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Title:Primerjalna analiza projekta poslovnih prostorov s stališča varčne rabe energije
Authors:ID Rijavec, Dominik (Author)
ID Šarler, Božidar (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 7A6E75B2155E9367930CD22848E95A08
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V diplomskem delu obravnavamo problematiko ogrevanja poslovnih prostorov. Vpra.ali smo se, na kaj moramo biti pozorni pri določitvi sistema ogrevanja in kaj vpliva na ekonomičnost le tega? Najprej smo definirali parametre ugodja, ki vplivajo na počutje v prostoru. To so: temperatura zraka, temperatura obodnih sten, relativna vla.nost zraka, gibanje zraka in kvaliteta zraka. To so parametri, katere moramo upo.tevati pri določitvi ogrevalnega sistema. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili elemente,ki so ključnega pomena pri centralnem ogrevanju; kotel, dimnik, cevno, regulacija, ekspanzijska posoda, črpalke in ogrevala. Pri tehničnem izračunu smo najprej definirali generični poslovni prostor velikosti 100 m2. Izračunali smo toplotne prehodnosti obodnih sten, definirali projektne temperature in na podlagi tega izračunali toplotne izgube za dva različna načina gradnje (manj in bolj izoliranega). Nato smo izračunali .tevilo radiatorskih ogreval pri radiatorskem sistemu ogrevanja in dol.ino cevi pri talnem sistemu ogrevanja. Na podlagi tega smo določili moč kotla in temperaturni ogrevanja. Nato smo se osredotočili na ekonomski vidik diplomske naloge. Najprej smo ovrednotili posameznih sistemov ogrevanja in vrednost izolacije pri dodatno izolirani izvedbi stavbe. Izračunali smo porabo goriva in stro.ek ogrevanja na kurilno sezono za dva različna energenta (ekstra lahko kurilno olje in drva) in dve izvedbi gradnje. Glede na manj.e ogrevanja pri izvedbi gradnje z bolj.o izolacijo, smo izračunali prihranek energije. Ali je smiselno investirati v dodatno izolacijo ali ne, smo se odločili po metodi interne stopnje prihranka. Na koncu smo analizirali vseh deset variant in določili najprimernej.o varianto ogrevanja za poslovni prostor. Glede na vrednost in ogrevanja je najbolj.a varianta tista, kjer imamo radiatorski visoko temperaturni ogrevalni sistem na trdno gorivo. Glede na funkcionalnost sistema, ugodje v prostoru in prihranek energije pa varianta, pri kateri imamo poslovni prostor dodatno izoliran in imamo nizko temperaturni ogrevalnisistem talnega ogrevanja z ekstra lahkim kurilnim oljem. S tem dose.emo najbolj.e ugodje v sistemu.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, poslovni prostori, ogrevanje, izolacija, centralno ogrevanje, talno ogrevanje, goriva, prihranek
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Publisher:D. Rijavec
Year of publishing:2006
Number of pages:XII, 43 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-119 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:479483 New window
Publication date in RUNG:15.10.2013
RIJAVEC, Dominik, 2006, Primerjalna analiza projekta poslovnih prostorov s stališča varčne rabe energije [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Nova Gorica : D. Rijavec. [Accessed 6 January 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Abstract:The present work focuses on the issues of heating business premises. The question was posed about what should be taken into account when determiningthe heating system and what influences its cost efficiency. First, the comfort parameters that influence the general well-being in the room were defined. These are: air temperature, wall temperature, relative air humidity, air movement and quality. These are the parameters that have to be taken into account when determining the heating system. When carrying out a technical calculation, the generic business premise of the size of 100 m2 was defined first. Heat conductance of the wallswas calculated and the project temperatures were defined. On the basis of this, heat losses for two different construction types (less and more insulated) were calculated. Afterwards, the number of segments used in the radiator heating system was established as well as the length of the pipes used in the under - floor heating system. Following this, the strength of the boiler and the temperature regime were determined. Further on, the elements of key importance in the central heating system werepresented: boiler, chimney, pipe network, regulation, expansion vessel, pumps and heating devices. Then the focus was placed on the cost effectiveness of the heating system. First, the evaluation of the investment in the specific heating systems and insulation of an extra insulated buildingwas carried out. The use of fuel and the costs of heating per one heating season for two different energy sources (extra light fuel oil and firewood) were determined for both construction types. Whether an investment in additional insulation is reasonable, was established by observing the internal level of savings. In conclusion all ten options of heating were analysed and the most suitable type for heating business premises was determined. Taking into account the value of the investment as well as the heating costs, the best type of heating is the high-temperature heating system using solid fuel. Considering the system functionality, room comfort and savings of energy, however, the best type of heating proves to be the one with an additionally insulated room and a low- temperature under - floor heating system using extra light fuel oil. The latter enables the best comfort within the system.