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Looking for Cognitive Foundations of Functional Sequences
Franc Marušič, Petra Mišmaš, Rok Žaucer, 2019, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: With the multiplication of various functional projections, syntactic structures became very complex entities. Approaches like Cartography (e.g. Cinque and Rizzi 2008) went one step further than most other approaches, proposing that each sentence comprises of a number of universal, strictly ordered functional projections. In the noun phrase, the strictly ordered functional projections are said to be responsible not only for the relative order of numerals, demonstratives and nouns (cf. Cinque 2005), but also for the universal order of various types of adjectives (cf. Hetzron 1978; Sproat and Shih 1991; Cinque 1994; Scott 2002, etc.). Cinque and Rizzi (2008) discuss possible origins of the many hierarchies of functional projections and suggest that they might derive from general cognition. If cognition and its restrictions are behind the hierarchy of functional projections, then the order of projections hosting adjectives should be reflected in various non-linguistic cognitive processes. We designed several experiments to test this hypothesis. Our experiments did not confirm our hypothesis; but as we have also identified problems in the design of our experiments, our results do not warrant a clear rejection of the hypothesis either.
Keywords: noun phrase, adjective ordering restrictions, functional hierarchy, experimental syntax, cognitive foundations of syntax
Published in RUNG: 22.11.2019; Views: 2953; Downloads: 0
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DPs, IPs and (multiple) wh-fronting
Petra Mišmaš, 2019, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: wh-fronting, wh-phrase, nominal domain, clause, Slovenian
Published in RUNG: 05.11.2019; Views: 2672; Downloads: 0
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Tvorbeno jezikoslovje o slovenščini
Franc Marušič, Petra Mišmaš, Rok Žaucer, other performed works

Abstract: Tvorbeno jezikoslovje je nastalo v petdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja in se hitro razširilo po Severni Ameriki in drugod po svetu. Spodbudilo je tudi nastanek številnih variacij osnovne ideje ter tudi tako pripomoglo k prepoznavnosti splošnega jezikoslovja. V Sloveniji je bilo tvorbeno jezikoslovje dolgo časa obrobno, četudi smo imeli s tvorbenim jezikoslovje stik že vsaj od šestdesetih let. V zadnjih letih je število tvorbenih objav o slovenščini skokovito naraslo, zaradi česar se zdi primerno narediti pregled nekaj najodmevnejših objav, ki vključujejo slovenske podatke.
Keywords: jezikoslovje, tvorbeno jezikoslovje, slovenščina, skladnja, pregled
Published in RUNG: 04.11.2019; Views: 2669; Downloads: 0
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Potujoča jezikovna svetovalnica Fakultete za humanistiko (Nova Gorica)
Franc Marušič, Petra Mišmaš, Rok Žaucer, other performed works

Abstract: Potujoča jezikovna svetovalnica Fakultete za humanistiko je bila izvedena v okviru Tedna Univerze v Novi Gorici. Prvi del svetovalnice je bil izveden v sredo, 16. oktobra 2019, od 14.30 do 16.00 na Klubu goriških študentov v Novi Gorici (Trg Edvarda Kardelja 1, Nova Gorica). V dogodku, namenjenem predvsem dijakom, smo obiskovalcem odgovorili na vprašanja o jeziku in jim predstavili orodja, s katerimi si bodo v prihodnje pri podobnih vprašanjih lahko pomagali tudi sami. Svoja vprašanja so lahko obiskovalci posredovali tudi vnaprej, največ vprašanj pa je bilo namenjenih prevzemanju in pregibanju lastnih zemljepisnih imen.
