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Semiotics of visualisation in comparative literature : the case of the NEWW women writers database
Aleš Vaupotič, Narvika Bovcon, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: digital humanities, semiotics, visualization, literary scholarship
Published in RUNG: 05.07.2024; Views: 261; Downloads: 2
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Sustainable digital preservation of new media art
Narvika Bovcon, Eszter Polónyi, Jaka Železnikar, Aleš Vaupotič, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: This paper is about two pilot studies conducted in 2022 that aimed to develop a model for preserving and archiving new media art work in the context of a research project on the sustainable digital preservation of new media art that is being co-hosted by the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana. As the works of art selected for the study by Slovenian new media art pioneers Vuk Ćosić (2000) and Srečo Dragan (2005) were technically obsolete or non-functional by the time of the study, the question of how to bring the artworks back into existence and what components of each artwork to include in the collection and preservation process constituted one aspect of our research. But this process of reconstruction also raised questions about how the preservation of media art is reshaping the practice of archiving within an institution whose holdings were, until recently, largely in traditional mediums. An interdisciplinary approach addressed the problem from different points of view, involving the practitioners, experts from art-history, museology, computer science, media theory and intellectual property rights.
Keywords: digital cultural heritage, new media art preservation, new media art archives
Published in RUNG: 28.05.2024; Views: 516; Downloads: 2
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Sustainable digital preservation of the new media art
Aleš Vaupotič, Eszter Polónyi, Narvika Bovcon, Jaka Železnikar, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: media studies, art history, new media art, archival studies, restoration studies, museum studies
Published in RUNG: 12.02.2024; Views: 1082; Downloads: 6
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Marko Jakše: Brez gospodarja / Senza padrone / Without a Master : 59. beneški bienale, mednarodna umetnostna razstava, 23. 4.–27. 11. 2022
Narvika Bovcon, Ana Korenini, Borut Kovačec, Jaka Železnikar, Marko Jakše, 2022, software

Abstract: Spletna razstava - interaktivni generator videov iz širšega izbora slik Marka Jakšeta. Paviljon Republike Slovenije na 59. mednarodni umetnostni razstavi – La Biennale di Venezia, Tese all'Isolotto, Arzenali, Benetke, 23. april–27. november 2022. Marko Jakše: Brez gospodarja. Komisar: Aleš Vaupotič. Kustos: Robert Simonišek. Spletišče: Ana Korenini, Borut Kovačec (VIKIDA), Narvika Bovcon, Jaka Železnikar. Producenta: Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, in Kulturno izobraževalno društvo KIBLA. Razstavo in katalog je podprlo Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije.
Keywords: 59. beneški bienale, Marko Jakše, Paviljon Republike Slovenije, slikarstvom, spletna razstava, interaktivni generator videov
Published in RUNG: 19.07.2023; Views: 1060; Downloads: 12
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Augmented Reality as a Medium for Connecting Real and Literary Spaces
Aleš Vaupotič, Narvika Bovcon, 2022, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: At the border between Slovenia and Italy there are two cities, Gorizia and Nova Gorica, connected and functioning as one, or separated by conflict in different times in history. The literatures in Slovenian, Italian, German and Friulian languages have described the complex issues that have tailored the life of people of various nationalities in this region in the 20th century. In 2018 we have participated in the EDUKA 2 project that had the goal of gathering the literary works that address the problem of coexistence in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region. Excerpts from these works were published in two text books for secondary schools, translated in all three languages. Our part in the project was building an augmented reality literary itinerary in the provinces of Trieste and Gorizia, that connected the literary works with related geolocations. The paper will present, how the existence of people of different nationalities at the same place is articulated in literature: selected examples of poetry and novels (Pahor, Madieri, Tomizza, Rilke, Pasolini, Gradnik, ...) will be discussed. The experiences described in literature were interpreted and translated into a visual form, virtual 3-D models were built and placed at selected geolocated spots. The translation between the literary and visual form will be discussed. The user experience of our literary itinerary will be compared to the existing literary itineraries in Gorizia and Trieste, there are many, and all contain historical data, images, videos and texts related to the complexities of coexistence. Finally the medium of augmented reality will be presented considering its different types that involve the user, the space, the camera of a mobile device and a projected image on the screen in different ways. This is relevant in the time, when spatial restrictions have surfaced in an unexpected way: due to the pandemic the spaces have been separated again and the virtual messages in augmented reality are considered either as intruders in a private space in the tele-communication, or as real presences in the real space that cannot be visited.
Keywords: augmented reality, literary itineraries, literature on the border, EDUKA2 project
Published in RUNG: 12.07.2023; Views: 1096; Downloads: 4
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Nothing but Facts/Le dejstva : Trdi časi Charlesa Dickensa
Narvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič, 2020, artistic work

