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Live, lust, love : semantic fields of intimacy in Slovenian and Serbian fin de siècle prose
Lucija Mandić, Darko Ilin, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The present paper analyses emotional and physical intimacy in Slovenian and Serbian prose from the late 19th to the early 20th century using word embeddings. Given the complexity of defining intimacy, we consider a broad range of relationships depicted in fin de siècle literature. The Word2Vec language model identifies eight semantic fields encompassing platonic and sexual relationships, including violence, since it seems to be semantically closely related to sexuality in the analysed literary works. Through a comparative study, notable differences between Serbian and Slovenian prose are established. Additionally, the article examines how these semantic fields manifest in works by male and female authors, providing insights into societal perceptions of intimacy and gender socialization.
Keywords: word embeddings, computational literary studies, Slovenian literature, Serbian literature, distant reading
Published in RUNG: 19.12.2024; Views: 433; Downloads: 6
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Decolonizing literary studies : unveiling postcolonial narratives in post-Yugoslav academic curricula
Sara Vukotić, Darko Ilin, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper explores the presence and integration of postcolonial studies in literature education within the faculties of philology in the capitals of the former Yugoslav countries. Focusing on the emerging field of critical curriculum studies, the research delves into the nuanced landscape of literature education, particularly at higher levels, specifically emphasizing literary students’ specialized education. The study contextualizes postcolonial studies as a hybrid space for theoretical discourse, tracing its roots to anticolonial critique and contemporary Western theories. Drawing on the anticolonial heritage of socialist Yugoslavia and its involvement in the Non-Aligned Movement, the paper navigates the complexities of (post)colonial dynamics in the Balkans. This paper investigates the presence, or absence, of postcolonial theory in literature curricula within humanities faculties in the former Yugoslav countries’ capital cities. This research is based on the close interconnection of literature and postcolonial theory, whose origins lie within the literary representation of colonization relations. The primary objective is to discern the extent to which postcolonial studies are integrated into literary education and what implications this holds within the national context. Through an examination of course programs and content at various academic levels, the research aims to illuminate the role of postcolonial theory in shaping the narrative of literature education in the context of the former Yugoslavia.
Keywords: postcolonial theory, curriculum, literary education, former Yugoslavia, higher education
Published in RUNG: 13.08.2024; Views: 1136; Downloads: 14
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Semiotics of visualisation in comparative literature : the case of the NEWW women writers database
Aleš Vaupotič, Narvika Bovcon, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: digital humanities, semiotics, visualization, literary scholarship
Published in RUNG: 05.07.2024; Views: 1178; Downloads: 3
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Conceiving literary sexualities : the imagination of Ivan Cankar's sexuality in the works of Lojze Kraigher
Darko Ilin, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: Finally, Darko Ilin will examine the sexuality discourse within the texts of literary history and artistic biography in his paper “Conceiving literary sexualities: the imagination of Ivan Cankar's sexuality in the works of Lojze Kraigher”. This paper examines the discourse of masculinity and sexuality in relation to Ivan Cankar in the artistic biography/biographical study of Cankar written by Lojze Kraigher. Based on Kraigher's biographical account of the author's life and work, the study analyses how the discourse of sexuality helped shape the understanding of Ivan Cankar as a canonical figure in the Slovenian literary system. Through close readings of key passages and their analysis, it examines how Cankar's biography imagines masculinity and sexuality and how these imaginaries reflect broader cultural and historical contexts. By constructing the contrast between the writer's irresistible artistic power and weak sexual capacity, Lojze Kraigher establishes the premise of Cankar's sublimation of sexual desire in art. The essay demonstrates that Cankar's sexuality was often the focus of critical and biographical discourse. By examining these issues in the context of literary-artistic biography, this paper contributes to a more nuanced understanding of the complexity of sexuality discourse and its impact on literary history.
Keywords: sexualities, biographical criticism, literary study
Published in RUNG: 02.10.2023; Views: 1547; Downloads: 4
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Augmented Reality as a Medium for Connecting Real and Literary Spaces
Aleš Vaupotič, Narvika Bovcon, 2022, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: At the border between Slovenia and Italy there are two cities, Gorizia and Nova Gorica, connected and functioning as one, or separated by conflict in different times in history. The literatures in Slovenian, Italian, German and Friulian languages have described the complex issues that have tailored the life of people of various nationalities in this region in the 20th century. In 2018 we have participated in the EDUKA 2 project that had the goal of gathering the literary works that address the problem of coexistence in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region. Excerpts from these works were published in two text books for secondary schools, translated in all three languages. Our part in the project was building an augmented reality literary itinerary in the provinces of Trieste and Gorizia, that connected the literary works with related geolocations. The paper will present, how the existence of people of different nationalities at the same place is articulated in literature: selected examples of poetry and novels (Pahor, Madieri, Tomizza, Rilke, Pasolini, Gradnik, ...) will be discussed. The experiences described in literature were interpreted and translated into a visual form, virtual 3-D models were built and placed at selected geolocated spots. The translation between the literary and visual form will be discussed. The user experience of our literary itinerary will be compared to the existing literary itineraries in Gorizia and Trieste, there are many, and all contain historical data, images, videos and texts related to the complexities of coexistence. Finally the medium of augmented reality will be presented considering its different types that involve the user, the space, the camera of a mobile device and a projected image on the screen in different ways. This is relevant in the time, when spatial restrictions have surfaced in an unexpected way: due to the pandemic the spaces have been separated again and the virtual messages in augmented reality are considered either as intruders in a private space in the tele-communication, or as real presences in the real space that cannot be visited.