Keywords: jezikoslovje, jezikovno svetovanje, slovenščina, pregibanje prevzemanje
Published in RUNG: 17.10.2019; Views: 3114; Downloads: 0
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Odvisnost koncentracije nanodelcev v zunanjem zraku od stabilnosti atmosfere
Anja Petra Bencek, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: Nanodelci v zraku škodljivo vplivajo na okolje in na človeka. Še posebej smo jim izpostavljeni v večjih mestih, kjer je njihov glavni izvor promet. Zato smo v zunanjem zraku v Ljubljani merili številčne koncentracije delcev (CN) velikosti 10 – 1083 nm z merilnikom 'Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer' proizvajalca Grimm Aerosol Technik, Nemčija, v vseh letnih časih v letu 2018. Delce smo razvrstili v dve skupini, PM0,1 in PM1,1, in spremljali njihovo odvisnost od stabilnosti atmosfere, ki smo jo določili na osnovi koncentracije radona (222Rn) v zraku. Pozimi in jeseni smo določili šest razredov stabilnosti (R1 – R6), spomladi in poleti pa pet (R1 – R5). Koncentracije delcev smo merili na Institutu "Jožef Stefan", podatke o gostoti prometa pa smo pridobili za Tržaško cesto, ki je oddaljena približno 200 m. Obdobja meritev so bila: (i) 30.12.2017 – 2.1.2018; 20. – 26.1.2018 pozimi, (ii) 12. – 18.4.2018 spomladi, (iii) 9. – 27.7.2018 poleti, in (iv) 5.9. – 6.11.2018 jeseni. Številčne koncentracije delcev so se običajno gibale v naslednjih območjih (v cm–3): (i) 2000 – 20000 PM0,1 in 1000 – 5000 PM1,1 pozimi, (ii) 5000 – 20000 PM0,1 in 1000 – 4000 PM1,1 spomladi, (iii) 1500 – 15000 PM0,1 in 1000 – 3000 PM1,1 poleti, in (iv) 5000 – 20000 PM0,1 in 3000 – 8000 PM1,1 jeseni. V splošnem je koncentracija PM0,1 višja za faktor 2 – 3 od koncentracije delcev PM1,1. Koncentracije delcev PM0,1 so odvisne predvsem od gostote prometa, med delovniki imamo dve izraziti konici, vezani na začetek in zaključek službe, med vikendi so koncentracije približno za polovico nižje. Skozi vse leto so njihove koncentracije v zunanjem zraku podobne, ker pa imajo krajši čas zadrževanja v ozračju, čez dan veliko bolj nihajo kot koncentracije PM1,1. Na koncentracije delcev PM1,1 vpliva promet v manjši meri, nekoliko višje koncentracije so pozimi, spomladi in jeseni, verjetno odraz kurilne sezone. Koncentracije delcev sledijo spremembam v stabilnosti atmosfere, praviloma se višajo z večanjem razreda stabilnosti. Najvišje koncentracije delcev PM1,1 so v razredu R6, to je v času dolgotrajne temperaturne inverzije. Koncentracije delcev PM0,1 se manj ujemajo z razredi stabilnosti.
Keywords: Nanodelec, PM1, 1 in PM0, 1, radon, stabilnost atmosfere, kontinuirna meritev, letni čas, Ljubljana
Published in RUNG: 14.10.2019; Views: 4304; Downloads: 142
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Prevzeto izrazje s področja popularnih glasbenih zvrsti in njegova slovarska obravnava
Petra Kovač, 2019, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomska naloga obravnava problematiko pisanja prevzetega besedja v slovenskem jeziku. V uvodnem delu se bom najprej posvetila obravnavi problematike prevzemanja besed, načinu prevzemanja v slovenski jezikovni sistem in predstavila tudi historični vidik prevzemanja slovenskih prevzetih besed in besednih zvez. Osrednji del diplomskega dela bo osredotočen na besedje s področja glasbe, zlasti prevzemanje izrazov, povezanih s popularno glasbo. V svojem delu želim ugotoviti, v kateri obliki se posamezni izrazi dejansko uporabljajo, v nepodomačeni ali podomačeni, pri čemer lahko soobstaja več podomačenih različic. S pomočjo korpusa Gigafida bom naredila analizo, s katero bo ugotovljeno, v kolikšni meri jezikovni uporabniki upoštevajo določila normativnih priročnikov glede pisanja prevzetih besed oziroma nasprotno, ali ta pravopisna določila sledijo rabi, ki jo uveljavljajo jezikovni uporabniki. Cilj diplomskega dela je prikazati glavne jezikovne zadrege uporabnikov slovenskega jezika pri zapisovanju besed s področja glasbe, ki smo jih v slovenski jezik prevzeli iz drugih jezikov, in ta opažanja tudi pojasniti.
