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* old and bologna study programme


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Exploring the production of verbal irony and prosodic contours in native and second language speakers of Italian and English
Alessandra Zappoli, Sara Andreetta, Cinzia Avesani, Greta Mazzaggio, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: irony, prosody, second language
Published in RUNG: 25.09.2023; Views: 2115; Downloads: 6
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Theme-vowel class indeterminacy and root allomorphy in Slovenian
Marko Simonović, Petra Mišmaš, 2023, original scientific article

Keywords: theme vowels, root allomorphy, prosody, Slovenian, distributed morphology, optimality theory
Published in RUNG: 17.02.2023; Views: 2287; Downloads: 7
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Prosody and discourse structure in native and second language : hands on research using PRAAT
Alessandra Zappoli, 2022, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: This course focuses on the interplay between the speech sciences and the cognitive sciences, addressing the processing and acquisition of prosodic contours in Second Language (L2) Learning. We will introduce the theoretical framework of Autosegmental Metric Theory of Intonation and ToBI annotation, and we will cover the key notions of signal processing and speech analysis with a hands-on-research practical session, adopting the open-source software PRAAT. Furthermore, we will present studies targeting the cross-linguistic production of prosodic contours, focusing on the production of native speakers and L2 learners. Finally, we will address the behavioral and neurophysiological cognitive studies on the auditory processing of prosodic contours, targeting native speakers and L2 learners, and targeting the linguistic and paralinguistic function of pitch in speech. It is suggested to have a laptop and headphones, and to download the software PRAAT at one of the following links: windows: macintosh: linux:
Keywords: speech, cognitive sciences, PRAAT, prosody, second language acquisition, autosegmental metric theory of intonation, hands-on research, multilingualism
Published in RUNG: 30.08.2022; Views: 2320; Downloads: 9
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All’interfaccia tra prosodia e struttura informativa : la realizzazione prosodica dell’informazione data in tedesco e in italiano L2
Cinzia Avesani, Giuliano Bocci, Mario Vayra, Alessandra Zappoli, 2013, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Germanic and Romance languages differ in the way they assign prosodic prominence within the domain of the utterance in the discourse structure. Italian relies on the hierarchical phonological structure and assigns the prosodic prominence to the metrical head on the right. On the other hand, German assigns prominence combining both the phonological structure and the pragmatic information, considering the degree of activation of a specific referent. Referents that have not been previously mentioned introduce New information in the discourse. New information is marked with prominent pitch patterns. On the contrary, referents that have been already mentioned are cognitively activated in the mind of the hearer and they represent Given information. Given information has been proven to be most frequently deaccented in Germanic languages. In this study, we show that native speakers of Italian, Second Language learners of German, show to have difficulties in the acquisition of the Deaccentuation pattern, and are affected by prosodic transfer from their L1. The L1 prosodic system not being sensitive to the pragmatic cues can assign prominence on a metrical head even if the referent is Given within Discourse. On the contrary, we show that native speakers of German, learning Italian as a second language show to acquire more easily the prosodic pattern of Italian.
Keywords: Pitch Accents, Prosody, L2 acquisition, Transfer, Given Information, Deaccenting, German, Italian
Published in RUNG: 12.01.2022; Views: 2733; Downloads: 0
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Prosody and information status in Italian and German L2 intonation
Cinzia Avesani, Giuliano Bocci, Mario Vayra, 2015, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: In this work, we address the systemic difference in the prosodic strategies of accentuation at the utterance level of Italian and German, belonging respectively to Romance and Germanic languages. In particular, we address the Interlanguage properties of the speech produced by adult Second Language Learners of the two languages analyzing their production in semi-spontaneous elicitation contexts. We focus on the acquisition of the interplay of phonological and discourse structure occurring in German causing Given Information to be prosodically deaccented, because already cognitively activated in the mind of the interlocutor. The Deaccentuation contour is prosodically realized as a flat low pitch contour and is pragmatically assigned in Germanic languages to a non-focused element, even in positions that metrically would require the positioning of a Nuclear Pitch Accent. This strategy is not reported in Italian, causing referents that align to the position of the prosodic metrical head to be standardly pitch-accented. Deaccentuation, is hard to acquire and subject to prosodic transfer when produced by L2 learners native speakers of Italian, especially when aligning with the metrical head requiring accentuation. Italian L2 speakers of German show to accent Given referents because adopting the Italian accentuation strategy, while German L2 speakers of Italian seem to accommodate more easily the accentuation pattern in L2. We provide a possible explanation in light of the Differential Markedness Hypothesis that considers the number of parameters to be acquired by the L2 speakers.
Keywords: pitch accents, deaccentuation, German, Italian, discourse structure, L2 acquisition, prosody
Published in RUNG: 14.12.2021; Views: 2822; Downloads: 0
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The mapping between prosody and information structure in German and in Italian L2 learners : who tranfers what?
Cinzia Avesani, Giuliano Bocci, Mario Vayra, Alessandra Zappoli, 2013, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: prosody, information status, german, italian, L2 acquisition, Deaccentuation
Published in RUNG: 14.12.2021; Views: 2524; Downloads: 41
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Investigating L2 Prosody Perception
Alessandra Zappoli, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: Prosody Perception
Published in RUNG: 14.12.2021; Views: 2337; Downloads: 0
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Learning a new intonation pattern also means learning how to use it
Alessandra Zappoli, Francesco Vespignani, Stefan Bauman, Martine Grice, Petra Schumacher, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: Intonation, perception, EEG, N400, Late Positivity, L2 acquisition prosody, German
Published in RUNG: 14.12.2021; Views: 2727; Downloads: 0
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Prosodic marking of information status in L2 intonation
Cinzia Avesani, Giuliano Bocci, Mario Vayra, Alessandra Zappoli, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: Prosody, Information Status, L2 intonation, Deaccentuation, German, Italian, L2 Acquisition
Published in RUNG: 14.12.2021; Views: 2574; Downloads: 0
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