1. Initial oxidation of low index Mg surfaces investigated by SCLS and DFTZhe Xing, Mattia Fanetti, Sandra Gardonio, Elsebeth Schröder, Dmytro Orlov, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: oxidation mechanism, surface core level shift, density functional theory, surface reconstruction, magnesium oxidation Published in RUNG: 25.07.2024; Views: 1236; Downloads: 5
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2. Enhancing the mechanical properties of biodegradable Mg alloys processed by warm HPT and thermal treatmentsAndrea Mizelli-Ojdanic, Jelena Horky, Bernhard Mingler, Mattia Fanetti, Sandra Gardonio, Matjaž Valant, Bartosz Sulkowski, Erhard Schafler, Dmytro Orlov, Michael J. Zehetbauer, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: severe plastic deformation, SPD, precipitates, vacancy agglomerates, magnesium alloys, biodegradability Published in RUNG: 03.12.2021; Views: 2615; Downloads: 45
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4. Role of Cu current collector on electrochemical mechanism of Mg–S batteryAna Robba, Maja Mežnar, Alen Vižintin, Jan Bitenc, Jernej Bobnar, Iztok Arčon, Anna Randon-Vitanova, Robert Dominko, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Development of magnesium sulfur battery is accompanied with all known difficulties present in Li–S batteries,
however with even more limited choice of electrolytes. In the present work, the influence of current collector on
electrochemical mechanism was investigated in light of different reports where improved behavior was ascribed
to electrolyte. Notable differences in cycling behavior are reported when Al current collector is replaced by Cu
current collector independent of electrolyte. The initial reduction of sulfur follows similar reaction path no mater
of current collector, but formation of MgS can be in competition with formation of CuS in the presence of Cu
cations. With the subsequent cycling cells prepared from cathodes deposited on Cu current collector show
decrease in the voltage and formation of single plateau during cycling. The change corresponds to the
involvement of Cu into the reaction and formation of redox couple Mg/CuS as determined by Cu K-edge XANES
measurements. Corrosion of Cu foil is identified by SEM and serves as a source of Cu cations for the chemical
reaction between Cu and polysulfides. Mg/CuS redox couple shows improved cycling stability, but theoretical
energy density is severely reduced due to substitution of S with CuS as cathode active material. Keywords: Magnesium
Rechargeable batteries
Current collector
Corrosion Published in RUNG: 16.01.2020; Views: 3926; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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7. A Mechanistic Study of Magnesium Sulfur BatteriesAna Robba, Alen Vižintin, Jan Bitenc, Gregor Mali, Iztok Arčon, Matjaž Kavčič, Matjaž Žitnik, Klemen Bučar, Giuliana Aquilanti, Charlotte Martineau-Corcos, Anna Randon-Vitanova, Robert Dominko, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: Magnesium sulfur batteries are considered as attractive energy storage devices due to the
abundance of electrochemically active materials and high theoretical energy density. Here we
report the mechanism of a Mg-S battery operation, which was studied in the presence of
simple and commercially available salts dissolved in a mixture of glymes. The electrolyte
offers high sulfur conversion into MgS in the first discharge with low polarization. The
electrochemical conversion of sulfur with magnesium proceeds through two well-defined
plateaus, which correspond to the equilibrium between sulfur and polysulfides (high-voltage
plateau) and polysulfides and MgS (low-voltage plateau). As shown by XANES, RIXS and
NMR studies, the end discharge phase involves MgS with Mg atoms in a tetrahedral
environment resembling the wurtzite structure, while chemically synthesized MgS crystalizes
in the rock-salt structure with octahedral coordination of magnesium. Keywords: magnesium, sulfur, rechargeable batteries, XAS, NMR Published in RUNG: 19.10.2017; Views: 5535; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
8. Atomic-level mechanisms of magnesium oxidationSandra Gardonio, Mattia Fanetti, Matjaž Valant, Dmytro Orlov, 2016, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: Magnesium has been recently becoming an increasingly popular material for various applications. However, excessive chemical reactivity, and oxidation rate in particular, is a major obstruction on the way of Mg to become widely adopted. A significant problem causing the lack of Mg reactivity control is insufficient understanding of mechanisms involved in the oxidation of magnesium surface. Herewith we present the investigation of atomic-level mechanisms of oxidation initiation and propagation in pure Mg. Namely, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy at synchrotron Elettra was used as a surface sensitive direct method to determine the valence of Mg and O and the valence band states at the early stage of oxide formation over a principal, most densely packed, crystallographic plane (0001) in pure Mg. The mechanisms of oxygen adsorption on magnesium free surface followed by oxidation (i.e. initiation and kinetics of MgO formation) are clarified. Copyright © 2016 by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society. All rights reserved. Keywords: Magnesium, Oxidation, Synchrotron radiation, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Published in RUNG: 25.08.2017; Views: 6099; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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10. Particle evolution in Mg-Zn-Zr alloy processed by integrated extrusion and equal channel angular pressing : evaluation by electron microscopy and synchrotron small-angle X-ray scatteringDmytro Orlov, Kei Ameyama, Yuri Estrin, Daniele Pelliccia, Xiya Fang, Laure Bourgeois, Nigel Kirby, Andrei Y. Nikulin, 2014, original scientific article Keywords: magnesium, intermetallic particles, severe plastic deformation, small angle X-ray scattering Published in RUNG: 16.06.2016; Views: 6724; Downloads: 19
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