Keywords: Podomačevanje, prevzete besede, glasbene zvrsti
Published in RUNG: 26.09.2019; Views: 3370; Downloads: 141
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√ov is in the air: The extreme multifunctionality of the Slovenian affix -ov-
Marko Simonović, Petra Mišmaš, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: Slovenian, Distributed Morphology, Morphology, allomorphy, adjectives, declension, root, affix
Published in RUNG: 28.06.2019; Views: 3278; Downloads: 0
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Influence of composition and size of the soft and the hard magnetic phase on magnetic properties of ferrite based hybrid magnets
Petra Jenuš, Kocjan Andraž, C. Sangregorio, M. Petrecca, Blaž Belec, Cesar de Julian Fernandez, 2019, published scientific conference contribution abstract (invited lecture)

Keywords: ferrites, magnets, hybrids
Published in RUNG: 05.06.2019; Views: 3437; Downloads: 0
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Magnetic anisotropy of strontium ferrite nanoparticles
Cesar de Julian Fernandez, D. Mishra, M. Cabassi, M. Petrecca, M. Albino, M. Suara-Muzquiz, Petra Jenuš, A. Quesada, T. Schliesch, Blaž Belec, C. Sangregorio, F. Albertini, 2019, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: hexaferrite, nanoparticles, magnetic anisotropy, SPD
Published in RUNG: 04.06.2019; Views: 3544; Downloads: 0
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Searching for the basis of the hierarchy of adjectives
Petra Mišmaš, invited lecture at foreign university

Abstract: The talk focuses on several experiments which were conducted during the ongoing project Probing the cognitive basis of the cartographic hierarchy of functional projections in the noun phrase (J6-7282, financed by the Slovenian Research Agency and conducted at the University of Nova Gorica) and which were intended to establish whether cognition can be taken as a source of the universal hierarchy of functional projections in the noun phrase. The experiments are largely based on the findings of the cartographic approach to syntax, see for example Cinque & Rizzi (2008) for an overview. Specifically, we observe the functional hierarchy of projections which host attributive adjectives in the noun phrase. Under cartography, the existence of such a hierarchy is responsible for the strict word order of adjectives which seems to be, just like the hierarchy itself, universal (see for example Hetzron 1978, Sproat and Shih 1991, etc.). Put differently, the order of adjectives is universal because adjectives are hosted by functional projections which appear in a universal hierarchy (Cinque 1994, Scott 2002). And while much of the cartographic work tries to answer (i) how many functional projections there are and (ii) in which order they come, we focus on the source of the hierarchy of functional projections. Different sources have been suggested in the past, with some authors arguing that the order of adjectives is a consequence of Universal Grammar (Scott 2002), however, we investigate general cognition as a possible source of the universal hierarchy of functional projections, as proposed by Cinque & Rizzi (2008) and Ramchand & Svenonius (2014). To test the hypothesis that the universal hierarchy is dictated by general-cognition restrictions we have created tasks to observe whether the order of projections, which host adjectives, is reflected in various non-linguistic cognitive processes. If a bias is detected, it could be taken as indication that universal hierarchies of functional projections are based on properties of general cognition. To address this prediction, we only consider three types of properties: size, shape and color. These are encoded in adjectives for size, shape and color (for example, adjective red is related to the property of being red) which universally come in the order size > shape > color. Specifically, we expect to find a larger bias towards color, followed by shape and finally by size. This prediction was tested with two different tasks performed by adult subjects and with a sorting task which was tested with the help of subjects aged 18 to 36 months.
Keywords: adjectives, cartography, functional hierarchy, cognition
Published in RUNG: 15.05.2019; Views: 3125; Downloads: 0
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