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Mogućnosti proizvodnje biovodika iz otpadne hrane
Romana Marinšek-Logar, Maša Vodovnik, Petra Muri, Gregor Drago Zupančič, Mario Panjicko, 2019, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: otpadna hrana, biovodik, anaerobna mikrobna razgradnja
Published in RUNG: 04.03.2020; Views: 4155; Downloads: 0
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Biogas production from brewery spent grain as a mono-substrate in a two-stage process composed of solid-state anaerobic digestion and granular biomass reactors
Mario Panjicko, Gregor Drago Zupančič, Romana Marinšek-Logar, Lijana Fanedl, Marina Tišma, Bruno Zelić, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Anaerobic digestion of brewery spent grain as a mono-substrate was studied. Brewery spent grain is a substrate consisting largely of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, which are difficult to degrade anaerobically, mostly due to the presence of degradation products, such as phenolic compounds, which cause process inhibition. Therefore, a two-stage system was used for anaerobic digestion. Anaerobic digestion was phase separated in a solid-state anaerobic digestion reactor, where microbiological hydrolysis and acidogenesis occurred and in a granular biomass reactor where mostly methanogenesis was performed. The overall process exhibited total solids degradation efficiency between 75.9 and 83.0 %. Average specific biogas production was 414±32 L/kg, whereas biomethane production was 224±34 L/kg of added total solids. Granular biomass after adaptation exhibited stable operation at substrate C/N ratios in range 0.16 – 4.68. p-cresol was present in concentrations up to 45 mg/L and during the process was successfully degraded by granular biomass. The excellent adaptability of granular biomass was confirmed by 68.2 % shift in bacterial and a 31.8 % shift in archaeal community structure in a granular biomass reactor. The structure of the bacterial community from granular biomass reactor and solid-state anaerobic digestion reactor remained 79.4 % similar at the end of the experiment, whereas archaeal community was only 31.6 % similar. The process exhibited stable operation for 198 days, which shows that brewery spent grain can be successfully anaerobically digested and used for biogas production.
Keywords: biogas production, brewery spent grain, C/N ratio, dry digestion, microbial biomass, solid-state anaerobic digestion
Published in RUNG: 18.08.2017; Views: 5429; Downloads: 0
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Anaerobic digestion of brewery spent grain as a mono-substrate in a two-stage anaerobic digestion using solid-state digestion reactor and granulated biomass reactor
Mario Panjicko, Gregor Drago Zupančič, Romana Marinšek Logar, Marina Tišma, Bruno Zelić, 2016, published scientific conference contribution (invited lecture)

Abstract: Anaerobic digestion of brewery spent grain as a mono-substrate was studied. Anaerobic digestion was phase separated in solid state anaerobic digestion reactor, where mostly microbiological hydrolysis and acidogenesis and granular biomass reactor where mostly methanogenesis was performed. The overall process exhibited total solids degradation efficiency between 73.6 and 80.4%. Average specific biogas production was 424±36 L/kg, whereas biomethane production was 230±34 L/kg of brewery spent grain total solids. Granular biomass after adaptation exhibited stabile operation at C-N ratios as low as 0.2 – 0.3, which is rare in anaerobic digestion. P-cresol as a degradation product was present in concentrations up to 45 mg/L and during the process successfully degraded. The excellent adaptability of the granular biomass is confirmed by 67% shift in bacterial and a 32% shift in archaeal community structure in granular biomass reactor after 198 days of successful operation.
Keywords: Anaerobic digestion, biogas production, brewery spent grain, microbial biomass, p-cresol degradation, solid state anaerobic digestion
Published in RUNG: 21.10.2016; Views: 7341; Downloads: 0
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Biogas production from brewery yeast in an EGSB reactor
Gregor Drago Zupančič, Milenko Roš, Miran Klemenčič, Matej Oset, Romana Marinšek-Logar, 2016, professional article

Abstract: Experience over a five-year period of full throughput using anaerobic co-digestion of brewery yeast for biogas production is described in this contribution. The brewery, with a total amount of available yeast (0.7 v/v %), had a 26.2 % increase in COD load and a 38.5 % increase in biogas production resulting in an increase in the biomethane/natural gas substitution ratio in the brewery from 10 % to 16 %.
Keywords: Anaerobic digestion, biogas production, brewery yeast, brewery wastewater, EGSB
Published in RUNG: 21.04.2016; Views: 7685; Downloads: 0
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Biogaserzeugung aus Brauereihefe in einem EGSB-Reaktor
Gregor Drago Zupančič, Milenko Roš, Romana Marinšek Logar, Miran Klemečič, Matej Oset, 2015, professional article

Abstract: Im vorliegenden Beitrag soll die fünfjährige Erfahrung mit der Co-Vergärung von Brauereihefe für die Erzeugung von Biogas im industriellen Maßstab vorgestellt werden. Der Betrieb mit den gesamten, in der Brauerei anfallenden Heferückständen (0,7 Vol.-%) brachte eine Steigerung der CSB-Fracht von 26,2 Prozent und der Biogaserzeugung von 38,5 Prozent. Infolgedessen erhöhte sich die substitutionsquote Biomethan/Erdgas in der Brauerei von 10 auf 16 Prozent.
Keywords: Brauereihefe, Biomethan, Erdgas, Co-Vergärung
Published in RUNG: 29.03.2016; Views: 6136; Downloads: 0
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