of memory. Secondly, we
paid attention to the manifestations of trauma that (unconsciously) enter the narrative
structure, regardless of the time and events, which are not necessarily tied to the period
of fascism and to concrete events and places of memory. In this context, we illuminated Keywords: collective trauma, collective memory, minority literature, Trieste, literary
representations Published in RUNG: 01.07.2021; Views: 3468; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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26. Prešernova pot od ranjenega laboda do kulturnega svetnika number oneZoran Božič, other performed works Abstract: Predstavitev prinaša nekatere nove poglede na Prešernvo življenje in delo, s poudarkom na izobčenosti v družini in družbi kljub nesporni genialnosti ter na postopkih, ki so v poldrugem stoletju privedli do njegovega položaja najpomembnejšega slovenskega kulturnega svetnika. Keywords: France Prešeren, kanonizacija, klasična poezija, recepcija literature, didaktika, narodna zavest, Kranjska čbelica, Poezije, Anton Mahnič, Ivan Pregelj, Anton Slodnjak, literarna zgodovina, Andrej Gollmayer, Občina Žirovnica, Sonetni venec, Krst pri Savici Published in RUNG: 18.02.2020; Views: 4481; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
27. Teaching minority literature: the case of TriesteAna Toroš, 2019, original scientific article Abstract: The paper presents the guidelines for teaching minority literature in the Trieste area, namely at the Slovenian and Italian high schools in Trieste. The teaching method proposed was created as a result of the need for new approaches in teaching literature due to the increasing heterogeneity of the population of high school students. The method takes into account the specific factors characteristic of the Triestine literary system, which affect the production and reception of literature in the Trieste area, that is the turbulent history of this territory during the 20th century and thus also the presence of various traumatic collective memories and postmemories present in this area. Considering these facts, the new teaching method is based on memory studies and literary imagology. In terms of the selection of literary texts it shifts from the nationally prescribed literature curriculum towards regional comparative literature. Keywords: Trieste, Istria, minority literature, collective trauma, postmemory, literary imagology Published in RUNG: 06.01.2020; Views: 3846; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
28. Comparative literature and digital humanitiesAleš Vaupotič, 2019, published scientific conference contribution abstract Abstract: The "Comparative literature and digital humanities" paper was part of the panel "Postdigital Comparatism: New methods, new frameworks, new questions?", organized by Amelia Sanz (Complutense University of Madrid), Aleš Vaupotič (University of Nova Gorica), and Silvia Ulrich (Universita di Torino). This panel tries to describe and to evaluate the headway the Comparatism made at a time when cultures, literatures and criticism can be considered inevitably post-digital: after the digital revolution dealing with cultural habitus in the 21st century. Looking forward, what difference does it make? The point is the following: are digital archives, electronic devices, and tools modifying our disciplinary field just with regard to new available sources and dissemination strategies? Or are they creating any specific epistemological modeling? Is there any comparatist condition to be satisfied by digital methodologies? Are the digital humanities and the digital literary studies (still) distinguishable from general literary studies? Can electronic technologies and digital methodologies become hegemonic, even hypercolonial, over any epistemological sovereignty? How are the comparatists coping with the interdisciplinary constellations involved in using computer technologies in research? What is the difference between digitized literatures, and digital arts and literatures from a comparatist point of view? We should reflect on the use of the communication models from new-media art as a source for the emerging digital humanities genres. Why do comparatists seem so suspicious and skeptical towards digitization process and digital arts, whereas they are used to cross over cultures, oceans and media? Keywords: digital humanities, comparative literature, methodology Published in RUNG: 13.12.2019; Views: 4005; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
29. Literarne pešpoti/Itineraris leterarisNarvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič, Ana Toroš, Borja Bovcon, 2019 Abstract: Povečana resničnost — inačica, ki temelji na geolokacijah zanimivih točk — usmerja pozornost na pomenske odtenke sveta, ki nas obdaja, ti pa so pogosto navzoči le implicitno, različno za različne skupnosti. Spomeniki v povečani resničnosti delajo te »plasti« vidne in širijo našo zaznavo okolice. Na področju med Goriško, Tržaško pokrajino in Furlanijo so nastale tri literarne pešpoti. Povečana resničnost je nastala na podalgi beril iz projekta EDUKA2 ("Literatura na stičišču 1", ISBN 978-88-7636-311-5 in "Literatura na stičišču 2", ISBN 978-88-7636-313-9). Keywords: obogatena resničnost, literarne pešpoti, literature na stičišču Published in RUNG: 13.12.2019; Views: 4594; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
30. Literarne pešpoti : Instalacija na festivalu Pixxelpoint 2019 – 20. mednarodni festival sodobnih umetniških praksBorja Bovcon, exhibition Abstract: Literarne pešpoti/Itineraris leteraris (2019). Povečana resničnost — inačica, ki temelji na geolokacijah zanimivih točk — usmerja pozornost na pomenske odtenke sveta, ki nas obdaja, ti pa so pogosto navzoči le implicitno, različno za različne skupnosti. Spomeniki v povečani resničnosti delajo te »plasti« vidne in širijo našo zaznavo okolice. Na področju med Goriško, Tržaško pokrajino in Furlanijo so nastale tri literarne pešpoti.Za nastanek geografsko določene povečane resničnosti je potrebno (1) zbrati in oblikovati vsebine, ki smiselno dopolnjujejo dojemanje življenjskega prostora; (2) jih shraniti v podatkovno zbirko; (3) zasnovati uporabniško izkušnjo prek (čim lažje) dosegljivih tehničnih rešitev. Projekt je razdeljen na tri povezane segmente: literarnovednega, arhivskega in uporabniškovmesniškega. Prvega je vodila Ana Toroš, nastali sta dve berili v več jezikih o literaturi na stičišču da-našnje Slovenije in Italije. V sodelovanju z informatiki sta Narvika Bovcon in Aleš Vaupotič zasnovala integracijo 2. in 3. točke, realizacijo spomenikov v povečani resničnosti prek platform Layar idr. Za projekt je ključno to, da so tako vsa večpredstavnostna gradiva (3D objekti, videi, spletne strani z besedili idr.) kot informacije o postavitvi 3D skulptur v realni prostor Tržaške in Goriške na strežnikih Univerze v Novi Gorici (licenca CC-BY), kar omogoča večkratno uporabo gradiv v novih projektih. (3D modeli in literarne pešpoti: Narvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič. Urednica besedil: Ana Toroš. Programiranje: Borja Bovcon. Sodelujoči študent: Anej Žagar. Instalacija v Mestni geleriji Nova Gorica v ovirih festivala Pixxelpoint 2019: Preverejena resničnost - 20. mednarodni festival sodobnih umetniških praks, 13.-23. nov. 2019, Nova Gorica, Gorica. Produkcija Raziskovalni center za humanistiko, Univerza v Novi Gorici in projekt EDUKA2, Program sodelovanja Interreg V-A Italija-Slovenija s sredstvi Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj, vodilni partner: Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut iz Trsta - SLORI.) Keywords: povečana resničnost, izobražavanje, projekt EDUKA2, literarne pešpoti, literature na stičišču, Trst, Gorica, Devin Published in RUNG: 13.12.2019; Views: 4392; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |