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Upodobitev ženskega lika v modni fotografiji
Teotim Logar Zorn, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: Magistrsko delo Upodobitev ženskega lika v modni fotografiji obravnava zgodovino razvoja modne fotografije in njenega načina upodobitve ženskega lika. Naloga je razdeljena na dva dela, ki iz različnih vidikov razlagata žensko vlogo v modni fotografiji. Prvi del se opira na izbrane modne fotografije in preko njih razlaga razvoj modne fotografije od njenega začetka do danes. Dotika se tudi družbene situacije posameznega obdobja, ki je ključna za razumevanje vsebine modne fotografije. Drugi del se posveča teoretični razlagi ključnih dejavnikov, ki tvorijo modno fotografijo in se dotika učinka modne fotografije na gledalca, vpliva feminizma na modno fotografijo, modernizacije družbe, teorije spola in razvoja idealne ženske podobe. Za temo raziskovanja sem se odločil zaradi želje po poglobljenem razumevanju vpliva fotografije na družbo in njene izpovedne vrednosti. Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na upodobitev ženskega lika tako, da se posveča predvsem interpretaciji fotografij, pristopa ter stila njihovih avtorjev in opredeljevanju razlike med realno in idealno žensko podobo. Po teoretičnem delu sledi opis praktičnega dela magistrske naloge, fotografske serije z naslovom Digitalizacija. Ta obravnava interpretacijo človeškega vstopanja v digitalni svet in prikazuje variacijo njegovega človeškega doživljanja. V zaključku bom pojasnil svoj vidik na razvoj modne fotografije in njen spremenjen vpliv na družbo ter opredelil razlike med resnično in upodobljeno žensko podobo.
Keywords: idealizacija, človeško telo, spol, ženstvenost, feminizem, seksizem, fetiš, pripovedna vrednost, modna fotografija, družbena kritika, analogno-digitalno, vizualna umetnost
Published in RUNG: 11.11.2019; Views: 6310; Downloads: 212
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Post Colonial Dilettantes : The Aesthetics Of Anti-Imperialism
Rajat Sharma, 2018, master's thesis

Abstract: The thesis begins a discourse into a need of an Indian film theory by exploring and analysing the plenitude of relevant western theories. In order to do so it lays down certain concrete relationships between ideologies, terminologies and their effect; as in what exactly post colonial means, why it is important to understand the impact of colonisation on culture and thus on one of the most mass consumed medium in India; films. The thesis explores the depths and complexity of the relationship of these two and the other influences that sprout from it for example the intensity of colonisation as a cultural project and its influence on the social reality of the people, artists, thinkers (and in our case specifically filmmakers) , who in turn reflect on this culture through various mediums including films. The thesis examines the western plethora of film theory in order to accentuate the contrast between film and cinema in the west and east and thus the subsequent need to bring forth a new ‘Eastern Film theory’.
Keywords: Post Colonialism, Cultural genocide, Cinematic Apparatus, Baudry, Political cinema, Brecht, Counter Cinema, Feminist film theory, Laura Mulvey, Douchet, Lacan, Anti Imperialism, Third Cinema, Solanas and Getino, Third Manifesto, Indian Cinema, Satyajit Ray, Consumerism
Published in RUNG: 19.11.2018; Views: 5337; Downloads: 168
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An Artist Abroad : The influence of a change in surroundings on artistic creativity
Valerija Zabret, 2016, master's thesis

Abstract: The motivation for this thesis was author’s experience as a traveling artists and questioning how experiences abroad influenced her artistic evolution. Nowadays, in the years of globalization and cross-border collaborations, it has become very common for artists to make international connections in order to seek inspiration, funds, connections, exhibition spaces, platforms on which to show their work, studios, workshops, and to establish an international career. The idea of this thesis is to explore the phenomena of traveling artists through literature and analysis of the author’s personal experience and development as an artist in order to identify whether travel is a good practice that should be advised for emerging (or established) artists in order to evolve in their careers. This thesis, “The Influence of a Change in Surroundings on Artistic Creativity,” questions how traveling influences artists and their creativity. It offers a historically overview of the subject and presents contemporary ways and opportunities for artists to travel and work in international environments. In the second part of this thesis, the author presents poetical videos, the “An Artist Abroad – Video Poetry Series,” which were made during the research and through which the author expresses her feelings and observation of her new surroundings. Very personal and poetic work shows the progress and development in the author’s artistic practice, and it shows how new surroundings influenced her creative and production processes.
Keywords: art, artist, artist abroad, artist residency, traveling artist, mobility, surroundings, change, creativity, influence, production, culture, global, contemporary art, video, poetry, series
Published in RUNG: 25.02.2016; Views: 7824; Downloads: 168
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Virtualna tematska pot Emil Benčić − Od izkušenj do neskončnosti : Tehnološke in teoretične podlage produkcije novomedijskega projekta
Lavoslava Benčić, 2015, master's thesis

Abstract: V tehnološkem in teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela v sklopu študija na Visoki šoli za umetnost Univerze v Novi Gorici raziskujem področje produkcije virtualnih tematskih poti. Namen in cilj mojega magistrskega študija je projekt − ustvarjanje in izvajanje aktivnosti o življenju in pomenu umetniškega dela Emila Benčića (1930−2011).
Keywords: Emil Benčić, virtualna tematska pot, novi mediji, ohranjanje dediščine, mapiranje kulture
Published in RUNG: 30.06.2015; Views: 7323; Downloads: 148
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TV-serije : prihodnost filma?
Urška Djukić, 2014, master's thesis

Keywords: magistrske naloge, TV-serija, serialnost, televizija, film, kino, mediji, prihodnost, spletne serije, mini serije, transmedijske serije
Published in RUNG: 22.01.2015; Views: 7337; Downloads: 298
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