Keywords: augmented reality, literary itineraries, literature on the border, EDUKA2 project
Published in RUNG: 12.07.2023; Views: 1948; Downloads: 6
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Slovene Teachers’ Opinions on Teaching Literature in Grammar Schools
Ivana Zajc, 2022, original scientific article

Keywords: literary lessons, grammar school, Slovene language, literature didactics
Published in RUNG: 19.12.2022; Views: 3048; Downloads: 0
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Minority literature and collective trauma : the case of Slovene Triestine literature
Ana Toroš, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The study focuses on the relationship between minority literature and collective trauma. Drawing on the theory of trauma, psychoanalysis, memory studies, and literary representations of memory, we argue that the trauma resulting from the suppression of Slovene identity in Trieste during fascism is transmitted into literary discourse through two channels. Firstly, through the normative model of remembering the trauma in question – namely through literary works that can be described as fictions of memory. Secondly, we paid attention to the manifestations of trauma that (unconsciously) enter the narrative structure, regardless of the time and events, which are not necessarily tied to the period of fascism and to concrete events and places of memory. In this context, we illuminated
Keywords: collective trauma, collective memory, minority literature, Trieste, literary representations
Published in RUNG: 01.07.2021; Views: 3486; Downloads: 0
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Írás fénnyel: Balázs Béla a forgatókönyv megjelenéséről
Eszter Polonyi, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Film was fast becoming the dominant form of narrative discourse by the time of the establishment of the great European film studios in the 1940s. While many writers regarded film as undercutting other systems of narrative delivery, namely print, others discerned potential in the new industry for a form of authorship that possessed attributes of the prior, literary regime of writing. This piece considers the case made for literary authorship in and through film by the Hungarian film theorist and film scenarist, Bela Balazs. Balazs’s bases his claim regarding the return of literature on the scenario. While the scenario is habitually defined as the verbal projection of a film, Balazs also locates its effects at the level of the photographic image, so that film is read as symptomatic of the language of the scenario. Tying developments in the conventions of film editing to the writing techniques of the scenarist, Balazs describes the authorship of the scenarist as both palpable and yet non-visible, which this piece argues explains the obscurity into which historic „film authors” have fallen, including Balazs himself. Although Balazs makes every effort to recognize the scenario, when it comes to acknowledging the scenarist, there is a distinct inability and unwillingness to designate them as the scenario’s author.
Keywords: film studies, film theory, industrial design, Soviet studies, literary theory
Published in RUNG: 10.12.2020; Views: 3465; Downloads: 0
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Teaching minority literature: the case of Trieste
Ana Toroš, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: The paper presents the guidelines for teaching minority literature in the Trieste area, namely at the Slovenian and Italian high schools in Trieste. The teaching method proposed was created as a result of the need for new approaches in teaching literature due to the increasing heterogeneity of the population of high school students. The method takes into account the specific factors characteristic of the Triestine literary system, which affect the production and reception of literature in the Trieste area, that is the turbulent history of this territory during the 20th century and thus also the presence of various traumatic collective memories and postmemories present in this area. Considering these facts, the new teaching method is based on memory studies and literary imagology. In terms of the selection of literary texts it shifts from the nationally prescribed literature curriculum towards regional comparative literature.
Keywords: Trieste, Istria, minority literature, collective trauma, postmemory, literary imagology
Published in RUNG: 06.01.2020; Views: 3852; Downloads: 0
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Augmented Reality and Chronotopicality : Literary Itineraries in Gorizia, Trieste and Duino
Narvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: The reality-virtuality continuum (Paul Milgram et al., 1994) establishes a foundational mixed reality as a spectrum of intermediate options. The ICT based databases are increasingly superimposed on and integrated in our life-world. The new media art – and contemporary media in general – can be seen through two points of view: the technical aspect where the reality is supplemented by (3-D, networked) computerbased data. Secondly, the augmented reality can be construed as a real superimposition of different realities, that is foregrounded using Mikhail Bakhtin’s notion of chronotopicality. The MAST symposium (18. & 19.11.2019, ex-Daimond (xD), Nova Gorica, Slovenia), Pixxelpoint 2019.
Keywords: augmented reality, literary history, literatures in contact, EDUKA2
Published in RUNG: 18.11.2019; Views: 4592; Downloads: 0
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