1. Balkan landscapes and female desire in three novellas by women writers from the late 19th and early 20th centuriesKatja Mihurko, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: This article analyses the representation of female sexual desire in the works of
three authors set in the Balkans. It is based on the hypothesis that the concept
of the Balkans was still in its formation in the 19th century and therefore offered opportunities for the projection of various ideas. As such, it also served
as a backdrop for three stories in which the authors (Mara Čop Lenger- Marlet, Milena Mrazović-Preindlsberger and Zofka Kveder) featured three female
characters who transcended the boundaries of normative femininity Keywords: Mara Čop Lenger-Marlet, Marie von Berks, Milena Mrazović-Preindlsberger, Zofka Kveder, ženska spolna želja, intimnost, Balkans, družbeni spol, vmesna identiteta Published in RUNG: 06.01.2025; Views: 173; Downloads: 3 Full text (914,05 KB) This document has many files! More... |
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4. The representations of female sexual desire in the works of Zofka Kveder (1878-1926)Katja Mihurko, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract Abstract: The paper examines Zofka Kveder's letters to discover the ways in which she depicts her own sexual experiences, including orgasm. Mihurko Poniž will also look for representations of sexual desire in Kveder's literary texts written in Slovenian, German, Czech and Croatian language. The latter show that Kveder was obviously not as open and direct when writing literature. Through the analysis of letters to her friends and journal editors, Kveder's struggles against the censorship of her texts by editors will be presented. These findings will be embedded in the broader historical context of bourgeois double standards and their consequences not only for women in general but for women writers in particular. The issue of (self-)censorship will be touched upon and discussed in the context of Kveder's work. Being in a special position of an author between cultures, Kveder was allowed a certain freedom in the representation of female sexual desire, which would probably not have been possible if she had been perceived only as a Slovenian writer. Therefore, the paper will explore the intersection of nationality, literature, and sexuality in the case of Zofka Kveder’s works and ego-documents. Keywords: Zofka Kveder, spolna želja Published in RUNG: 11.03.2024; Views: 1583; Downloads: 4 Link to file This document has many files! More... |
5. Čustvena pokrajina materinstva in materinjenja v elektronski zbirki PismaKatja Mihurko, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract Abstract: Raziskovanje dojemanja materinstva in čustev, ki so se porajala ob materinjenju, je v preteklosti omejeno na pisne vire: sodne zapisnike, publicistične
zapise, literarna dela in ego dokumente. V pismih in dnevnikih so izkušnja
materinjenja in premisleki o njej največkrat izraženi bolj neposredno kot v publicističnih ali literarnih delih. Vendar so ego dokumenti, še posebno t. i. navadnih ljudi, težje dosegljivi, saj se niso tako sistematično ohranjali kot tiskana
besedila in sodni zapisniki. Zato so pisma, ki so objavljena v elektronski zbirki
Pisma, dragocena pričevanja o materinstvu in materinjenju ter z njima povezanimi čustvi ljubezni, veselja, žalosti, jeze in strahu. V prispevku bom predstavila možnosti iskanja vsebin, ki so povezane z materinstvom in materinjenjem
v omenjeni elektronski zbirki. Na osnovi vizualizacij zbirke bom najprej pokazala, s katerimi tematikami se povezuje tematika materinstva in materinjenja v
dopisovanjih avtoric slovenske moderne ter družine Kremenšek Boršnik, nato
pa še kako o tem pišeta meščanka (Ivanka Kremenšek, poročena Boršnik) in
slovenska pisateljica (Zofka Kveder) konec 19. in v začetku 20. stoletja. Keywords: intimnost, materinstvo, spolna želja, korespondence, digitalna humanistika, slovenska moderna Published in RUNG: 11.03.2024; Views: 1540; Downloads: 5 Link to file This document has many files! More... |
6. Kaj hoče ženska?2024, radio or television broadcast, podcast, interview, press conference Abstract: Kako razumeti freudovsko vprašanje Kaj hoče ženska? Zakaj ženske pravice niso pridobljene za vselej? Kakšna je bila pot pravne regulacije abortusa pri nas? Prva in druga generacija feministk sta bili zaslužni za pridobitev ženskih političnih pravic in odpravo diskriminacije na delovnem področju, v Evropi in ZDA. Kakšna je podoba feminizma danes? V oddajo bosta vključeni zgodovinarki dr. Marta Verginella in dr. Ana Cergol Paradiž, predstavili bomo tudi knjigo Naše znanstvenice: Kako so ženske soustvarjale znanost v Jugoslaviji?. Keywords: intimnost, spolna želja, reproduktivne pravice Published in RUNG: 11.03.2024; Views: 1406; Downloads: 9 Link to file This document has many files! More... |