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Mourning process of family bereavement in Italian cinema : theory and practice behind the making of "EDEN" diploma film
Elisabetta Gessi, 2021, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: This work is a study of the mourning process of family bereavement during the development of Italian cinema. The theoretical and practical part are extremely interconnected: starting from emblematic Italian films regarding death, this study further develops on pointing out how Italian authors put the mourning process into image. Moreover, three Italian films of the last decade are taken into account in the analysis: we underline the main characteristics and recurring themes of these aforementioned films. This thesis considers the theory and practice behind the making of EDEN, Diploma Film. In the last chapters we underline the whole process behind this short film, including the storyline, the meaning behind it, pre-production, production, and post production.
Keywords: film, smrt, žalovanje, postopki, čustva, italijanska kinematografija, diplomske naloge
Published in RUNG: 02.07.2021; Views: 3228; Downloads: 86
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Lik umetnice - migrantke v romanih Brine Svit, Cvetke Bevc in Marjete Novak Kajzer : Magistrsko delo
Jasmina Spahalić, 2015, master's thesis

Abstract: V raziskavi sem se osredinila na lik umetnice v slovenskih romanih in naredila primerjavo med deli treh avtoric – Brine Svit, Cvetke Bevc in Marjete Novak Kajzer. Predvsem sem se posvetila vprašanju, kako žensko v tujem okolju določa njena spolna identiteta. V feministični teoriji fenomen in koncept migrantstva predstavlja pozicijo, ki ženskam ponuja možnost, da lahko nadzorujejo lastno življenje in usodo in o njiju več ne odloča patriarhalni družbeni red. Ob prebiranju romanov, ki so predmet moje raziskave, sem ugotovila, da močno izstopa problem ženske identitete in v večini primerov je v ospredju lik tujke in šele nato lik umetnice. Analiza zaobjema naslednje romane: Posebne nežnosti (1990) Marjete Novak Kajzer; Moreno (2003) in Smrt slovenske primadone (2007) Brine Svit ter Sobo gospe Bernarde (2007) in Ino (2011) Cvetke Bevc.
Keywords: Posebne nežnosti, Marjeta Novak Kajzer, Moreno, Smrt slovenske primadone, Brina Svit, Soba Gospe Bernarde, Ina, Cvetka Bevc, lik umetnice, migrantka, feministične študije.
Published in RUNG: 08.10.2015; Views: 7331; Downloads: 392
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