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Marketing plan for the launch of 'Rskavac' wine : graduation seminar 2023/24
Aleksa Spasić, 2024, research project (high school)

Keywords: story, premium wine, scarcity
Published in RUNG: 12.11.2024; Views: 277; Downloads: 0
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Enography of newly emerging wine-producing countries - Japan, China, India : graduation seminar 2023/24
M. Hovland, 2024, research project (high school)

Published in RUNG: 12.11.2024; Views: 209; Downloads: 0
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Exploring environmentally-friendly wine tourism in Slovenia : graduation seminar 2023/24
Jana Milošević, 2024, research project (high school)

Published in RUNG: 12.11.2024; Views: 216; Downloads: 0
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Vpliv uporabe različnih hrastovih trsk na aromatične značilnosti vina Rebula : diplomski seminar
Uroš Kurent, Lorena Butinar, 2024, research project (high school)

Abstract: V grozdju sorte 'Rebula' (Vitis vinifera L.) nekateri vinarji odkrivajo vedno večji potencial, vendar so poleg osnovne surovine (grozdja) za končno kakovost pomembni tudi primerno izbrani in izpeljani postopki vinifikacije ter zorenja vina. Z različnimi tehnološkimi pristopi pred in med alkoholno fermentacijo lahko bistveno vplivamo na končno aromatično kakovost vina. Na aromatični potencial vina pa lahko vplivamo tudi z odločitvami po alkoholni fermentaciji in v času zorenja vina, tudi z zorenjem vina v hrastovih sodih ali ob uporabi t.i. hrastovih nadomestkov. V diplomskem delu smo pridelali eksperimentalna vina rebula po štirih različnih vinifikacijskih postopkih ter jim nato dodali trske bodisi ameriškega ali francoskega hrasta, z različnimi stopnjami žganja lesa. Tako pridelana mlada vina smo senzorično ovrednotili in zaznali določene razlike v percepciji vin glede na različne dodatke hrastovih trsk. Vina pridelana z dodatkom hrastovih trsk so degustatorji senzorično ocenili bolje kot kontrolna vina. Iz tega lahko sklepamo, da je dodatek hrastovih trsk izboljšal celokupni vtis vina. Bistvenih razlik med vini glede na poreklo hrastovih trsk (ameriški srednje žgan in francoski srednje žgan) degustatorji niso zaznali.
Keywords: Rebula, hrastovi sodi, hrastovi nadomestki, celokupni vtis vina
Published in RUNG: 23.10.2024; Views: 343; Downloads: 0
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Host plants and vectors of grapevine Flavescence dorée phytoplasma
Kseniia Annenkova, 2024, research project (high school)

Abstract: Understanding the epidemiology of Flavescence dorée (FD), a devastating grapevine disease caused by the phytoplasma (FDp), is crucial for developing effective management strategies. This study aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the host plants and vectors of FDp. Key methods included a review of existing literature and analysis of genetic data to identify potential transmission pathways. The results revealed that FDp infects a wide range of plant species beyond grapevines, complicating control measures. While the leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus is the primary vector, several occasional vectors such as Orientus ishidae, Dictyophara europaea, Phlogotettix cyclops etc. also play roles in transmission. The study identified 22 map genotypes of the 16SrV phytoplasma, categorized into three main clusters (Map-FD1, Map-FD2, and Map-FD3), which are primarily associated with S. titanus and grapevine. The research emphasizes the importance of ongoing studies to further understand the geographic distribution and genotypic variability of FDp, which is crucial for refining control strategies and ensuring their success. Enhanced knowledge of FDp genotypes and their interactions with different vectors and host plants will help in improving targeted and effective disease management interventions.
Keywords: Flavescence dorée phytoplasma, grapevine, vectors, host plants, genetic diversity
Published in RUNG: 19.08.2024; Views: 853; Downloads: 0
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The effect of prolonged maceration with spontaneous fermentation on chemical and sensorial characteristics of white wine
Tara Seničić, 2024, research project (high school)

Abstract: The use of prolonged maceration and spontaneous fermentation in white wine production is gaining renewed interest among winemakers, considering rising consumer interest in sustainable and traditional winemaking. This seminar aimed to assess how these approaches influence the sensory and chemical profiles of white wines based on available literature. Additionally, chemical analyses were conducted on three ‘Ribolla gialla’ variety wines from Vipava valley, which were produced using the aforementioned technology. The analyses indicated the presence of a wide range of aromatic compounds including esters and C-6 alcohols found in ‘Ribolla gialla’ wine samples. Spoilage indicators such as 4-ethylguaiacol and 4-ethylphenol were detected in some ‘Ribolla gialla’ samples, highlighting the risks of spontaneous fermentation. Assessing the reviewed literature data, prolonged maceration can enhance the aromatic complexity of white wines as related to the higher content of monoterpenes and phenolic compounds. This study supports the potential of these traditional methods to create unique and complex wines, but further research is needed to optimize these technological approaches and ensure consistent quality.
Keywords: white wine, prolonged maceration, spontaneous fermentation, sensorial characteristics
Published in RUNG: 19.08.2024; Views: 716; Downloads: 1
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Polyphenol profiles in white wines : a ǂcomparative analysis of vinification methods
Magdalina Mihajlovska, 2024, research project (high school)

