Interplay among Work Function, electronic structure and stoichiometry in nanostructured VOx films2020, original scientific article
Abstract: The work function is the parameter of greatest interest in many technological applications involving charge exchange
mechanisms at the interface. The possibility to produce samples with a controlled work function is then particularly
interesting, albeit challenging. We synthetized nanostructured vanadium oxide films by a room temperature Supersonic
Cluster Beam Deposition method, obtaining samples with tunable stoichiometry and work function (3.7-7 eV). We present
an investigation of the electronic structure of several vanadium oxide films as a function of the oxygen content via in-situ
Auger, valence-band photoemission spectroscopy and work function measurements. The experiments probed the partial 3d
density of states, highlighting the presence of strong V3d-O2p and V3d-V4s hybridization which influence 3d occupation. We
show how controlling the stoichiometry of the sample implies control over work function, and that the access to nanoscale
quantum confinement can be exploited to increase the work function of the sample relative to the bulk analogue. In general,
the knowledge of the interplay among work function, electronic structure, and stoichiometry is strategic to match
nanostructured oxides to their target applications
Keywords: work function, VOx, Electronic structure, nanostructured films
Published in RUNG: 24.02.2020; Views: 3387; Downloads: 0
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