1. Zaprtozančno vodenje več-conske peči za kaljenje jeklenicMatej Gabrijelčič, 2016, master's thesis Abstract: Več-conske peči za kaljenje jeklenic se v jeklarstvu uporabljajo za izboljševanje mehanskih lastnosti jeklenic. Peč je sestavljena iz več con, v teh spreminjamo temperature z odprtostjo ventilov dovoda energenta za ogrevanje in tako sledimo predpisanim temperaturam iz diagrama procesa kaljenja. Če odprtost ventila za ogrevanje posamezne cone peči vodimo ročno, se lahko zaradi zunanjih motenj pojavi problem pri medsebojnem vplivu sprememb temperatur v conah. To povzroči slabe mehanske lastnosti jeklenic, strošek segrevanja peči se poveča, ob tem pa imamo zagotovljeno tudi slabo varnost ročno vodenega procesa. Opisane slabosti ročno vodenega procesa rešimo z avtomatsko regulacijo. Izbrali in ovrednotili smo metodo vodenja več-conske jeklarske peči za kaljenje jeklenic in pokazali ekonomsko upravičenost avtomatske regulacije. Ugotovili smo, da avtomatsko voden proces sledi zahtevam po ustrezni temperaturi v posamezni coni peči − glede na diagram kaljenja jeklenic −, je varnejši od ročno vodenega, strošek njegove vpeljave pa se povrne v kratkem časovnem obdobju. Zaključimo lahko, da je ustrezno voden proces zanesljiv in velikokrat ponovljiv, predstavlja tisti proces, ki pošilja ustrezne informacije regulatorju procesa preko povratne zanke o tem, kaj se dogaja v posamezni coni peči za kaljenje jeklenic. Keywords: več-conska peč, kaljenje, jeklenica, zaprtozančno vodenje, dinamični sistem, metoda Monte Carlo Published in RUNG: 06.12.2016; Views: 7677; Downloads: 258 Full text (1,31 MB) |
2. Transport električnega naboja v organskih polprevodnikih, simulacija po metodi Monte CarloRobert Hudej, Gvido Bratina, Egon Pavlica, 2003, original scientific article Abstract: The electric-charge transport in organic semiconductors is essentially different to the transport in ordered inorganic crystals. The reason is in thelocalization of the energy states, which act as charge-carrier transport channels between molecules. Consequently, the determination of the basic transport parameters in organic materials is inherently more involved than in their inorganic counterparts. The analytical methods that are used to describe charge transport in inorganic materials are unsuitable, since they are based on the extended electronic energy structure. We report here on the simulation of charge transport in organic semiconductor thin films. The simulation is based on the Monte Carlo method and describes the charge-carrier transport within the framework of carrier hopping between the sites. We employed a Gaussian energy distribution of the hopping sites with disorder elements. The degree of disorder is characterized by the width of the Gaussian distribution and is measured in eV units. The results of the transport simulation in 3,4,9,10-perylenedianhydride tetracarboxylic acid (PTCDA) show that the photogenerated charge-carrier current depends on the film thickness, temperature and disorder degree. The simulated photocurrents have the same amplitude in thick films as in the thin films, but the overall shape of the I(t) curve is more dispersive in thin films. The charge-carrier mobility decreases with the increasing degree of disorder at a given temperature. The simulation of the photogenerated positive charge carriers current matches with the time-of-flight experiment in a glass/ITO/PTCDA(600 nm)/In heterostructure at room temperature and an applied bias voltage of 8 V. Keywords: neurejeni kristali, metoda Monte Carlo, organski polprevodniki, transport naboja, PTCDA, tranzientne meritve Published in RUNG: 10.07.2015; Views: 7001; Downloads: 25 Link to full text |
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