Abstract: In our graduation seminar, we studied the effects of extended maceration of grape mash on polyphenol extraction in white wine production. Data from the literature show that grape variety plays an important role in the influence of the skin contact procedure on the extraction of phenolics. The polyphenol content of Chardonnay was improved by 24-hour cryomaceration of the mash at 8.0°C and 6.0°C, whereas no such effect was observed at 4.0°C. In the case of Malvasia, the maximum amount of caftaric and caffeic acid was obtained after 21 days of post-fermentation maceration at 16.0°C. These findings underscore the potential of controlled maceration to enrich white wines with greater complexity and antioxidant capacity. However, polyphenols are very susceptible to oxidation, especially during the initial stage of grape processing, leading to the formation of brown pigments and an amber color in such wines, which may also occur during the aging process if the phenolic-rich white wine is not sufficiently protected by other antioxidants. The changes in phenolics during prolonged maceration or aging of vintage white wines are not yet well understood. Further research is needed to elucidate the chemical reactions and transformations of polyphenols during prolonged skin contact and aging in order to develop targeted approaches to produce high-quality white wines with prolonged maceration of the mash with desirable sensory and health-promoting properties.
Keywords: polyphenols, white wine, skin contact, winemaking procedures
Published in RUNG: 19.08.2024; Views: 785; Downloads: 0
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Pregled pridelave grozdja in vina žlahtne vinske trte (Vitis vinifera l.) 'pinela' in 'zelen' v Vipavski dolini : diplomsko delo
Veronika Kos, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V tej diplomski nalogi smo s pomočjo anketiranja pridelovalcev pregledali, na kakšen način se prideluje grozdje in vino pri sortah Vitis Vinifera L. 'Zelen' in 'Pinela' v zgornji Vipavski dolini. Pomembno je, da razumemo, da ti dve sorti rasteta na flišni podlagi in pod submediteranskim podnebjem. Ampelografski opis nam razloži, kako ti dve sorti ločimo od ostalih. V nadaljevanju smo s pomočjo anketiranja pridelovalcev teh dveh sort dobili vpogled v način pridelave grozdja, tipe rezi, uporabo ukrepa razlistanja in ugotovili, da je večina vinogradov obrnjenih na vzhod ali zahod. V povprečju dosega mošt/grozdje sorte 'Zelen' višji pH kot sorta 'Pinela', kar tudi vzporedno pojasni, da ima 'Zelen' nižje kisline. Količina pridelanega grozdja se vsako leto povečuje, v grafu lahko vidimo enakomerno rast pri sorti 'Zelen', nekoliko manj enakomerno pa pri sorti 'Pinela', kar je posledica zunanjih dejavnikov. Iz ankete je razvidno, da se tako pri maceraciji kot tudi pri skladiščenju največkrat uporabljajo posode iz nerjavečega jekla, nekateri pa uporabljajo tudi lesene sode.
Keywords: diplomske naloge, pinela, zelen, Vipavska dolina, pridelava, vino, grozdje
Published in RUNG: 21.03.2024; Views: 1827; Downloads: 30
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Marketinški načrt vstopa vinarstva Marko Sirk na nemški in italijanski trg : diplomsko delo
Miha Sirk, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V svojem diplomskem delu sem raziskoval, kaj je ključnega pomena za vstop našega vinarstva (vina Marko Sirk) na italijanski in nemški vinski trg. Kot mlada blagovna znamka smo zaenkrat prisotni samo na slovenskem trgu, v Italiji pa sodelujemo le z enim manjšim uvoznikom. Namen mojega diplomskega dela je bil zato usmerjen v pomembne korake pri vstopu na nov vinski trg. Opravil sem kvalitativno raziskavo in obdelal podatke sekundarnega gradiva. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej izvedel situacijsko analizo, ki je vključevala analizo trgov ter konkurence, nato pa sem opisal še marketinški splet. V svojem empiričnem delu sem opravil konkretno situacijsko analizo za naše vinarstvo. Vključil sem tudi konkurenco na vinskem trgu ter s tremi izbranimi vinskimi kletmi opravil intervjuje, katere sem nato analiziral tudi v rezultatih in razpravi.
Keywords: diplomske naloge, marketinški načrt, vstop na tuje trge, nemški trg, italijanski trg, vinarstvo
Published in RUNG: 29.02.2024; Views: 1750; Downloads: 24
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