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* old and bologna study programme


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The atypical pattern of irony comprehension in autistic children
Francesca Panzeri, Greta Mazzaggio, Beatrice Giustolisi, Silvia Silleresi, Luca Surian, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Nonliteral language understanding has always been recognized as problematic in autistic individuals. We ran a study on 26 autistic children (mean age = 7.3 years) and 2 comparison groups of typically developing children, 1 matched for chronological age, and 1 of younger peers (mean age = 6.11 years) matched for linguistic abilities, aiming at assessing their understanding of ironic criticisms and compliments, and identifying the cognitive and linguistic factors that may underpin this ability. Autistic participants lagged behind the comparison groups in the comprehension of both types of irony, and their performance was related to mindreading and linguistic abilities. Significant correlations were found between first-order Theory of Mind (ToM) and both types of irony, between second-order ToM and ironic compliments, and between linguistic abilities and ironic criticisms. The autistic group displayed an interesting, and previously unattested in the literature, bimodal distribution: the great majority of them (n = 18) displayed a very poor performance in irony understanding, whereas some (n = 6) were at ceiling. We discuss these results in terms of two different profiles of autistic children.
Keywords: irony, autism spectrum disorder, experimental pragmatics, theory of mind, irony comprehension
Published in RUNG: 05.05.2022; Views: 2614; Downloads: 0
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Tanto per intenderci. Breve introduzione alla pragmatica sperimentale. : Book Presentation
Greta Mazzaggio, invited lecture at foreign university

Keywords: experimental pragmatics, pragmatics, commuication
Published in RUNG: 06.12.2021; Views: 2496; Downloads: 0
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Atypical patterns of irony comprehension in children with ASD.
Francesca Panzeri, Greta Mazzaggio, Beatrice Giustolisi, Silvia Silleresi, Luca Surian, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: irony, autism, pragmatics
Published in RUNG: 23.09.2021; Views: 2957; Downloads: 0
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Lexical and ad-hoc scales in autism spectrum disorder : lecture at 45° Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (IGG45), University of Padua, Italy, 22. Feb. 2019
Greta Mazzaggio, 2019, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: implicatures, pragmatics, computation
Published in RUNG: 23.09.2021; Views: 2406; Downloads: 0
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Some implicatures are easier : lecture at Workshop "Scalar Implicatures: Formal and Experimental Exploration", University of Siena, Italy, Jul. 12. 2018
Greta Mazzaggio, 2018, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: implicatures, pragmatics, quantifiers
Published in RUNG: 23.09.2021; Views: 2484; Downloads: 0
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Scalar vs Ad-Hoc implicatures : guess which one is easier
Greta Mazzaggio, 2018, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: scalar implicatures, ad-hoc implicatures, pragmatics
Published in RUNG: 23.09.2021; Views: 3359; Downloads: 0
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When a second language makes you more logical : scalar implicatures and second language oral processing
Greta Mazzaggio, 2017, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: L2, implicatures, experimental pragmatics
Published in RUNG: 23.09.2021; Views: 2583; Downloads: 0
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Reading Between the Lines: Conversational Implicature and their context of usage
Greta Mazzaggio, invited lecture at foreign university

Keywords: implicatures, pragmatics
Published in RUNG: 22.09.2021; Views: 2904; Downloads: 0
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Autism Spectrum Disorder and pragmatic comprehension
Greta Mazzaggio, invited lecture at foreign university

Keywords: autism, pragmatics
Published in RUNG: 22.09.2021; Views: 2610; Downloads: 0
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