1. // Crypto-Minding: postindustrijski podatkovni aktivizem : PostMobilnost; GO!2025 Evropska prestolnica kultureMarina Zafiris, Christopher Csikszentmihalyi, exhibition Abstract: // Stoletje obsedene industrializacije nam je širom zemeljske oble zapustilo obilico poceni energije, zemljišč in infrastrukture. Naraščajoči val »kripto-podjetnikov« spreminja odpisane industrijske prostore v objekte za »kripto rudarjenje«, neskončne algoritme poganjajo fosilna goriva in pri tem ustvarjajo vprašljivo vrednost. Razstava prikaže različne računalniške tehnike za sodelovanje in skrb v prizadeti skupnosti ter okolici elektrarne Greenidge Bitcoin Mining na jezeru Seneca v zvezni državi New York, ZDA. Predstavljene bodo umetniško-aktivistične intervencije v javno mnenje in taktike protinadzora, ter problematika toplotnega onesnaževanja voda. Gre za preizpraševanje proizvodnje javno dostopnega znanja in soustvarjanje računalniško podprtih orodjarn za radikalno družbeno organiziranje in politično komunikacijo. / Ob otvoritvi razstave postrežemo s pašteto soške postrvi spodnjega toka.
// Tradicionalne, rodovne in današnje dežele ljudstva Gayogohó:nǫˀ iz konfederacije Haudenosaunee [ZDA]
// Avtorji:
Marina Zafiris
Owen Marshall
Steve Jackson
Joseph Ferdinando
Christopher Csikszentmihalyi
Emma Chase
Jordan Aceto
// Zahvala Čuvaju jezera Seneca in Centru za trajnost Cornell Atkinson Keywords: artivizem, skupnost, art+sci, kriptokapitalizem, kripto, ekologija, ekokritika Published in RUNG: 27.10.2023; Views: 2556; Downloads: 11
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2. Progressive pedagogies for innovation among art, science and technology : the case of mastmodule.euPeter Purg, N. Castillo-Rutz, Sergi Bermúdez i Badia, C. Csíkszentmihályi, Jurij V. Krpan, F. Hedeer, D. L. Sousa, Klemen Širok, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Even if aiming at technical innovation, an interdisciplinary curriculum can and should include social
values. The Master Module in Art, Science and Technology project attempted to do so by developing
the innovation catalyst profile, a graduate who critically reflects on the creation process by combining
art thinking and design thinking. Within a pilot of the MAST module students from three universities
responded to timely challenges such as ‘The Future of Work’ and ‘Solidarity,’ through which the project
staff tested progressive pedagogical solutions like cross-disciplinary mentoring and situated knowledge
sharing. Introducing European social values in both artistic and technical education, the article presents
models, experiments and inspirations discussed against discursive analysis and course evaluation data.
In order to support not only inclusive but also sustainable teaching and learning approaches, novel
methods and tools may become daringly innovative as well as critical of both their pedagogical and
the wider social setting. Keywords: art thinking, curriculum design, social values, innovation catalyst, design thinking Published in RUNG: 27.06.2022; Views: 3224; Downloads: 30
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3. Innovation on European and social terms for a solidarity among disciplines2020, radio or television broadcast, podcast, interview, press conference Keywords: innovation, solidarity, future of work, art thinking, Social Europe, workers rights, responsibility, interdisciplinary Published in RUNG: 25.11.2020; Views: 3453; Downloads: 28
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