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Prešernovo vnebovzetje - iz pekla do neba
Zoran Božič, other performed works

Abstract: Predavanje odkriva vzroke za Prešernov življenjski "pekel" in opisuje njegovo pot na vrh slovenskega Parnasa; zakaj ni imel možnosti postati svetnik in kako je postal kulturni svetnik. Ob tem pa prinaša še kopico manj znanih stvari iz življenja in dela.
Keywords: Prešeren, romantika, kanonizacija, srednješolska berila, klasična poezija, ustvarjalnost v poznih letih, recepcija literature
Published in RUNG: 04.12.2019; Views: 3879; Downloads: 0
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William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet (learning chain)
Zoran Božič, William Shakespeare, 2019, other educational material

Abstract: Didactic presentation of the famous tragedy by William Shakespeare.
Keywords: english literature, rennaissance, tragedy, didactics, learning chain
Published in RUNG: 16.10.2019; Views: 4791; Downloads: 126
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William Shakespeare, Hamlet (learning chain)
Zoran Božič, William Shakespeare, 2019, other educational material

Abstract: Didactic presentation of the famous tragedy by William Shakespeare.
Keywords: english literature, rennaissance, dramatics, didactics, learning chain
Published in RUNG: 16.10.2019; Views: 5669; Downloads: 124
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Prešernove pesmi - aktualne, nemoralne ali preprosto genialne?
Zoran Božič, other performed works

Abstract: Predstavitev manj znanih posebnosti Prešernove poezije.
Keywords: France Prešeren, romantika, klasična poezija, slovenska književnost, razumevanje literature, literarno vrednotenje, državna himna, Zdravljica, vlada RS, Boris Pahor
Published in RUNG: 09.05.2019; Views: 4248; Downloads: 0
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World War I in Secondary School Literature Textbooks during the Interwar Period
Zoran Božič, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: The paper deals with responses to World War I in Slovenian secondary school literature textbooks in the interwar period. Among other texts, these textbooks in the 1920s feature writings about the Isonzo front, expressing the pain due to the loss of the Littoral region. The textbook published within the frames of fascist Italy is a special case, since its compiler had to express his national awareness and the condemnation of war atrocities in a concealed way. In the 1930s, only texts describing the retreat of the Serbian army to Corfu or to the Macedonian front are published, since the Kingdom of Yugoslavia could not build national awareness with texts depicting suffering or heroism of the defeated soldiers.
Keywords: World War I, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Isonzo front, Thessaloniki front, secondary school, literature textbook, didactics
Published in RUNG: 31.01.2019; Views: 5631; Downloads: 0
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The "Other" in Contemporary Slovene Literature from the Trieste Region: A Case Study of National Stereotypes in Minority Literatures
Ana Toroš, 2018, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: The article is based on literary imagology in memory studies. From this perspective it deals with the problem of the "Other " in Contemporary Slovene Literature from the Trieste Region. It is a a Case Study of National Stereotypes in Minority Literatures.
Keywords: imagology, triestine literature, minority literature
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2018; Views: 4031; Downloads: 0

Ana Toroš, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: This article attempts to reconstruct the literary and familial ties between the descendants of the Friulian Godeas family, one of these descendants being Alojz Gradnik. The article‘s methodological approach stems from the interpretation of the personal correspondence between the Godeas family descendants (from Trieste, Zagreb and Rosario). Based on all this, the second part of the article offers a few prompts for research on Gradnik‘s reception in Argentina, based on systemic approach to literature. We come to the conclusion that Gradnik‘s cultural hybridity allowed him to access the Argentine literary space through two cultural groups: the Slovene and Argentine.
Keywords: Alojz Gradnik, Eduardo A. Dughera, Maria Samer, Friulians, literary translation, migrant literature
Published in RUNG: 16.08.2018; Views: 4558; Downloads: 0
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Slovene-Friulian-Italian Literary Connections at the Beginning of the 20th Century: The Case of Alojz Gradnik and Select Friulian and Italian author
Ana Toroš, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Based on the case of Alojz Gradnik (1882–1967), this article deals with previously unresearched Slovene-Friulian-Italian literary connections that occurred during the last years of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the first years after WWI along the border of today’s Slovenia (Goriška Brda) and Italy (the region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia: the Provinces of Gorizia, Udine and Trieste). The article highlights the parallels in motifs, themes, ideas and form, as well as the connections between Alojz Gradnik and select Friulian and Italian authors from this region. These links are the consequence of living in a joint cultural space and Gradnik’s Friulian family ties, especially with his cousin Maria Samer. The research uncovers certain differences in motifs, themes and ideas stemming from different national identities. Gradnik’s poetry is closest to Friulian lyrical poetry in their descriptions and experiences of a rural setting, predominantly the deep bond felt between the farming people and native land coupled with their terrible social strife. Gradnik and his contemporary Friulian authors also coincide in works with a nationalist theme – on the threshold of WWI both Slovene and Friulian authors infused their work with their personal vision for the future of their own community. They shared a negative literary depiction of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the wish to secure a better economic future, to protect and solidify their cultural heritage. Gradnik’s poetry and that of the contemporary Italian (irredentist) authors share a similar literary technique that depicted the national identities of today’s border between Italy and Slovenia; they were ideologically opposed however: while the Italians depicted the Italian view of the region, Gradnik highlights the presence of a Slavic element within the region
Keywords: Alojz Gradnik, minority literature, regional comparatistics, Friulian literature, Italian literature
Published in RUNG: 29.01.2018; Views: 4878; Downloads: 0
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Minority writing: The case of Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italy), Goriška and Coastal-Karst regions (Slovenia)
Ana Toroš, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: This article discusses the literature of the national and linguistic minorities along the Slovene-Italian border area (Slovene and Friulian literature in Italy, Italian literature in Slovene Istria), comprised of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region in Italy, and the Goriška and Coastal-Karst regions in neighbouring Slovenia. The discussion argues that a new methodological approach is needed to study these literatures, one that will upgrade the previous research (studying the literature's regional specifics, which stems from the authors' common living environment, regardless of their linguistic and national identity and the depiction of the foreign culture in minority literature), geared towards regional comparative literature The results of such studies would be useful to bolster the teaching material in literature classes in the given area.
Keywords: minority literature, regional comparative literature, literature didactic
Published in RUNG: 11.01.2018; Views: 4719; Downloads: 0
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Problem prvega branja Krsta pri Savici : (empirična raziskava)
Zoran Božič, 2008, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Reading classic poetry, and Prešeren's poetry in particular, seems to be something special, a fact already pointed out in Boža KrakarVogel's researches. Such demanding texts can be made more comprehensible to a contemporary young reader by being modernized, commented on, prosified, and simplified. I did empirical research with the first year classes at Splošna gimnazija Tolmin high school (high school students of each class were asked to read the first twelve octaves of Krst (the Baptism) in three versions –the poetry only, the prose only and the poetry parallel to the prose- the reading was immediately followed by a questionnaire including three reading comprehension tasks). According to the convincing research results, reading Krst pri Savici (The Baptism on the Savica)on one's own proved to be an extremely hard task for an average-motivated high school student, but the referential meanings can be significantly improved if, while reading, students can have a prose version for each stanza at their disposal.
Keywords: branje, poezija, interpretacija, Prešeren, poučevanje, šolsko branje, simplifikacija, prozifikacija, modernizacija, didaktika, Krst pri Savici, recepcija literature
Published in RUNG: 18.12.2017; Views: 4971; Downloads: 0
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