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Cycle fragments : diploma thesis
Tamara Taskova, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Installation art is a form of expression that revolves around the viewer’s experience. The thesis deals with the representation of menstruation in art, art installation, and mainstream media. While art installations can deal with menstruation in different ways, from evoking personal emotions to offering escapism, mainstream media tends to represent only one and thus helps to shape collective experiences. This distinction is reflected in how mainstream media often perpetuates the stigmatization of menstruation and maintains the status quo. These observations are presented through the conceptual development of the installation Cycle Fragments. Through the example of my own work, I will explore the ways of thinking while creating an abstract piece in three-dimensional space. This thesis provides insight into the chronological growth of a piece with the purpose of most honestly and successfully explaining to the public how very different and unique experience, menstruation can be.
Keywords: installation art, menstruation, aesthetic experience, body awareness, diploma thesis
Published in RUNG: 22.10.2024; Views: 580; Downloads: 7
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The thread : master's thesis
Anastasija Kojić, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: This thesis explores combination and intersection of activism and art through creative project that addresses issues of gender-based violence, precisely verbal abuse. The project was done in several phases, beginning with photography. Selection and photographing model, followed up by participating in the exhibition where women and girls wrote answers to main question on printed photographs. To gain a broader perspective, three focus groups with participants of different ages were held, additionally more insights were obtained by online conversations with selected participants. Inspired by the work of Chiharu Shiota, a red thread is used in the embroidery of photographic canvases, symbolizing resilience and reclaiming identity. Final installation was displayed in a way to encourage visitors to interact with embroidered canvass. This thesis advocates the idea that art can serve as a powerful vehicle for social commentary and healing, creating a platform for voices and encouraging dialogue on key social issues.
Keywords: art, activism, gender based violence, artistic research, feminist art, embroidery, photography
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2024; Views: 671; Downloads: 3
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Can you feel it : exploration of anxiety through artistic practices
Tamara Kostrevc, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: Anxiety is described in psychiatry as a mental disorder that manifests itself in an unpleasant state of excitement, tension due to a sense of threat, fear without a real external reason. This short definition does not cover its many forms. Given that anxiety is present all over the world, and that almost everyone experiences it nowadays, it would be necessary and important to talk more about it. Can You Feel It is an installation that visually and sonically illustrates the levels of anxiety and encompasses both the mental and physical changes an individual experiences. It illustrates the battle with this psychological condition through the artistic practice of an interactive audiovisual installation.
Keywords: anxiety, interactive installation, sound elements, visuals, pulse sensor
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2024; Views: 610; Downloads: 6
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Temna slika : Podoba, zgubljena v temi
Rawan F. A. Alhourani, 2018, master's thesis

Abstract: Motivacija za to magistrsko delo je bilo avtoričino iskanje podobe; prav določene podobe, izgubljene v najglobljih predelih našega uma. Iskanje podobe, ki je nikoli nismo videli ali doživeli; podobe, ki je še nihče nikoli ni videl, ter ob tem izzvati čutila in človeško naravo v danem trenutku. Namen dela je iskati odgovore in si zastaviti vprašanja o tem, kako zelo ljudje zaupajo svojim čutom, ter se spraševati o njihovi zmožnosti, da spremenijo svoje vedenje in svoje rutine. Opazovati, ali si za nekaj sekund drznejo ugasniti luč in s tem pridobijo sposobnost, da vidijo na drugačen način. Ne preseneča dejstvo, da se ljudje močno zanašajo na svoj vid, zaradi česar preostala čutila postanejo nekako manj pomembna in zanesljiva. To delo z naslovom "Temna podoba – podoba, ki smo jo izgubili v temi", raziskuje moč podobe pri manipulaciji množice in vlogo medijev pri nadzoru in pranju možganov pripadnikom nove generacije. V magistrskem delu avtorica najprej predstavi projekte "Kumra 1", "Kumra 2" in "Kaj vidiš v temi?" – poskuse, izvedene v prvem in drugem letu raziskovanja, skozi katere predstavi analizo in opazovanje svojih eksperimentov. Ti predstavljajo začetek raziskovanja čutil v popolni temi, ki je nato pripeljalo do "Sestavljanke", praktičnega dela te naloge, ki se sprašuje o medijski manipulaciji z uporabo podobe.
Keywords: temna, nejasna, mračna, brez svetlobe, grozljiva, grozna, žalostna, zlobna, pomanjkanje svetlobe, slepa, globlje v odtenkih, ne svetla, skrita, skrivnostna, skrivnostna, brez moralne ali duhovne svetlobe, maligni, temničas, negativni, pesimistični, neprosvetljeni, temačnost, črnina, neznani, medijski nadzor, temna slika, družabni mediji, medijska manipulacija, propaganda, stereotip, pranje možganov
Published in RUNG: 10.12.2018; Views: 5629; Downloads: 204
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An Artist Abroad : The influence of a change in surroundings on artistic creativity
Valerija Zabret, 2016, master's thesis

Abstract: The motivation for this thesis was author’s experience as a traveling artists and questioning how experiences abroad influenced her artistic evolution. Nowadays, in the years of globalization and cross-border collaborations, it has become very common for artists to make international connections in order to seek inspiration, funds, connections, exhibition spaces, platforms on which to show their work, studios, workshops, and to establish an international career. The idea of this thesis is to explore the phenomena of traveling artists through literature and analysis of the author’s personal experience and development as an artist in order to identify whether travel is a good practice that should be advised for emerging (or established) artists in order to evolve in their careers. This thesis, “The Influence of a Change in Surroundings on Artistic Creativity,” questions how traveling influences artists and their creativity. It offers a historically overview of the subject and presents contemporary ways and opportunities for artists to travel and work in international environments. In the second part of this thesis, the author presents poetical videos, the “An Artist Abroad – Video Poetry Series,” which were made during the research and through which the author expresses her feelings and observation of her new surroundings. Very personal and poetic work shows the progress and development in the author’s artistic practice, and it shows how new surroundings influenced her creative and production processes.
Keywords: art, artist, artist abroad, artist residency, traveling artist, mobility, surroundings, change, creativity, influence, production, culture, global, contemporary art, video, poetry, series
Published in RUNG: 25.02.2016; Views: 7995; Downloads: 168
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Vloga režiserja v video instalaciji : diplomsko delo
Valérie Wolf Gang, 2013, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: diplomske naloge, video instalacije, video umetnost, videast, videoumetnik
Published in RUNG: 19.02.2015; Views: 7121; Downloads: 432
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Film in videoumetnost
Polona Zupan, 2010, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: diplomske naloge, video, film, umetnost, gibljive slike, instalacije, performans
Published in RUNG: 15.10.2013; Views: 7166; Downloads: 256
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Paradigmi ženstvenosti
Alenka Černe, 2012, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: diplomske naloge, film, fotografija, ženske, erotizem, stereotipi, simbolizem
Published in RUNG: 15.10.2013; Views: 8157; Downloads: 440
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