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Peter Bohinec, 2016, master's thesis

Abstract: With the adjustment of the Slovenian legislation with the European one we have an obligation to increase the reuse and recycling target for municipal solid waste by up to 65% by 2030 and gradual limitation of the landfilling of municipal solid waste to 10% by 2030 (Directive 2008/98 on waste, 2015). This represents a major challenge for municipalities in Slovenia. This study contains a plan for establishing new waste treatment facility in the Municipality of XY. As all new constructions in Slovenia, the presented facility needs to provide all the environmental protective measures predicted by the legislation. Beside the legislation, it is also important to ensure that new waste treatment facilities will have a low or no effect on the environment. Based on the Environmental Protection Act and the Construction Act of Slovenia, measures to ensure long term monitoring of the waste treatment facility as a case study in the Municipality of XY are presented. Before constructing the new facility, the track of “baseline” – a one-year monitoring of the following environmental parameters was crucial: groundwater, air dust deposit, condition of the soil on the area where new facility will operate in the future. The thesis points out the importance of the so-called track “baseline” monitoring of environmental parameters before new waste treatment facility will operate. This will be the basis for the introduction of operating monitoring for the new waste treatment facility in the future. Data for the analysis of presence of pollutants were acquired from groundwater, air dust deposit, soil sampling and containment of chemical pollutants. The following methods of analysis were employed in the acquisition of laboratory results of specific physical and chemical parameters: ion chromatography, gas chromatography, spectrophotometry, titration, inductive coupled plasma – mass detector, measurement with an electrode. It was determined that in the period between 2011 and 2012, the groundwater samples taken from three drilled wells containing pollutants as for example in the P-2 well there were adsorbable organic halogens - AOX, boron and mineral oils found. The results of the dust deposit show increased value of lead and zinc. More concerning are analysis of the soil samples where the quantity of copper at the MM2 measuring point were 530mg/kg, on 20 April 2012 the present critical level was 300 mg/kg. At the same measuring point (MM2) on the same day, the value of zinc was 650 mg/kg and almost reached the critical level of 720 mg/kg. The levels of heavy metals as cadmium, copper, lead and zinc in the soil samples taken at the MM2 and MM3 measuring points were at the warning level. All the detected parameters were evaluated and present a good basis for future operational monitoring of the environment in the area of the new waste treatment facility in the future. This case study has shown that planned steps in the improvement of the waste management in the Municipality of XY are crucial to protect the environment. The analysis and interpretation present an important basis for planning and monitoring a new waste treatment facility which will help to improve our goals and reduce landfilling to 10% and increace recycling by up to 65% by 2030 as predicted by the Directive on waste (Directive 2008/98 on waste, 2015).
Keywords: odpadki, krožno gospodarjenje z odpadki, podtalnica, zemljine, prašni delci v zraku, spremljanje stanja okolja.
Published in RUNG: 20.07.2016; Views: 5743; Downloads: 319
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