Abstract: Incipit romana kot računalniška animacija.
Keywords: video, digitalna animacija, fizikalna simulacija, program Maya
Published in RUNG: 26.01.2021; Views: 2482; Downloads: 12
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Digitalizacija kulturne dediščine v dveh projektih programa Študentski inovativni projekti za družbeno korist : digitalizacija, korespondence, elektronske zbirke, aleksandrinke, študentski projekt, digitalna humanistika
Katja Mihurko, Narvika Bovcon, Aneta Ivanovska, Tina Smrekar, 2020, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Članek predstavi dva projekta digitalizacije in spletne predstavitve kulturne dediščine aleksandrink in različnih skupin žensk, ki so večinsko povezane s primorskim in notranjskim geografskim prostorom: v prvem primeru gre za bazo podatkov o aleksandrinkah, v drugem pa za digitalizirano pisemsko dediščino. Program Študentskih inovativnih projektov za družbeno korist je odlična platforma za pilotske projekte s področja digitalne humanistike, saj predvideva interdisciplinarno delovno skupino študentov in mentorjev ter v korist lokalne skupnosti usmerjene praktične rezultate projekta.
Keywords: digitisation, correspondences, electronic databases, aleksandrinke, student project, digital humanities
Published in RUNG: 29.09.2020; Views: 3484; Downloads: 0
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Literarne pešpoti/Itineraris leteraris
Narvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič, Ana Toroš, Borja Bovcon, 2019

Abstract: Povečana resničnost — inačica, ki temelji na geolokacijah zanimivih točk — usmerja pozornost na pomenske odtenke sveta, ki nas obdaja, ti pa so pogosto navzoči le implicitno, različno za različne skupnosti. Spomeniki v povečani resničnosti delajo te »plasti« vidne in širijo našo zaznavo okolice. Na področju med Goriško, Tržaško pokrajino in Furlanijo so nastale tri literarne pešpoti. Povečana resničnost je nastala na podalgi beril iz projekta EDUKA2 ("Literatura na stičišču 1", ISBN 978-88-7636-311-5 in "Literatura na stičišču 2", ISBN 978-88-7636-313-9).
Keywords: obogatena resničnost, literarne pešpoti, literature na stičišču
Published in RUNG: 13.12.2019; Views: 3839; Downloads: 0
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Literarne pešpoti : Instalacija na festivalu Pixxelpoint 2019 – 20. mednarodni festival sodobnih umetniških praks
Borja Bovcon, exhibition

Abstract: Literarne pešpoti/Itineraris leteraris (2019). Povečana resničnost — inačica, ki temelji na geolokacijah zanimivih točk — usmerja pozornost na pomenske odtenke sveta, ki nas obdaja, ti pa so pogosto navzoči le implicitno, različno za različne skupnosti. Spomeniki v povečani resničnosti delajo te »plasti« vidne in širijo našo zaznavo okolice. Na področju med Goriško, Tržaško pokrajino in Furlanijo so nastale tri literarne pešpoti.Za nastanek geografsko določene povečane resničnosti je potrebno (1) zbrati in oblikovati vsebine, ki smiselno dopolnjujejo dojemanje življenjskega prostora; (2) jih shraniti v podatkovno zbirko; (3) zasnovati uporabniško izkušnjo prek (čim lažje) dosegljivih tehničnih rešitev. Projekt je razdeljen na tri povezane segmente: literarnovednega, arhivskega in uporabniškovmesniškega. Prvega je vodila Ana Toroš, nastali sta dve berili v več jezikih o literaturi na stičišču da-našnje Slovenije in Italije. V sodelovanju z informatiki sta Narvika Bovcon in Aleš Vaupotič zasnovala integracijo 2. in 3. točke, realizacijo spomenikov v povečani resničnosti prek platform Layar idr. Za projekt je ključno to, da so tako vsa večpredstavnostna gradiva (3D objekti, videi, spletne strani z besedili idr.) kot informacije o postavitvi 3D skulptur v realni prostor Tržaške in Goriške na strežnikih Univerze v Novi Gorici (licenca CC-BY), kar omogoča večkratno uporabo gradiv v novih projektih. (3D modeli in literarne pešpoti: Narvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič. Urednica besedil: Ana Toroš. Programiranje: Borja Bovcon. Sodelujoči študent: Anej Žagar. Instalacija v Mestni geleriji Nova Gorica v ovirih festivala Pixxelpoint 2019: Preverejena resničnost - 20. mednarodni festival sodobnih umetniških praks, 13.-23. nov. 2019, Nova Gorica, Gorica. Produkcija Raziskovalni center za humanistiko, Univerza v Novi Gorici in projekt EDUKA2, Program sodelovanja Interreg V-A Italija-Slovenija s sredstvi Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj, vodilni partner: Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut iz Trsta - SLORI.)
Keywords: povečana resničnost, izobražavanje, projekt EDUKA2, literarne pešpoti, literature na stičišču, Trst, Gorica, Devin
Published in RUNG: 13.12.2019; Views: 3534; Downloads: 0
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Augmented Reality and Chronotopicality : Literary Itineraries in Gorizia, Trieste and Duino
Narvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: The reality-virtuality continuum (Paul Milgram et al., 1994) establishes a foundational mixed reality as a spectrum of intermediate options. The ICT based databases are increasingly superimposed on and integrated in our life-world. The new media art – and contemporary media in general – can be seen through two points of view: the technical aspect where the reality is supplemented by (3-D, networked) computerbased data. Secondly, the augmented reality can be construed as a real superimposition of different realities, that is foregrounded using Mikhail Bakhtin’s notion of chronotopicality. The MAST symposium (18. & 19.11.2019, ex-Daimond (xD), Nova Gorica, Slovenia), Pixxelpoint 2019.
Keywords: augmented reality, literary history, literatures in contact, EDUKA2
Published in RUNG: 18.11.2019; Views: 3623; Downloads: 0
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