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Title:Vpliv živega srebra na lizosome v celicah prebavnih žlez kopenskega enakonožca Parcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea)
Authors:ID Padovan, Ingrid (Author)
ID Drobne, Damjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 8966766A3D1AE0D79AEB12C3CFFDB194
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:Namen diplomskega dela je bil preveriti, ali lahko z metodo NRRT (Neutral red retention time) dokažemo vpliv živega srebra na stabilnost lizosomalne membrane v prebavnih lezah (hepatopankreas) izopodnih rakov (Porcellio scaber-Isopoda, Crustacea). Metoda temelji na ocenjevanju zadrževalnega časa nevtral rdečega v lizosomih. Izoliranim žlezam smo dodali barvilo nevtral rdeče in opazovali čas,pri katerem je prišlo do razlitja barvila iz lizosomov. Bolj kot so membrane lizosomov prizadete zaradi vpliva povišanih koncentracij kemikalij nanje, prej pride do razlitja barvila v citosol. Prirejeno metodo smo uporabili na prebavnih žlezah živali, ki so bile v laboratoriju izpostavljene bakru (Cu) in vitro - inkubacija v 50 in 100 I-Ig Cu/l za 1 uro in ivemu srebru (Hg) in viva 3- in 10-dnevni prehranjevalni poskusi, kjer so bile živali izpostavljene 5 in 50 I-Ig Hg/g suhe teže hrane. Poleg tega smo metodo uporabili na prebavnih žlezah P. scaber nabranih na različnih neonesnaženih (Maribor, Kobjeglava) in onesnaženih (Idrija, Velenje) lokacijah po Sloveniji. V vseh primerih pride pri živalih iz čistih okolij do destabilizacije lizosomov pozneje kakor pri Cu, Hg ali živalih, ki so izpostavljene kemikalijam v okolju. Metoda ne razlikuje med živalmi izpostavljenimi 5 I-Ig/g Hg in 50 1-19/g Hg. V primerjavi z ostalimi lokacijami so najbolj prizadete žleze živali iz Velenja. Živali iz Idrije so manj prizadete od tistih iz Velenja, vendar bolj kakor kontrolne živali, morda zaradi možnosti daljšega časovnega prilagajanja. Metoda NRRT se odlikuje po tem, da je hitro izvedljiva in enostavna ter zato tudi priporočljiva za izvajanje hitrega ugotavljanja kvarnih učinkov povišanih koncentracij živega srebra na nivoju lizosomov.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, živo srebro, lizosomi, nevtral rdeče, Porcellio scaber
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Publisher:I. Padovan
Year of publishing:2005
Number of pages:V, 41 str., [25] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-1093 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:427515 New window
Publication date in RUNG:15.10.2013
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Secondary language

Abstract:The purpose of the graduation thesis was to verify whether the method for estimation of the Iysosomal membrane stability NRRT (Neutral red retention time) can be used to demonstrate the effects of mercury on the Iysosomal membrane stability in the digestive glands (hepatopanchreas) of the isopod (Porcellio scaber - Isopoda, Crustacea). The method is based on the valuation of the neutral red retention time in Iysosomes. The neutral red was added to isolated glands and the time of depletion of the dye from Iysosomes was estimated. The more the membranes of Iysosomes are damaged by the increased concentrations of chemicals, earlier the dye flows out of them. The modified method was used on digestive glands of the animals exposed to cupper (Cu) in vitro in laboratory - incubation in 50 and 100 I-Ig Cu/l for 1 hour and mercury (Hg) in viva - 3 and 10 day nutrition experiments, where the animals were exposed to 5 and 50 I-Ig Hg/g dry food weight. Beside this, the method was also used on the digestive glands of P. scaber collected in different non-polluted (Maribor, Kobjeglava) and polluted (Idrija, Velenje) areas in Slovenia. The destabilization of Iysosomes of the animals from non-polluted areas happens each time later than that of the animals from polluted areas. The method does not show differences among the animals exposed to 5 and 50 I-Ig Hg/g dry food weight. The animals from Velenje are the most affected in comparison to those of the other areas. The animals from Idrija are less affected than the animals from Velenje but more than the, control animals. Thereason might be the possibility of longer adaptation. The method NRRT is easy and fast to carry out, and for this reason recommended for quick checking of the harmful effects of the elevated concentrations of mercury on the Iysosomes.
